How will they rule ??!

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We never did stop caring. Trump gets criticized for his spending literally all the time lol. Obama spent 10 trillion and you guys didn't say jack shit about spending until Trump came into office.

Yep. I have a family member who is a lib-dum, unfortunately... and he recently went on a rant about the "out of control spending" since Trump was elected. Having never heard him discuss govt spending before, I mentioned the inflated budgets/increased debt from the obuma years. He said:


It was like he'd never ever at any point from 2009 to now, heard a report on the extra trillions of budget-busting dollars that obuma was spending. Because... he hadn't.

We know the Fake News spreads the lib-dum lies with their reporting. But their greater power may be just how well they cover up all of the lib-dum BS, making sure their lemmings never hear a negative story.

(*) All caps, because he really did get worked up about it.
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So the democrats were laundering money during the Obama administration by sending billions in American taxpayer money to Ukraine so they could give it to Soros in order for him to finance democrats campaigns all over America. No wonder they flipped out over Trump digging around in Ukraine, the democrats used tax money to pay for their election campaigns. What a low life party, thieves and liars. Now we know why they are hell bent on getting Trump out of office and accusing him of everything that they actually did.
If you think the media is what the problem is today then you my friend are lost like a week old puppy in a national forest. ..

When did Republicans stop caring?
We haven't but, at least we are smart enough to know it will take time to fix it. You have to spend some to make more. Trump is doing that, you morons spend by giving away without building the business.

Another idiot who shows once again why you lost. Most intelligent people understand and get it, you just hate and blindly follow morons. Good luck with that, I hope you find what they are looking for only not in my country.
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Can't believe the GOP isn't happy with the IG.
We can believe how stupid you are though. There have always been never Trumpers in the republican party which makes everything he has done so far amazing. Even with all of the dummycraps hating him and opposing him and many on the right hating him, he still manages to get this country going. Imagine what he could do without American hating liberals and swamp rat republicans getting in the way.

Thanks for pointing this out.
Can't believe the GOP isn't happy with the CT.
False, you just posted before this one how the GOP was against Trump but now are protecting him. Which one is it? Showing once again why your postings are almost always false/fake. You don't really know the context of your own postings. You just see something anti Trump and run with it without understanding it.:okay::clap:
So the democrats were laundering money during the Obama administration by sending billions in American taxpayer money to Ukraine so they could give it to Soros in order for him to finance democrats campaigns all over America. No wonder they flipped out over Trump digging around in Ukraine, the democrats used tax money to pay for their election campaigns. What a low life party, thieves and liars. Now we know why they are hell bent on getting Trump out of office and accusing him of everything that they actually did.

The only political significance Ukraine has is laundering money for Dems. That's it. No coincidence all the ties to Dems. Not only was taxpayer money being funneled back, but it was also foreign payments and illegal campaign contributions.
So the democrats were laundering money during the Obama administration by sending billions in American taxpayer money to Ukraine so they could give it to Soros in order for him to finance democrats campaigns all over America. No wonder they flipped out over Trump digging around in Ukraine, the democrats used tax money to pay for their election campaigns. What a low life party, thieves and liars. Now we know why they are hell bent on getting Trump out of office and accusing him of everything that they actually did.

And that’s the only factual evidence that exists.
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Really bad news from Politico.

Wall Street is set up for a major crash if Donald Trump shocks the world on Election Day and wins the White House.

New research out on Friday suggests that financial markets strongly prefer a Hillary Clinton presidency and could react with panicked selling should Trump defy the polls and deliver a shocking upset on Nov. 8.
Wall Street clearly prefers a Clinton win certainly from the prospective of equity prices,” said Dartmouth College’s Eric Zitzewitz, one of the authors of the new study along with the University of Michigan’s Justin Wolfers. “You saw Clinton win the first debate and her odds jumped and stocks moved right along with it. Should Trump somehow manage to win you could see major Brexit-style selling.”
Hunter may have to cut his crack habit a little. Daddy Biden is gonna to need to have Soros funnel more laundered US tax payer funds into his campaign. Son of a bitch! Get it done in 6 hours or Obama will be mad!