How will they rule ??!

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Pence will do a better job solidifying conservatives behind him than Kasich would have done IMO. Kasich's act in Ohio & some of his language during his pres run outraged conservatives. but Kasich might have made up for that with more of an appeal to independents, and of course help lock down an important swing state. who knows, at the time last winter/spring it seemed Kasich was only staying in to help run interference for Trump to logically be his VP.

Never really heard Kasich speak, but this Pence guy sure knows how to pump on the emotions. Pretty colorful guy and good personality it appears to me.
or a consistent continuation of Trump's themes that he has been saying for the last year - USA is getting cheated worldwide in every agreement, from trade deals to NATO.

NATO is made up of a bunch of countries who spend zero on their own national defense knowing they enjoy the safety of the umbrella provided to them by the United States military - a military paid for from the hard earned money taxed away from the American people, staffed by our sons & daughters. pillow biters like Matthew think this is some invitation to war, I see it as a motivational kick in the ass for Europe to get up & build their own defenses against Putin.

why would the left be outraged over this, thought bringing our kids home & stop worldwide military adventurism was one of their guiding lights? they are outraged & in fear that a candidate DOESNT promise to blindly instantly slam American soldiers on the front lines of some far away land to die?

strange, strange times.
So much nonsense in this post. Bookmarked for when I'm home from work and on a desktop.
Police in Miami shot an innocent caregiver who was in total compliance.

The caregiver asked the cop, "Why did you shoot me?". Cop goes, "I don't know". lmao.

I don't give a shit what the polls say now or after the RNC. The Clinton Machine is just now revving up, and to deny it's power is ignorant and futile. You thought Trump destroyed Cruz and Rubio, wait until the machine gets rolling and sinks its teeth into him and his campaign.

Just warning you all now. Prepare to be disappointed. And I don't particularly like Hillary, btw.

Yep. The Hillary campaign was not really even fundraising against Trump that much because they weren't sure if he would even be the final nominee until very recently. And they haven't really begun to hit on the full year of opposition research they've done on Trump yet either, only serving up generic ads using Trumps own words against him.

Wait until about mid September, when HRC will be up about four points or so and then the long knives will come out. Those tax returns Trump so desperately wants to keep under wraps? They'll mysteriously 'leak'. Any affairs he, or Melania, have had the last ten years? Leaked again. They'll count on Trumps anger and amateurism to have him blow up and say some more stupid stuff.

It's going to be ugly. Like Russ Smith or Montrezl Harrell ugly.
Trump doesn't have a clue how things outside of NYC real estate work


I went to law school with a woman who reminded me of HRC. Her focus made her a very good lawyer, but socially you wouldn't describe her as a natural. It isn't surprising that Bill Clinton, the more easy-going of the pair, was the 1st of the two to run. Very good at pressing the flesh, so to speak. It always amuses me when her detractors call her names like commie and stuff since she's the most traditional Republican in the race. Wal-Mart doesn't put commies on their Board of Directors. If we were a parliamentary government and the party chose its own prime minister, HRC would be seen as the heir to Margaret Thatcher. (England's Conserrvative Party/Tories fall somewhere between Republicans and Democrats).


Where are you from?
Ted Cruz is a perfect example of why simply being highly educated doesn't make someone's opinion worth more. He is by any measure a very intelligent man, the problem with that is he thinks he's always right. What he did last night was a dumb move, it's one thing to feel that way, it's an entirely different thing to get in front of a convention hall and say it. He looked small and unable to separate his emotions from his decision making.

Thats why when the media runs with X amount of college graduates or uneducated voters it makes me cringe. A 25 year old college graduate with a masters degree doesn't have the same life experiences as 40-50 year old person that may or may not have one, they don't know how the world actually works.

i agree...poor people with little to no education should be running this country.
Hillary is burning through her cash. (Basically spent what she brought in during June.) And less than 15% of her money comes from small donors. When the light starts shining on some of her Big Business donors it may hurt her more than help. And when the conservative PACS start bombarding the airwaves reminding the public of Hillary's past crap--she'll start to feel it even more.

By the time this election is over, win or lose, she's going to be beaten to a bloody pulp.
There's a bit of a difference. Trump doesn't have a clue how things outside of NYC real estate work and has never shown any real curiosity about it. He's got the temperament of a bully, the self-control of a 14 year old boy with a boner, and the vanity of a menopausal diva. There's a very real human syndrome called The Dunning-Kruger Effect. It basically says that stupid people over-estimate how smart they are and so pretend to greater knowledge than they possess. The dumber you are the more certain you get. Contrarily, the smarter you are the more you're aware of the vastness of your personal limits. Trump is a self-promoter of dismaying proportions but I've always assumed he's smart enough to not want to live in a country which had him in charge. But I could be wrong.

There's so much lower hanging fruit when it comes to Trump, it makes me smh when I see stupidity like this.

No idea about anything other than NYC real estate? Lol. May want to check Vegas, Florida, and his golf courses around the world.

It's also ridiculous when people call trump stupid. He's extraordinarily intelligent by any measure. So is hillary.

or a consistent continuation of Trump's themes that he has been saying for the last year - USA is getting cheated worldwide in every agreement, from trade deals to NATO.

NATO is made up of a bunch of countries who spend zero on their own national defense knowing they enjoy the safety of the umbrella provided to them by the United States military - a military paid for from the hard earned money taxed away from the American people, staffed by our sons & daughters. pillow biters like Matthew think this is some invitation to war, I see it as a motivational kick in the ass for Europe to get up & build their own defenses against Putin.

why would the left be outraged over this, thought bringing our kids home & stop worldwide military adventurism was one of their guiding lights? they are outraged & in fear that a candidate DOESNT promise to blindly instantly slam American soldiers on the front lines of some far away land to die?

strange, strange times.

All true. We're bleeding cash playing world police. Time to walk it back
Police in Miami shot an innocent caregiver who was in total compliance.

The caregiver asked the cop, "Why did you shoot me?". Cop goes, "I don't know". lmao.

The worst part of that was to leave the guy they shot bleeding on the street for 20 minutes. Accidental discharge of a firearm? Tenuous but imaginable. Not immediately helping out someone you wounded via negligence?
Again, how are you missing the point thst these are things that your kind hoot and holler about. Should I have added " the liberal says" in front of each point?.. ok

The liberal tells everyone we csnt pray in public

The liberal says the American flag is offensive to others

The liberal says that certain words are hate speech and trigger speech

The liberal says the football team redskins offend.

The liberal says ... yall fill in the blanks
Do I doubt there is a liberal somewhere that holds those views? No.
Are those widely held views by those who consider themselves liberal? Absolutely not. ...other than "certain words are hate speech and trigger speech" that is simply common sense which you undoubtedly have very little of.

David Duke is a conservative. Do you share all of his views?
There's so much lower hanging fruit when it comes to Trump, it makes me smh when I see stupidity like this.

No idea about anything other than NYC real estate? Lol. May want to check Vegas, Florida, and his golf courses around the world.

It's also ridiculous when people call trump stupid. He's extraordinarily intelligent by any measure. So is hillary.

All true. We're bleeding cash playing world police. Time to walk it back

Trump lends his name to things. "Branding" is an amazing intellectual feat for you? I think we're at an impasse. (You surprisingly omitted his failed casinos. Because going bankrupt with house odds is evidence of tremendous business smarts.)

And you might have noticed that I didn't call Trump stupid at all. I said he was incurious about the world.
There's a bit of a difference. Trump doesn't have a clue how things outside of NYC real estate work and has never shown any real curiosity about it. He's got the temperament of a bully, the self-control of a 14 year old boy with a boner, and the vanity of a menopausal diva. There's a very real human syndrome called The Dunning-Kruger Effect. It basically says that stupid people over-estimate how smart they are and so pretend to greater knowledge than they possess. The dumber you are the more certain you get. Contrarily, the smarter you are the more you're aware of the vastness of your personal limits. Trump is a self-promoter of dismaying proportions but I've always assumed he's smart enough to not want to live in a country which had him in charge. But I could be wrong.

As for Cruz, he's a bit different, isn't he? If he were in a movie, he'd be the icky guy who has cornered the heroine and whose amorous intentions makes your skin crawl. That a substantial number of people said, "He's our guy" is baffling and depressing. It's like finding out that 25 million people have a crush on their undertaker. And the undertaker has questionable personal hygiene and a ready supply of mystery meat.

It really doesn't accomplish much to say their policies are the same, because as many people have pointed out (and documented), Trump says opposite things on every major policy issue.
You guys are killing me with this. A great President... a great leader... does not need to be the policy wonk. A guy that knows all the details. None of that applies.

What Trump can do is occupy the bully pulpit better than any candidate we've seen in our lifetime, including Reagan. Trump understands how to drive a big ship. He points the way and his staff and cabinet will be the policy wonks and detail the plans necessary to carry out his agenda. Plus if you cross him you are guaranteed to be put on full blast.

Look, right now, Trump is fighting the host Republican Governor of the state that they are holding their convention in, which also happens to be a crucial swing state, he is still fighting with half of the candidates he ran against, he routinely spites the most powerful Republican family in history in the Bush clan, he ignores Republican dogma and does and says whatever he wants to, he spends no money on a staff to any degree nor virtually nothing on commercials...

This... is... all... impossible.

Yet here we are. Ted Cruz still campaigning on the final day of the convention. Trump walking out during Cruz's speech out of pure spite.

This shit is great. I can watch this forever. This is political nitro glycerin. This is a once in a lifetime carnival of epic political theater. You will never see shit like this again. Ever. So just sit back and enjoy it while it lasts.
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So much nonsense in this post. Bookmarked for when I'm home from work and on a desktop.
what a sissy. if I typed anything incorrect you ought to be able to dispute it on any type of device. I've corrected liberal garbage in this thread clumsily on my galaxy mini several times.

will you require special lighting in order to compose a retort? heated slippers? cold compress on your forehead afterward?
You guys are killing me with this. A great President... a great leader... does not need to be the policy wonk. A guy that knows all the details. None of that applies.


This shit is great. I can watch this forever. This is political nitro glycerin. This is a once in a lifetime carnival of epic political theater. You will never see shit like this again. Ever. So just sit back and enjoy it while it lasts.

Facetiousness is a mode of humor not a way of life. I'm not a nihilist and don't admire Trump's epic solipsism.

You've already forgotten George W. Bush? Really? We don't need someone who understands the nuts and bolts. Sure. Let me know when you go to a bully pulpit surgeon so I can come watch.
We don't need someone who understands the nuts and bolts. Sure. Let me know when you go to a bully pulpit surgeon so I can come watch.
Or you let me know when you go to a surgeon because you want him to sell something for you.

Different skillsets. You are surprisingly shallow to the point it must be purposeful if you really believe what you posted about leadership. A surgeon is really what you are going with?
what a sissy. if I typed anything incorrect you ought to be able to dispute it on any type of device. I've corrected liberal garbage in this thread clumsily on my galaxy mini several times.

will you require special lighting in order to compose a retort? heated slippers? cold compress on your forehead afterward?
Not sure why but that was great. So much honest pure disdainful outrage. You should fly off the handle more often.
The worst part of that was to leave the guy they shot bleeding on the street for 20 minutes. Accidental discharge of a firearm? Tenuous but imaginable. Not immediately helping out someone you wounded via negligence?

If I am not mistaken, that (don't do any more than cuff them) is the protocol in many if not all police departments. Whether or not that is wise or the right thing to do can be argued. Liability issues I would guess.
Here's a wonderful picture of Paul Ryan and the Republican summer interns. Anyone notice anything in particular:

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If I am not mistaken, that (don't do any more than cuff them) is the protocol in many if not all police departments. Whether or not that is wise or the right thing to do can be argued. Liability issues I would guess.

Well, the ambulance showed up 20 minutes later. But why would you even cuff someone who had been shot accidentally? The guy who was shot was just the caregiver who had been trying to control the autistic guy. And as someone posted elsewhere, why didn't the police just walk up and ask what was going on? And why didn't they even listen to the guy on the ground? I'm a tech. He's my patient. He's got a toy train. I suppose the cop was trying for the autistic guy but why didn't the cop get a better line that didn't put the tech in the role of backstop?

I have a dream. It's not a big dream, it's just a little dream. My dream - and I hope you don't find this too crazy - is that I would like the people of this community to feel that if, God forbid, there were a fire, calling the fire department would actually be a wise thing to do. You can't have people, if their houses are burning down, saying, "Whatever you do, don't call the fire department!" That would be bad.
Hmmm....that Wisconsin women aren't very attractive? That Paul Ryan looks like Steve from Blue's Clues? That there is a guy who won the Masters sitting right above and to the right above Ryan's head?

Am I missing something else?
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Trump lends his name to things. "Branding" is an amazing intellectual feat for you? I think we're at an impasse. (You surprisingly omitted his failed casinos. Because going bankrupt with house odds is evidence of tremendous business smarts.)

And you might have noticed that I didn't call Trump stupid at all. I said he was incurious about the world.

I suspect that this is true. Can you see Trump actually sitting down and reading a book unless it concerned some business deal he was contemplating?

I think George W. Bush was the same way. I liked (and still do) ole George as a person and I think most people would enjoy chatting with him. But I always saw him as an empty suit with a name that the Repubs propped up and used for their agenda.
That isn't what I said, in fact I didn't mention poor or rich at all, son. When you grow up you'll understand what I meant.

no i got it...40-50 year olds hardly ever think they are always right and so many have such worldly experience to "know" how the real world works.
Cruz proved to me why I did not like him before and continue to not like him now. Ted Cruz is all about Ted Cruz. Everything he has done has all been orchestrated to create an illusion of what he wants people to think he is, but really isn't. Typical politician. Talking for 24 hours of nonsense to hold up a vote that was going through no matter what, calling Mitch a liar, the list goes on. It was all a plan to make people think he was fighting for them. His campaign did several dirty tricks and yet he gets a chapped ass when Trump beats him at his own game. I was not surprised at what he did last night because, like I said, I knew he was all about himself and would do whatever he felt was necessary to help himself.

Its funny when you see politicians like Kasich, Bush, and others do exactly what Trump's message has been that got him the nomination which is politicians will say anything and make promises and never keep them.

Rubio earned some points with me by supporting Trump last night. I still think he is a typical political puppet, but he at least honored his pledge.

So, I am watching Ivanka's interview with Hannity last night. Just a very impressive woman. You never hear a bad thing about her. On the other hand, you have Chelsea Clinton. Someone who many have said is fake, impossible to work with, the list goes on. Sort of like her Mom. Go figure.

Finally, it cracks me up how people make a decision to vote for someone based on one stupid speech. Listening to these focus groups proves to me why most Americans are idiots. I do not have an issue with anyone voting for whoever they want, but at least have facts to back up that vote.

Personally, I don't think Trump needs Cruz's endorsement, and people are making too big a deal of this. Cruz admonished everybody to vote your conscience and don't stay home. Good enough for me.

"I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father," the Republican told his home state delegation the night after he was booed in the convention hall.
Well, the ambulance showed up 20 minutes later. But why would you even cuff someone who had been shot accidentally? The guy who was shot was just the caregiver who had been trying to control the autistic guy. And as someone posted elsewhere, why didn't the police just walk up and ask what was going on? And why didn't they even listen to the guy on the ground? I'm a tech. He's my patient. He's got a toy train. I suppose the cop was trying for the autistic guy but why didn't the cop get a better line that didn't put the tech in the role of backstop?

I have a dream. It's not a big dream, it's just a little dream. My dream - and I hope you don't find this too crazy - is that I would like the people of this community to feel that if, God forbid, there were a fire, calling the fire department would actually be a wise thing to do. You can't have people, if their houses are burning down, saying, "Whatever you do, don't call the fire department!" That would be bad.

Moe, I wasn't referring to this case. Hadn't even heard about it until it was mentioned here. I have watched many hundreds of cop shows and videos in which there were shootings by cops and cannot recall ever seeing a cop administering first aid to a victim.