How will they rule ??!

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Yeah, that’s why it has been documented that the man has lied 16,000 times since taking office. The same man who has been forbidden from ever running another charity because he stole millions from the one he ran...the same man that ran a bogus “university”...
Dude, the intelligent people know the man is a liar and crook. The fact you continue to lie to yourself and turn a blind eye to the evidence because you can’t admit you were suckered is sad. You’re the abused spouse that can’t bring themselves to get out. I feel sorry for you.
Did you see the litany of information pouring in about the entirely corrupted democrat party and how they’ve lied along with the intelligence community in a failed attempt to get around the constitution? Your party should have easily beat Trump in 16 with that dazzling evidence you just presented.

Oh wait you morons tried to elect a pathological liar in Clinton that rigged her own parties nomination along with the DNC. A liar who wiped her hard drive of evidence that would incriminate her and everybody knew it, yet you clowns wanted that criminal in office. Never mind the corrupt Joe Bidens family, none of you have the least bit of integrity to point a finger. Now we watch your corrupt party ghetto the House of Representatives because your evidence is a laughable joke that proves nothing. Take CNN/MSNBC out of your mouth and go vote Trump out in 2020 if you don’t like it.
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Sid you see the litany of information pouring in about the entirely corrupted democrat party and how they’ve lied along with the intelligence community in a failed attempt to get around the constitution? Your party should have easily beat Trump in 16 with that dazzling evidence you just presented.

Oh wait you morons tried to elect a pathological liar in Clinton that rigged her own parties nomination along with the DNC. A liar who wiped her hard drive of evidence that would incriminate her and everybody knew it, yet you clowns wanted that criminal in office. Never mind the corrupt Joe Bidens family, none of you have the least bit of integrity to point a finger. Now we watch your corrupt party ghetto the House of Representatives because your evidence is a laughable joke that proves nothing. Take CNN/MSNBC out of your mouth and go vote Trump out in 2020 if you don’t like it.

But, but, she only used a cloth...
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Yeah, that’s why it has been documented that the man has lied 16,000 times since taking office. The same man who has been forbidden from ever running another charity because he stole millions from the one he ran...the same man that ran a bogus “university”...
Dude, the intelligent people know the man is a liar and crook. The fact you continue to lie to yourself and turn a blind eye to the evidence because you can’t admit you were suckered is sad. You’re the abused spouse that can’t bring themselves to get out. I feel sorry for you.
False. What you cal lies, intelligent people call truth and reality. When he says anything it has been the job of the liberal left to to debunk it to keep their lemmings in line. Your post above prove that they have done their job well because it is obvious you have bought their sham hook, line, and sinker. You are a very weak minded soul. The funniest thing about your post is "it has been documented". So was the dossier, and almost every other lie told by the left. Kind of reminds of when Lucy told Charlie Brown she had a signed document so he could kick the football. Perfect example of the liberal way of doing business.
man, this thread

I really don't understand how these leftists can't see what's so obvious... all of these wealthy degenerate democrat socialists just straight up fabricate stuff to feed the oppression appetite. if you have to lie to prove your point, you don't have a point.

but whatabouts lying Trump steaks windmills projections! Trump is a billionaire with GFY money, talks chit, brags, bullies and over-promises, lies about sleeping with whores who want him to grab them.

it's not the same thing as any of this, from A to Z, corn pop to hairy legs, not even close.

your identity politics is a lie, none of what you believe is true or comes to pass. Trump said he would MAGA and he has (is)

and then you gotta go teach 8 year olds sexual consent, you're sick.

look, you lost the plot, jumped the shark whatever, and you're gonna have to wait another 5 years to try again. this impeachment won't work and those buffoons on stage can't beat Trump and you know it... you'll even get embarrassed by the popular vote this time around
This is absolutely false and totally fabricated propaganda misdirection the GOP put out. Unsuspecting conservative political junkies looking for cover ate this lie with a big spoon. The 1992 0mnibus Spending Bill that nearly all economists in a consensus opinion recognize as the single most important turning point in our economy for Clinton, was passed without a single conservative vote. It was deadlocked on a partsan vote and Al Gore passed the deciding vote to implement it. Learn your history before you show us how little you actually know about the subject matter. I'm done again because the people here simply do not know what they are talking about, they are simply dupes.
LOL! “Look at the stock markets”... the markets that have underperformed what they did under Obama but of course O doesn’t get credit and Trump should. ‍♂️
If Hillary should be in jail, why isn’t she? Trump and his justice dept been running things for 3 yrs yet she still runs free.
The swamp is still there but you are too dumb to see it. This is why you fail.
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Wrong Bill. The lies are documented.
Trump U was shut down because it was a bait and switch scam. His charity was shut down because it wasn’t a charity, it was a scam used to enrich himself.
Go read the court cases Bill and stop depending on the liar-in-chief to tell you what happened. Have you no sense of self-dignity?

I guess you also believed the NWS drew in sharpie the bubble to show the hurricane’s path when Trump couldn’t admit that at best he was using week old data that had long been updated.

I guess you believe his bullshit about windmills? They kill bald eagles??? Show me a wind turbine in bald eagle habitat. But he doesn’t understand wind...

The man is a lying moron and the sooner you quit lying to yourself about it the sooner you can come to terms with reality.
False. The lies have been spouted by the left with false documentation.
Wrong Bill. The lies are documented.
Trump U was shut down because it was a bait and switch scam. His charity was shut down because it wasn’t a charity, it was a scam used to enrich himself.
Go read the court cases Bill and stop depending on the liar-in-chief to tell you what happened. Have you no sense of self-dignity?

I guess you also believed the NWS drew in sharpie the bubble to show the hurricane’s path when Trump couldn’t admit that at best he was using week old data that had long been updated.

I guess you believe his bullshit about windmills? They kill bald eagles??? Show me a wind turbine in bald eagle habitat. But he doesn’t understand wind...

The man is a lying moron and the sooner you quit lying to yourself about it the sooner you can come to terms with reality.
In one year of false accusations of wrong doing by Nancy and company the left has far outnumbered the false documented lies of Trump. These are actually documented and recorded. The biggest one being quid pro quo with Biden actually on video bragging about his quid pro quo.
Tell me, how does a self professed intellect not see the reality here?
You couldn’t kick someone’s ass literally it metaphorically if you were to be given $1million to do so.

Tough questions I realize for someone of your limited abilities to answer. I didn’t expect an answer because there are none that don’t expose your willful ignorance.
Now that is funny. Your ass is kicked on here daily basis. With that many ass kicking's just be glad it isn't literally. There is no way a snow flake like you could stand up against a real man.
How bad has your life gotten @rqarnold ?

I assume you think the president is to be a messiah who controls all aspects of life. They arent supposed to have any.

So, how bad has it gotten for you? I'm curious.
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No Arnold, that isn't why Trump University was shutdown. Trump was fined 2 million dollars or the way the telethon fundraiser was managed, specifically for having Lewandowski run it. Nevermind that every bit of it went to Veterans just as promised. They are poltical court rulings out of NY state.

I feel sorry for you Arnold, you're losing grip on reality.
He is getting pummeled again today as usual. I believe he feels it is his job to spread false information for the good of the party.
He is getting pummeled again today as usual. I believe he feels it is his job to spread false information for the good of the party.
“pummeled”? LOL. Having a bunch of village idiots disagree with me and refusing to acknowledge factual information is a sad commentary about you and the other “alternative fact” believers.
As I’ve said, y’all are the battered spouses that defend their abusers because to not do so means to admit to being weak-minded.
If you could prove me wrong you would do so by posting actual factual information. Instead you try and make excuses or obscure reality. Sad.
“pummeled”? LOL. Having a bunch of village idiots disagree with me and refusing to acknowledge factual information is a sad commentary about you and the other “alternative fact” believers.
As I’ve said, y’all are the battered spouses that defend their abusers because to not do so means to admit to being weak-minded.
If you could prove me wrong you would do so by posting actual factual information. Instead you try and make excuses or obscure reality. Sad.
I have not seen the first fact from you.
“pummeled”? LOL. Having a bunch of village idiots disagree with me and refusing to acknowledge factual information is a sad commentary about you and the other “alternative fact” believers.
As I’ve said, y’all are the battered spouses that defend their abusers because to not do so means to admit to being weak-minded.
If you could prove me wrong you would do so by posting actual factual information. Instead you try and make excuses or obscure reality. Sad.

You are wrong, we tell you what has actually occurred, over and over again.

You were frothing over a statement about bald eagles being killed in windmills, which they are along with millions of other birds. You’re the one lacking, and it’s sad.
“pummeled”? LOL. Having a bunch of village idiots disagree with me and refusing to acknowledge factual information is a sad commentary about you and the other “alternative fact” believers.
As I’ve said, y’all are the battered spouses that defend their abusers because to not do so means to admit to being weak-minded.
If you could prove me wrong you would do so by posting actual factual information. Instead you try and make excuses or obscure reality. Sad.

your theory has to account for all facts, alternate or not... you can't just pick and choose and discard the rest.

you also don't actually make a point by pointing out in others what you yourself are guilty of, in fact you just weaken your position by drawing attention to how bad your reasoning abilities are.