How will they rule ??!

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Someone tried to tell us they weren't sending their best.
That is something we all knew was happening and probably in much bigger numbers. Their criminal elements would want to escape the possibility of incarceration there to attain freedom here. Dems invite criminal behavior because it fits their demographic.
The biggest lies of Trump’s tax cuts: They wouldn’t add to the deficit. The deficit exploded. Business investment would increase. It’s shrunk. Wages would skyrocket. They’ve barely kept up w/ inflation. Growth would soar. It’s about the same as before.
Completely FALSE. Do you get off postings lies? I guess you want to believe what you post or are just trying to get under peoples skin. Probably both because, you never stick around after posting such nonsense. You just move on to the next lie.
Levi, James, Plat, Bushrod, Dion, ED, and you other libs here I have an experiment for you. Take your paychecks for the month (If you have one), count the amount taken out in taxes then, the bills you pay (If any) count the amount of taxes there, plus factor in what taxes you pay in buying essentials each month (food, fuel, clothes, etc...) and then get back to me and tell me how much you are prepared to add to your taxes (%) on the 50% of your paycheck left because, that is about where you will be after factoring in the earlier taxes mentioned above. I have done this and me and my wife figured it comes close to 50% of mine and her earned money for the month.
The biggest lies of Trump’s tax cuts: They wouldn’t add to the deficit. The deficit exploded. Business investment would increase. It’s shrunk. Wages would skyrocket. They’ve barely kept up w/ inflation. Growth would soar. It’s about the same as before.

Between you and the other libs on here....I can't grasp the level of incompetence and stupidity that you continue to exhibit, however, I do commend you for being committed to it.
Indoctrination and self deception... leftists (Marxists) have you believing all sorts of half truths and outright lies to keep you believing in failed nonsense. Really strains credulity how bad reasoning some of you have.

This is the land of the free, as free as you are ever going to get and as wealthy as you are ever going to get... you aren't oppressed and you aren't going to make things easier on yourselves by taking from the productive to give to the unproductive, that's not how productivity works.

No amount of indoctrination and lies is going to change reality.
Levi, James, Plat, Bushrod, Dion, ED, and you other libs here I have an experiment for you. Take your paychecks for the month (If you have one), count the amount taken out in taxes then, the bills you pay (If any) count the amount of taxes there, plus factor in what taxes you pay in buying essentials each month (food, fuel, clothes, etc...) and then get back to me and tell me how much you are prepared to add to your taxes (%) on the 50% of your paycheck left because, that is about where you will be after factoring in the earlier taxes mentioned above. I have done this and me and my wife figured it comes close to 50% of mine and her earned money for the month.
LOL. Good luck getting a response to that one.
The biggest lies of Trump’s tax cuts: They wouldn’t add to the deficit. The deficit exploded. Business investment would increase. It’s shrunk. Wages would skyrocket. They’ve barely kept up w/ inflation. Growth would soar. It’s about the same as before.

The deficit must be addressed. But you know that your people will raise hell before cutting handouts to your base. Hearing a liberal bitch about the deficit is truly hollow.
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Levi, James, Plat, Bushrod, Dion, ED, and you other libs here I have an experiment for you. Take your paychecks for the month (If you have one), count the amount taken out in taxes then, the bills you pay (If any) count the amount of taxes there, plus factor in what taxes you pay in buying essentials each month (food, fuel, clothes, etc...) and then get back to me and tell me how much you are prepared to add to your taxes (%) on the 50% of your paycheck left because, that is about where you will be after factoring in the earlier taxes mentioned above. I have done this and me and my wife figured it comes close to 50% of mine and her earned money for the month.

WC, I'm almost ashamed of you. of COURSE they have a paycheck. Geez...How humiliating...they subsist on their paycheck. they get them every month and they pay taxes too! All pay taxes on the SSI, SNAP, SSDI, Section 8, Medicaid payments. Geez WC give them a little credit...

Just as a start, tax "Cuts" do NOT add to the deficit. Deficits are caused by spending too much NOT cutting the intake. I'd assume any sane person could comprehend that but I won't call you names.

The intake of the peoples money has been too much for too long and has been exploited by the ilk you support. How foolish...
Incredibly ignorant remark that illustrates the shallow depth of your understanding. I post this remark with no malice only contempt for anybody who voluntarily remains so uneducated and uninformed.
Incredibly ignorant remark that illustrates the shallow depth of your understanding. I post this remark with no malice only contempt for anybody who voluntarily remains so uneducated and uninformed.
Then your feeling of contempt is ever present in your life because, you truly are uninformed. You may be educated but, the education you received left you uninformed.
The deficit must be addressed. But you know that your people will raise hell before cutting handouts to your base. Hearing a liberal bitch about the deficit is truly hollow.
It can be hollow coming from some, but the fact remains our debt and deficit has a long history of exploding under republican control. You can squeal but you can't change history. I've spoken to the debt and deficit on this board for going over 15 years so there's that. I've always tried to remind people what Clinton left Bush and What Bush left Obama but conservatives just cannot be honest about even that.
LOL. Good luck getting a response to that one.
No response only proves that the point was received but their indifference to it is either because they receive without adding to (government leeches) or they are truly too stupid to understand the amount of taxes they are really opining for.
Incredibly ignorant remark that illustrates the shallow depth of your understanding. I post this remark with no malice only contempt for anybody who voluntarily remains so uneducated and uninformed.


You are too much with the comedy much comedy...

Stop it!


In case you were actually serious.....May God have mercy on your soul but I take it as a high compliment.
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It can be hollow coming from some, but the fact remains our debt and deficit has a long history of exploding under republican control. You can squeal but you can't change history. I've spoken to the debt and deficit on this board for going over 15 years so there's that. I've always tried to remind people what Clinton left Bush and What Bush left Obama but conservatives just cannot be honest about even that.
False equivalence because of the very different events effecting presidencies. Clinton .com boom, even Carter could have done a half way decent job. Bush, 911 the cost is still being counted. You could say allies of the left (Islam) contributed to the Bush year problems so, the left is to blame. After all, Clinton had Bin laden in his sites and let him go.
It can be hollow coming from some, but the fact remains our debt and deficit has a long history of exploding under republican control. You can squeal but you can't change history. I've spoken to the debt and deficit on this board for going over 15 years so there's that. I've always tried to remind people what Clinton left Bush and What Bush left Obama but conservatives just cannot be honest about even that.

Debt and deficits usually "explode" under republican control "because" it is usually immediately after demosocialcommunist control that demosocialcommunist control has "fudged" their number far worse than the Republicans usually do and they have to make up for the demosocialcommunists out of control giveaways and worse the corrupt money grabs by the so-called compassionate demosocialcommunists.

Please Oh bootybutttag, explain to us about all the "shovel ready jobs" your fearless lead from behind leader Barry promised and also TOOK the money for...Oh yeah and all his labor leaders got their pensions funded.

Not to mention a Barry house on the beach on a 400k a year salary...yeah, go ahead and start enlightening me.. I gave you concrete examples. Please "show me where I'm stupid.) The problem lies in RINO's as they too have their hand in the kitty and don't want to cook the goose that is still laying their golden egg..(The American tax payers...)
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You are too much with the comedy much comedy...

Stop it!


In case you were actually serious.....May God have mercy on your soul but I take it as a high compliment.

A third grader would make a better argument, they would use more emoji's but you're close. I think your namecalling is about as mature as a third grader though. It's no wonder people who lose their job and increasely put everything on the credit card find themselves in so much trouble.
Debt and deficits usually "explode" under republican control "because" it is usually immediately after demosocialcommunist control that demosocialcommunist control has "fudged" their number far worse than the Republicans usually do and they have to make up for the demosocialcommunists out of control giveaways and worse the corrupt money grabs by the so-called compassionate demosocialcommunists. The problem lies in RINO's as they too have their hand in the kitty and don't want to cook the goose that is still laying their golden egg..(The American tax payers...)
Laughably indoctrinated!
A third grader would make a better argument, they would use more emoji's but you're close. I think your namecalling is about as mature as a third grader though. It's no wonder people who lose their job and increasely put everything on the credit card find themselves in so much trouble.

Now come on Bootybutttag, up your game. You are the enlightened one. Please teach me...or "Learn" me something...
Trump says what intelligent Americans know and say. When he says Comey and his corrupt FBI agents are crooked or that Nancy is crazy it’s true. I’ve had presidents who give a bs political answer, I prefer those crooked politicians be called out for what they are. There’s no reason to be polite with those criminals, finally a president that calls them out for what they truly are and it’s refreshing.
Yeah, that’s why it has been documented that the man has lied 16,000 times since taking office. The same man who has been forbidden from ever running another charity because he stole millions from the one he ran...the same man that ran a bogus “university”...
Dude, the intelligent people know the man is a liar and crook. The fact you continue to lie to yourself and turn a blind eye to the evidence because you can’t admit you were suckered is sad. You’re the abused spouse that can’t bring themselves to get out. I feel sorry for you.
Yeah, that’s why it has been documented that the man has lied 16,000 times since taking office. The same man who has been forbidden from ever running another charity because he stole millions from the one he ran...the same man that ran a bogus “university”...
Dude, the intelligent people know the man is a liar and crook. The fact you continue to lie to yourself and turn a blind eye to the evidence because you can’t admit you were suckered is sad. You’re the abused spouse that can’t bring themselves to get out. I feel sorry for you.

Who documented it? RQbooty? did you just take msm's word for it? Like the 17 agencies? RQbooty, it's not nice to repeat a lie...

Yeah President Trump has told 16k lies and Killary has about that many bodies racked up...go figure...
The laughable BS conservatives ate with a shovel:
On a March 31, 2016, interview with the Washington Post, Donald Trump promised to eliminate the United States' $19 trillion in debt in eight years.
The laughable BS conservatives ate with a shovel:
On a March 31, 2016, interview with the Washington Post, Donald Trump promised to eliminate the United States' $19 trillion in debt in eight years.

Still five years to go but you keep diverting Bootybutttag...
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I feel sorry for you.

No you don't... FOS as always and nothing but.

Trump supporters were suckered in to unparalleled prosperity; we told you it would happen and it did and it will continue.

This is in spite of the cancer that is your leftist nonsense trying to prevent MAGA. You (20%) or whatever of you that have commandeered the American left do nothing but harm to the left. You're not just a blight to the rest of us, but your own damn party and its purported goals.
No you don't... FOS as always and nothing but.

Trump supporters were suckered in to unparalleled prosperity; we told you it would happen and it did and it will continue.

This is in spite of the cancer that is your leftist nonsense trying to prevent MAGA. You (20%) or whatever of you that have commandeered the American left do nothing but harm to the left. You're not just a blight to the rest of us, but your own damn party and its purported goals.

They are Demosocialcommunists...(Not necessarily in that order..)
It can be hollow coming from some, but the fact remains our debt and deficit has a long history of exploding under republican control. You can squeal but you can't change history. I've spoken to the debt and deficit on this board for going over 15 years so there's that. I've always tried to remind people what Clinton left Bush and What Bush left Obama but conservatives just cannot be honest about even that.
Actually that's not true. If you understand our government, congress controls the purse strings, so looking at who was president at the time tells you little about what party expanded the debt. Except for his first year in office, Clinton operated under a republican control congress, so any reduction in deficit, or keeping it in check, would be more attributable to them than Clinton. Bush had a split congress his first year, a republican controlled congress his second and third years and a democratic controlled congress his fourth year. What Bush handed Obama could be attributable to both parties since they each had control of the purse strings for parts of his term.
Yeah, that’s why it has been documented that the man has lied 16,000 times since taking office. The same man who has been forbidden from ever running another charity because he stole millions from the one he ran...the same man that ran a bogus “university”...
Dude, the intelligent people know the man is a liar and crook. The fact you continue to lie to yourself and turn a blind eye to the evidence because you can’t admit you were suckered is sad. You’re the abused spouse that can’t bring themselves to get out. I feel sorry for you.

That's rich coming from a bet welching bastard such as yourself. To further prove your idiocy you mention us being suckered. Look at the stock markets.

"blind eye to the evidence"? That's the best one of all. Hillary should have been in jail before the 2016 election rather than having idiots like you vote for her.

I don't feel sorry for you at all. I wish you the worst.