How will they rule ??!

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no i got it...40-50 year olds hardly ever think they are always right and so many have such worldly experience to "know" how the real world works.

No, You didn't, and still haven't, and not only that it pisses you because you perceive it as a slight to you because you fit the criteria. It wasn't, but the human effect and understanding how people will react is as much, or much more important than what is learned in a classroom.

Cruz tried to do what Reagan did in the 76 convention. The difference is Reagan really felt that way, he was his own man. Cruz understood thats was one of the things that propelled Reagan to to nomination in 80, but it was a surprise in 76, it was fresh. What Cruz did was not fresh, it was shallow, which brings us back full circle.
I think George W. Bush was the same way. I liked (and still do) ole George as a person and I think most people would enjoy chatting with him. But I always saw him as an empty suit with a name that the Repubs propped up and used for their agenda.

And unfortunately, George's presidency was influenced by people like the human turd Bill Kristol.
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No, You didn't, and still haven't, and not only that it pisses you because you perceive it as a slight to you because you fit the criteria. It wasn't, but the human effect and understanding how people will react is as much, or much more important than what is learned in a classroom.

Cruz tried to do what Reagan did in the 76 convention. The difference is Reagan really felt that way, he was his own man. Cruz understood thats was one of the things that propelled Reagan to to nomination in 80, but it was a surprise in 76, it was fresh. What Cruz did was not fresh, it was shallow, which brings us back full circle.

usually only a certain type of people believe this.

but i'm on your side man. i want trump to win...i'll get an extra $1000 a month because of his tax plan.

of course since i'm educated and dont know how the world works...i'll probably just blow it all on white dress shirts from dillards.
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You guys are killing me with this. A great President... a great leader... does not need to be the policy wonk. A guy that knows all the details. None of that applies.

What Trump can do is occupy the bully pulpit better than any candidate we've seen in our lifetime, including Reagan. Trump understands how to drive a big ship. He points the way and his staff and cabinet will be the policy wonks and detail the plans necessary to carry out his agenda. Plus if you cross him you are guaranteed to be put on full blast.

Look, right now, Trump is fighting the host Republican Governor of the state that they are holding their convention in, which also happens to be a crucial swing state, he is still fighting with half of the candidates he ran against, he routinely spites the most powerful Republican family in history in the Bush clan, he ignores Republican dogma and does and says whatever he wants to, he spends no money on a staff to any degree nor virtually nothing on commercials...

This... is... all... impossible.

Yet here we are. Ted Cruz still campaigning on the final day of the convention. Trump walking out during Cruz's speech out of pure spite.

This shit is great. I can watch this forever. This is political nitro glycerin. This is a once in a lifetime carnival of epic political theater. You will never see shit like this again. Ever. So just sit back and enjoy it while it lasts.

You don't always hit, but when you do it's center mass.

"This shit is great. I can watch this forever. This is political nitro glycerin. This is a once in a lifetime carnival of epic political theater. You will never see shit like this again. Ever. So just sit back and enjoy it while it lasts."

So true. I've got my wife to watch with me the last two nights and she's not quite as apolitical as 95% of this country, but she doesn't give a shit. I've convinced her that this is some of the best reality tv on the air. Who's going to be voted ONTO the island or INTO the house? Tune in in November and find out.
Here's a wonderful picture of Paul Ryan and the Republican summer interns. Anyone notice anything in particular:

I see what you mean. How did those two Asians get in there?
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usually only a certain type of people believe this.

but i'm on your side man. i want trump to win...i'll get an extra $1000 a month because of his tax plan.

of course since i'm educated and dont know how the world works...i'll probably just blow it all on white dress shirts from dillards.

Lighten up kiddo, there's hope, once your balls drop emotion doesn't play as much into your thought process.
What NATO countries has Putin attacked?
Diversion, as illustrated by ganner liking it (he only approve DNC talking points). Like I said it is hard to take Dems serious being outraged by that statement when you all have been super duper quiet about Obama's feckless approach pretty much everywhere. Given the same NATO criteria, silly to think Obama would do anything more responsive than a hashtag and denouncement statement.
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i agree...poor people with little to no education should be running this country.
since they break 2/1 your way you should be happy, again congrats. troll, baby, troll.

Will file this with your numerous KY stereotypes and shitty Ulis takes (wouldn't start this year, got owned by numerous PGs last year, etc)
Diversion, as illustrated by ganner liking it (he only approve DNC talking points). Like I said it is hard to take Dems serious being outraged by that statement when you all have been super duper quiet about Obama's feckless approach pretty much everywhere. Given the same NATO criteria, silly to think Obama would do anything more responsive than a hashtag and denouncement statement.
In all fairness, I think it should be noted that O'bama doesn't just make hashtags and denouncement statements. He makes what he thinks are "clever" hashtags and he makes "strong" denouncement statements. Let's be fair.
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In all fairness, I think it should be noted that O'bama doesn't just make hashtags and denouncement statements. He makes what he thinks are "clever" hashtags and he makes "strong" denouncement statements. Let's be fair.
hey when you have the audacity to clamor for prison for the POTUS for waterboarding while yawning over widespread drone bombings, you can pretty much swing any hypocritical argument.
Police in Miami shot an innocent caregiver who was in total compliance.

The caregiver asked the cop, "Why did you shoot me?". Cop goes, "I don't know". lmao.

Just read that story. My initial thought is the cop is not white. That fact wasn't mentioned in the article.
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2 days after the results of Obama/Clinton foreign policy disaster vaporized 85 innocent Syrian civilians the American people are supposed to be frightened & outraged by Trump's innocuous NATO opinion


That can't be real life, it wasn't on the news. All we had to talk about that day was plagiarism, so if something serious like that actually happened, it certainly would be the lead story.
"A US air strike killed nearly 60 civilians, including children, in Syria on Tuesday after the coalition mistook them for Islamic State (Isil) fighters.

Some eight families were hit as they tried to flee fighting in their area, in one of the single deadliest strikes on civilians by the alliance since the start of its operations in the war-torn country."

Read about it here.

This is a non-story. O'bama did not copy this drone strike from any other president. Let's keep our eye on the ball.
"A US air strike killed nearly 60 civilians, including children, in Syria on Tuesday after the coalition mistook them for Islamic State (Isil) fighters.

Some eight families were hit as they tried to flee fighting in their area, in one of the single deadliest strikes on civilians by the alliance since the start of its operations in the war-torn country."

Read about it here.

This is a non-story. O'bama did not copy this drone strike from any other president. Let's keep our eye on the ball.

Didn't they put out the number of 115 civilinas killed just a week or so ago? Hell, they damn near doubled the civilian number killed the previous 7.5 years by strikes in one bomb run.
hey when you have the audacity to clamor for prison for the POTUS for waterboarding while yawning over widespread drone bombings, you can pretty much swing any hypocritical argument.

Nobody approves civilian casualties. Do you know how to fight a war without civilian casualties? Do you know how to fight ISIS without making mistakes like that? Nobody is gifted with omniscience. Waterboarding, otoh, is a deliberate act. You don't waterboard by accident.

And how do you square your concerns with the general accusation that the gov't isn't doing anything about ISIS? Are you now claiming that the only thing we do is bomb civilians?

BTW, are you old enough to have been horrified when we firebombed Fallujah with white phosphorous? I can't remember exactly, but I think there were around 4000 civilian casualties.

And while we're on the subject, do you think we should do away completely with the drone program?
Moe, I wasn't referring to this case. Hadn't even heard about it until it was mentioned here. I have watched many hundreds of cop shows and videos in which there were shootings by cops and cannot recall ever seeing a cop administering first aid to a victim.

I don't expect it either but 20 minutes for an ambulance for a guy you shot (hopefully) by accident? They quickly had the screaming autistic guy and his toy firetruck under control. How hard is it to request an ambulance? Neglect doesn't bolster the claim that the shooting was accidental.
I wonder why the military didn't have the people that are doing the background checks for the refugees run these people through their system. Seems like when they found the names in the database under "Not a Terrorist" they could have pulled back on the joystick.
It also seems like for all the praise Obama gets from the lefties on here for "getting Osama", they'd be a little more outraged at him getting these civilians.
Nobody approves civilian casualties. Do you know how to fight a war without civilian casualties? Do you know how to fight ISIS without making mistakes like that? Nobody is gifted with omniscience. Waterboarding, otoh, is a deliberate act. You don't waterboard by accident.

And how do you square your concerns with the general accusation that the gov't isn't doing anything about ISIS? Are you now claiming that the only thing we do is bomb civilians?

BTW, are you old enough to have been horrified when we firebombed Fallujah with white phosphorous? I can't remember exactly, but I think there were around 4000 civilian casualties.

And while we're on the subject, do you think we should do away completely with the drone program?
I'm interested as to why you didn't attack the point about the main stream media basically ignoring this world wide story and instead focusing their entire arsenal on a speech given by someone who is not even running for office?
Nobody approves civilian casualties. Do you know how to fight a war without civilian casualties? Do you know how to fight ISIS without making mistakes like that? Nobody is gifted with omniscience. Waterboarding, otoh, is a deliberate act. You don't waterboard by accident.

And how do you square your concerns with the general accusation that the gov't isn't doing anything about ISIS? Are you now claiming that the only thing we do is bomb civilians?

BTW, are you old enough to have been horrified when we firebombed Fallujah with white phosphorous? I can't remember exactly, but I think there were around 4000 civilian casualties.

And while we're on the subject, do you think we should do away completely with the drone program?

You can't remember the number because it never happened.
I find it interesting that the same side that is pointing out civilian casualties in Obama's drone strikes are probably the same ones that agree with Trumps "hit them where it hurts aka their homes and family" motto.
Waterboarding, otoh, is a deliberate act. Y
:okay: tidy, counselor. You always seem to find a way to twist into a stance that would make it seem you are on a DNC retainer.

I approve drones (within reason) and the waterboarding did not bother me a gd bit. I am not a hypocrite, you are.
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I find it interesting that the same side that is pointing out civilian casualties in Obama's drone strikes are probably the same ones that agree with Trumps "hit them where it hurts aka their homes and family" motto.
Once again, we were making the point about the coverage of the incident.
I find it interesting that the same side that is pointing out civilian casualties in Obama's drone strikes are probably the same ones that agree with Trumps "hit them where it hurts aka their homes and family" motto.

We're pointing out hypocrisy of the American left.

I don't actually care about Syrian civilians. Don't care if Obama murders them. Certainly don't want them seeking refuge from Obama's bombs in the US.
Waterboarding was a tactic used against terrorists that were captured while attempting to kill our troops. They are not protected by our constitution. They also do not represent any country that is governed by the Geneva Convention. Even if they did, they were not following GC protocol when they were captured and therefore do not deserve GC consideration.

Moe, if you ever get a hemorrhoid, it's going to give you a hell of a lisp in your voice.
I find it interesting that the same side that is pointing out civilian casualties in Obama's drone strikes are probably the same ones that agree with Trumps "hit them where it hurts aka their homes and family" motto.


Right, you're almost there, tbh. Just think a couple more steps ahead.
I'm interested as to why you didn't attack the point about the main stream media basically ignoring this world wide story and instead focusing their entire arsenal on a speech given by someone who is not even running for office?


I didn't think I could lose more respect for the Left.. but this past week is puke worthy. Of all the Conservatives I know, not one would go full attack on something as silly as 6% plagiarism while completely ignoring 1. Hillary's criminal record. 2. Killing innocent Syrians and 3. Plagiarism of their own party.

Call them out-dated, call out their beliefs and views... at least they stick with them and don't hold the other side to such completely ridiculous standards that are light-years above their own.

Just pathetic.
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I've been watching the Clinton News Network all morning and I've seen quite a bit of spinning, but I don't think any of it was as illuminating as the talking head saying "we've had to spend two days talking about plagiarism, that shows just how unorganized this RNC has been". [laughing]

Now the order of the day is that Trump should not be president because he allowed Cruz to give his speech. If Cruz was an actual Rep, then he would do what he could to keep HRC from winning. Cruz is just a Cruzicrat, he doesn't care about anything else.
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I'm interested as to why you didn't attack the point about the main stream media basically ignoring this world wide story and instead focusing their entire arsenal on a speech given by someone who is not even running for office?

Someone reported it or yoo wouldn't have heard of it.