How will they rule ??!

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Yeah, that’s why it has been documented that the man has lied 16,000 times since taking office. The same man who has been forbidden from ever running another charity because he stole millions from the one he ran...the same man that ran a bogus “university”...
Dude, the intelligent people know the man is a liar and crook. The fact you continue to lie to yourself and turn a blind eye to the evidence because you can’t admit you were suckered is sad. You’re the abused spouse that can’t bring themselves to get out. I feel sorry for you.

Both of those claims are false Arnold, and you know it. Trump University was sued because students "thought" they were guaranteed to make certain dollar amount, and the charity was fined because Trump had his campaign head run it. Every dime of the fundraiser telethon was given to veterans.

Both of those verdicts were politically handed out. You guys on the left are mentally unstable, and it's getting worse.
Wages would skyrocket. They’ve barely kept up w/ inflation. .


You can't even comprehend what that graph means. Why should anyone take you guys seriously? No wonder you are at war with your oppressors competence.

Your only hope is to scratch it all, start back at fundamentals and forget everything you think you know, all that you think is projections or unadalterd BS... you'll never learn to think until you first realize you aren't.
Both of those claims are false Arnold, and you know it. Trump University was sued because students "thought" they were guaranteed to make certain dollar amount, and the charity was fined because Trump had his campaign head run it. Every dime of the fundraiser telethon was given to veterans.

Both of those verdicts were politically handed out. You guys on the left are mentally unstable, and it's getting worse.

Bootybutttag and RQbuttag know better...

You can't even comprehend what that graph means. Why should anyone take you guys seriously? No wonder you are at war with your oppressors competence.

Your only hope is to scratch it all, start back at fundamentals and forget everything you think you know, all that you think is projections or unadalterd BS... you'll never learn to think until you first realize you aren't.

HA:joy: Bootybutttag will tell you how smart he is, you know nothing...
Actually that's not true. If you understand our government, congress controls the purse strings, so looking at who was president at the time tells you little about what party expanded the debt. Except for his first year in office, Clinton operated under a republican control congress, so any reduction in deficit, or keeping it in check, would be more attributable to them than Clinton. Bush had a split congress his first year, a republican controlled congress his second and third years and a democratic controlled congress his fourth year. What Bush handed Obama could be attributable to both parties since they each had control of the purse strings for parts of his term.
This is absolutely false and totally fabricated propaganda misdirection the GOP put out. Unsuspecting conservative political junkies looking for cover ate this lie with a big spoon. The 1992 0mnibus Spending Bill that nearly all economists in a consensus opinion recognize as the single most important turning point in our economy for Clinton, was passed without a single conservative vote. It was deadlocked on a partsan vote and Al Gore passed the deciding vote to implement it. Learn your history before you show us how little you actually know about the subject matter. I'm done again because the people here simply do not know what they are talking about, they are simply dupes.
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That's rich coming from a bet welching bastard such as yourself. To further prove your idiocy you mention us being suckered. Look at the stock markets.

"blind eye to the evidence"? That's the best one of all. Hillary should have been in jail before the 2016 election rather than having idiots like you vote for her.

I don't feel sorry for you at all. I wish you the worst.
LOL! “Look at the stock markets”... the markets that have underperformed what they did under Obama but of course O doesn’t get credit and Trump should. ‍♂️
If Hillary should be in jail, why isn’t she? Trump and his justice dept been running things for 3 yrs yet she still runs free.
This is absolutely false and totally fabricated propaganda misdirection the GOP put out. Unsuspecting conservative political junkies looking for cover ate this lie with a big spoon. The 1992 0mnibus Spending Bill that nearly all economists in a consensus opinion recognize as the single most important turning point in our economy for Clinton, was passed without a single conservative vote. It was deadlocked on a partsan vote and Al Gore passed the deciding vote to implement it. Learn your history before you show us how little you actually know about the subject manner. I'm done again because the people here simply do not know what they are talking about, they are simply dupes.

You use more communist words than Putin. (You're the best Bottybutttag...)
LOL! “Look at the stock markets”... the markets that have underperformed what they did under Obama but of course O doesn’t get credit and Trump should. ‍♂️
If Hillary should be in jail, why isn’t she? Trump and his justice dept been running things for 3 yrs yet she still runs free.
We've already been through all this with you, multiple times. You trying to bore everyone to death? Attention whore? Just like having your ass kicked?

Your head is as thick as thick as a rock. You're an incorrigible idiot.
Both of those claims are false Arnold, and you know it. Trump University was sued because students "thought" they were guaranteed to make certain dollar amount, and the charity was fined because Trump had his campaign head run it. Every dime of the fundraiser telethon was given to veterans.

Both of those verdicts were politically handed out. You guys on the left are mentally unstable, and it's getting worse.
Wrong Bill. The lies are documented.
Trump U was shut down because it was a bait and switch scam. His charity was shut down because it wasn’t a charity, it was a scam used to enrich himself.
Go read the court cases Bill and stop depending on the liar-in-chief to tell you what happened. Have you no sense of self-dignity?

I guess you also believed the NWS drew in sharpie the bubble to show the hurricane’s path when Trump couldn’t admit that at best he was using week old data that had long been updated.

I guess you believe his bullshit about windmills? They kill bald eagles??? Show me a wind turbine in bald eagle habitat. But he doesn’t understand wind...

The man is a lying moron and the sooner you quit lying to yourself about it the sooner you can come to terms with reality.
We've already been through all this with you, multiple times. You trying to bore everyone to death? Attention whore? Just like having your ass kicked?

Your head is as thick as thick as a rock. You're an incorrigible idiot.
You couldn’t kick someone’s ass literally it metaphorically if you were to be given $1million to do so.

Tough questions I realize for someone of your limited abilities to answer. I didn’t expect an answer because there are none that don’t expose your willful ignorance.
Yeah, lets go ahead and keep up with using Communist words.

You don't even know what it means to be oppressed. So woke" [pfftt], you have to just make it up so people feel sympathy for you, hey you're 1/1024th American Indian so you must need a helping hand to get into Harvard Miss Warren... we understood all the pain we've put you through, we're the good ones not like those others, we understand.

Oh look, an Asian, hey he must be good at math! He's right, men are dumb when they all get together alone in a room! You're right Obama, women would make better leaders cause what Warren says is totes true, they do balance the family checkbook! Why didn't we think of that before!

You idiots aren't on solid ground to call anyone morons; you're not even on thin ice
Both of those claims are false Arnold, and you know it. Trump University was sued because students "thought" they were guaranteed to make certain dollar amount, and the charity was fined because Trump had his campaign head run it. Every dime of the fundraiser telethon was given to veterans.

Both of those verdicts were politically handed out. You guys on the left are mentally unstable, and it's getting worse.
Imagine how crazy they will be when Trump destroys the pathetic nominee of the dems next year. Oh God, November 3rd can't get here soon enough.
LOL! “Look at the stock markets”... the markets that have underperformed what they did under Obama but of course O doesn’t get credit and Trump should. ‍♂️
If Hillary should be in jail, why isn’t she? Trump and his justice dept been running things for 3 yrs yet she still runs free.

Yo mama must have left your stupidity valve wide open. It's spilling out everywhere.
You couldn’t kick someone’s ass literally it metaphorically if you were to be given $1million to do so.

Tough questions I realize for someone of your limited abilities to answer. I didn’t expect an answer because there are none that don’t expose your willful ignorance.
You don't need to offer $1 million fuzz dollars to have your ass kicked. You constantly come on here begging for it with the primal urge of a deprived sexual deviant cuck.

It just gets old covering the same debunked material. Come up with some new lies for a change. You're a democrat scumbag. You can do it.
You couldn’t kick someone’s ass literally it metaphorically if you were to be given $1million to do so.

Tough questions I realize for someone of your limited abilities to answer. I didn’t expect an answer because there are none that don’t expose your willful ignorance.

Willful ignorance. That would be looking at what American became with a capitalistic system vs what Venezuela degraded to under the socialist paradigm, and determining socialism is the way to go..

You're an idiot fuzz, plain and simple. A very plain and very simple idiot.
The man is a lying moron and the sooner you quit lying to yourself about it the sooner you can come to terms with reality.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but imitating my argument doesn't make yours any more valid and I'm not flattered.

Here, I'll one up you... it's not just that you are bereft of character and intellect, it's that you are sick too.

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This is absolutely false and totally fabricated propaganda misdirection the GOP put out. Unsuspecting conservative political junkies looking for cover ate this lie with a big spoon. The 1992 0mnibus Spending Bill that nearly all economists in a consensus opinion recognize as the single most important turning point in our economy for Clinton, was passed without a single conservative vote. It was deadlocked on a partsan vote and Al Gore passed the deciding vote to implement it. Learn your history before you show us how little you actually know about the subject matter. I'm done again because the people here simply do not know what they are talking about, they are simply dupes.
Clinton wasn't in office in 1992. You must be referring to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. That was his first year he was in office and was passed by the 103rd congress which was democratic controlled. The democrats should get credit for that bill as it focused on reducing the deficit. However, the budget was only for the 1994 year. It also didn't include Clinton's promised middle class tax cuts which in all likelihood caused the party to lose both houses the following year. While that bill set the stage for deficit reduction, it was only a one year budget. The republicans controlled both houses the rest of his term. They clearly passed budgets that were fiscally responsible or the gains from the 1993 budget would have been lost. For someone who claims to know history, you got the year wrong, and picked a year when Bush was President, not Clinton. I'm glad you aren't teaching history anywhere.
We've already been through all this with you, multiple times. You trying to bore everyone to death? Attention whore? Just like having your ass kicked?

Your head is as thick as thick as a rock. You're an incorrigible idiot.

You just don't understand IC...

They know better, we do not comprehend, We are simpletons...(Aren't you thankful...)
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Wrong Bill. The lies are documented.
Trump U was shut down because it was a bait and switch scam. His charity was shut down because it wasn’t a charity, it was a scam used to enrich himself.
Go read the court cases Bill and stop depending on the liar-in-chief to tell you what happened. Have you no sense of self-dignity?

I guess you also believed the NWS drew in sharpie the bubble to show the hurricane’s path when Trump couldn’t admit that at best he was using week old data that had long been updated.

I guess you believe his bullshit about windmills? They kill bald eagles??? Show me a wind turbine in bald eagle habitat. But he doesn’t understand wind...

The man is a lying moron and the sooner you quit lying to yourself about it the sooner you can come to terms with reality.

No Arnold, that isn't why Trump University was shutdown. Trump was fined 2 million dollars or the way the telethon fundraiser was managed, specifically for having Lewandowski run it. Nevermind that every bit of it went to Veterans just as promised. They are poltical court rulings out of NY state.

I feel sorry for you Arnold, you're losing grip on reality.
No Arnold, that isn't why Trump University was shutdown. Trump was fined 2 million dollars or the way the telethon fundraiser was managed, specifically for having Lewandowski run it. Nevermind that every bit of it went to Veterans just as promised. They are poltical court rulings out of NY state.

I feel sorry for you Arnold, you're losing grip on reality.


“Go read the court cases”

Where might I find the “court cases” for out of court settlements that admit no wrongdoing?

Teen Vogue has been having one hell of a week.

*8 year olds are looking at hardcore porn en masse*

"We need to do something about this! (crowd cheers) Like teach them how sodomize each other and take PREP so their homo partner doesn't poz them accidentally! (crowd nervously looks around)"

Seriously, death penalty for pornographers.