How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Radical, hell and the not so radical too really, left fully endorses that nonsense. That sort of racism is obviously no different than any other and equally as abhorrent.

only way around it is to go back to where we were 10-20 years ago or whenever when we understood people are people, individuals not members of some victim group hierarchy

This toxic progressivism won’t end well,

that Jennifer Rubin is another piece of work, another form of toxic stupidity, thinks she’s going to shame you conservatives into believing bad ideas in a no true Scotsman moronic argument you’ll see here made by some leftists. These people are totally out of touch, would be funny if not so dangerous.

What the hell is going on?

Bevin is letting murderers and child rapists out of prison on the way out the door...

And Beshear wants "Terrorists Day" in Frankfort.

That terrorist day is going to be well tell muslims that child rapists don't get punished in KY and they will move here in droves those sick f--ks

What the hell is going on?

Bevin is letting murderers and child rapists out of prison on the way out the door...

And Beshear wants "Terrorists Day" in Frankfort.

That terrorist day is going to be well tell muslims that child rapists don't get punished in KY and they will move here in droves those sick f--ks

I'd be more worried about Roy Moore moving here the sick f*ck

They spelled assault wrong but the point came across...


One more twist of the knife...


What the hell is going on?

Bevin is letting murderers and child rapists out of prison on the way out the door...

And Beshear wants "Terrorists Day" in Frankfort.

That terrorist day is going to be well tell muslims that child rapists don't get punished in KY and they will move here in droves those sick f--ks

Kentucky leadership on both sides has sure went down since I left... Kentucky can do better.

A single user complained... so of course they had no choice but to remove it.

Some serious lacking in leadership. I wonder why? Oh, could it be you have to let certain "people" lead or you may be a racist.... I know that is not popular and I am not talking about color. I am talking about leveling the playing field to where everyone gets a chance. Sorry I am not sorry that leaders need to and do lead. If you are not a leader you cannot just participate. Participation causes these things, not leadership. (Deep huh? Not really, just plain old common sense. Need more common sense in leadership!)

Let ole diondumas or buttyboot give their expert opinion that will quell any thought I could have on the subject.

What the hell is going on?

Bevin is letting murderers and child rapists out of prison on the way out the door...

And Beshear wants "Terrorists Day" in Frankfort.

That terrorist day is going to be well tell muslims that child rapists don't get punished in KY and they will move here in droves those sick f--ks
Time for KY Legislature to impeach Beshear. Why not?
Time for KY Legislature to impeach Beshear. Why not?

I hope you are correct. He already removed the rule requiring able bodied people to work to get Medicaid.

Hes doing basically everything he said he wouldn't. Work requirement, abortion facility support, gun rights, refugees. All while giving massive power handout to his pals at the nea/kea.

Can't believe enough teachers were suckered into voting for him.
Wonder how much the campaign paid this guy...better be a lot

Steyer is that jerk off that tells me in his commercial that he's going to put in term limits if you vote for him. Saw it last night and I told him what a lying piece of shit he was. Might as well say he's running on change, or reform, or any other meaningless reason to garner votes from the less intelligent of us.

Anyway, my wife started laughing and told me I had told that dude the same thing last week when I saw it and I had been drinking. I told her that drunk me must still have a little sense floating around in the bourbon.