How will they rule ??!

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Conservatives who will not support Trump for their own personal political ambitions for POTUS are on notice. You will NEVER be electable by the general conservative electorate. Ill let the libs have it before I ever support a self serving, politically motivated dipish like John Kasich.
Somewhat off topic and I've cracked wise on it before, I just don't get what all these alleged Gary Johnson people want. For most, I guess it's just en vogue to say and few will actually do. "Cool" points? I don't know.

So you folks, all 192% of The Paddock, want physically conservative and social studies liberal.....would think that Trump would satisfy at least a few of your needs. Certainly more than HC. So social issues to you are abortion and gay any of you really think Trump is going to do dick smack about either? Conservative justices sure, but no one is touching either of those *ever* again. Evangelical he is not. It's about as "mute" a point in reality (maybe not rhetoric) as has been in recent times. True story.

I just don't get it. And I'm not talking about you, Willy, we go way back and I know you are sincere in your beliefs but good Christ the rest of you give up your little act. Gary Johnson literally could run as an R and be the nominee and you people would hate him and support Jary Gohnson, third party libertarian, like you are some nuanced thinker who doesn't want to be boxed in the party label.

Oh and the rest of you GJ "voters" will be voting for HC in the booth, guarandamnteed.
For true GJ supporters, I have to say your a low information voter..meaning you don't know what Libertarian is. And no real GJ supporter would ever consider voting for big government aka democrat. When GJ says he's fiscally conservative and socially liberal that's so people that don't understand policy (low info) will vote. He wants small government, yes, but his economic, international trade, and several other points are completely different than any candidate.
The biggest thing Libertarian isn't part of the establishment machine of both parties that waaaay overspend. I'm not even going to bother explaining more bc there's no point. I'm not out on Trump yet....I just want GJ to get into the debates so people can get a clue what a libertarian is.
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Ted Cruz is from another planet...or the zodiac killer. Jury is out.

The fact he didn't say shit of any substance while getting a clapping ovation is quite mind blowing..

I could've wrote that speech.

Shit. I'll see the momentum on the Lib. party, if it's looking better than 15%, I'll take Jary Gohnson. If Trump is trending, I'll vote Trump. That's how I'll do it.

But I do gotta say, Trump's son got dad's ugly gene.
Trump's oldest son is handsome but this younger one looks kind of like a shit sandwich face in a weasel sort of way. Like he bites with his nose.
Trump's decision to go heavily with his family is undeniably a great idea. As I said yesterday, this is the most beautiful family America has seen since the Kennedy clan. Trump knows marketing. Every mother and father in the country wants to raise children like these. Powerful imagery.
Ted Cruz is repugnant, but he's smart. Cruz knows Trump will almost certainly lose to HRC, and now he gets to go into 2020 claiming that he stood on the right side of things. Highly calculated move.
Re Cruz... Not sure calculating you will get booed off the stage in front of 10 million voters is a good idea.
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Haha, these people you're lionizing are only slightly less mediocre than you are.
I'm not lionizing anyone. I know politics. I know what I am seeing. If you don't understand the political might of Trump unleashing this family as one mighty political machine then you are blind. I guarantee you that at a minimum he has 2-3 future US Senators sitting there. Very powerful
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Ted Cruz is repugnant, but he's smart. Cruz knows Trump will almost certainly lose to HRC, and now he gets to go into 2020 claiming that he stood on the right side of things. Highly calculated move.
There was *nothing* smart about what he did, unless you count looking like a robot with zero self awareness get booed off the stage by his own party smart...
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I'm not lionizing anyone. I know politics. I know what I am seeing. If you don't understand the political might of Trump unleashing this family as one mighty political machine then you are blind. I guarantee you that at a minimum he has 2-3 future US Senators sitting there. Very powerful

Maybe you're right. The boys seem like such douche nozzles that it's hard for me to project.
I don't give a shit what the polls say now or after the RNC. The Clinton Machine is just now revving up, and to deny it's power is ignorant and futile. You thought Trump destroyed Cruz and Rubio, wait until the machine gets rolling and sinks its teeth into him and his campaign.

Just warning you all now. Prepare to be disappointed. And I don't particularly like Hillary, btw.