How will they rule ??!

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Alright, I had to take a mini break from my sabbatical to post this.

Keep in mind;

1- I was volunteering, I'm not an employee of the school nor affiliated with the school in any way
2- I'm atheist

So yesterday I volunteered at my little girl's school for their winter carnival. I drew a good assignment, indoors calling out bingo numbers for 90 minutes to a few different 2nd grade classes. Anyway, that all went well - so at the end as I am leaving, the kids are saying "bye Mr. John" and I say "bye kids, you all have a Merry Christmas!"

Oooops. Big nono. The 3 teachers give me the nay-nay look and one of them says "he means have a fun winter break, kids." I don't want to get into a back and forth, so I quickly say "yeah, happy holidays," hoping to calm things down. Oooops. I can't say that either? WTF? Teacher pulls me aside and says "we can't say Merry Christmas for obvious reasons, but happy holidays is also not cool since some of the kids may not be celebrating anything over the break." I told her I really didn't give a shit about the religious aspect of anything, that I was simply referring to Christmas as the commercial holiday it has become. In her defense, she said she thought it was stupid too but that there were parents and leaders in the school board who would probably complain about what I said. I told her to PLEASE send anyone who did complain my way and I would handle it.

Nothing so far, but the one thing I want most for Christmas now is for some random parent or school board desk jockey to call or email me about what I said to their kids at school after i ****ing VOLUNTEERED for 90 mintutes.

I'm about fed up with how far the left is taking things when an atheist volunteer at a public school can't even give kids a generic holiday greeting.

Rant over, back to break. Carry on. And Merry ****ing Christmas!!

It all depends on the board members and how far PC they’ve gone. The more diverse a school is, the more PC they are (in my experiences anyway). The school my kids go to had Christmas parties this year. Last year they went to a different school more concerned about potentially offending one person and they had winter parties.

The biggest problem is these board members and leaders worry about the >1% which has become a big problem everywhere in society. Common sense says you can’t please everyone and common sense also says just because one parent complains, it’s no reason to completely change how you do things. Sometimes it’s okay to say, “we mean no offense, but this is how we do things here.” And they can go home and cry themselves to sleep.

I’m an independent Christian who leans right, but we can both agree they’ve given parents far too much power in school. Their opinion is no more important than mine or yours... but the board members have decided it is.
Alright, I had to take a mini break from my sabbatical to post this.

Keep in mind;

1- I was volunteering, I'm not an employee of the school nor affiliated with the school in any way
2- I'm atheist

So yesterday I volunteered at my little girl's school for their winter carnival. I drew a good assignment, indoors calling out bingo numbers for 90 minutes to a few different 2nd grade classes. Anyway, that all went well - so at the end as I am leaving, the kids are saying "bye Mr. John" and I say "bye kids, you all have a Merry Christmas!"

Oooops. Big nono. The 3 teachers give me the nay-nay look and one of them says "he means have a fun winter break, kids." I don't want to get into a back and forth, so I quickly say "yeah, happy holidays," hoping to calm things down. Oooops. I can't say that either? WTF? Teacher pulls me aside and says "we can't say Merry Christmas for obvious reasons, but happy holidays is also not cool since some of the kids may not be celebrating anything over the break." I told her I really didn't give a shit about the religious aspect of anything, that I was simply referring to Christmas as the commercial holiday it has become. In her defense, she said she thought it was stupid too but that there were parents and leaders in the school board who would probably complain about what I said. I told her to PLEASE send anyone who did complain my way and I would handle it.

Nothing so far, but the one thing I want most for Christmas now is for some random parent or school board desk jockey to call or email me about what I said to their kids at school after i ****ing VOLUNTEERED for 90 mintutes.

I'm about fed up with how far the left is taking things when an atheist volunteer at a public school can't even give kids a generic holiday greeting.

Rant over, back to break. Carry on. And Merry ****ing Christmas!!
I see you are an atheist. Well congratulations because it was people like you who got us into this mess to start with. Atheist get offended when a small child gets a gift and someone mentions any word with Christ. Rather than ignore it they make a big deal out of it. So your side won the war and instead of having a happy occasion for all we have hard feelings and conflict rather than Peace On Earth.

Like I said your side won this battle but our day is yet to come.
Oh in case you have not heard Political Board, President Trump has authorized the words Merry Christmas again. IN PUBLIC. You can even say Jesus was born in a manager and into poverty in public. No wonder libs wanted him impeached. People who thought the way the current atheist and democrats think killed Jesus. Nothing has changed. They hated him then and they hate him now. It is in the Word.
Spending will always be out of control until someone convinces scotus to reverse itself on line item veto.

Some presidents are better than others on spending. But spending will always be out of control till that's fixed
I'm willing to see how things play out before I criticize Trump for spending. Lots of good shit on the horizon with trade deals and increased American productivity. Give him 4 more years and a Rep congress and I think he'll have us in the black. Or at least in better shape than we are now. What will the trade deal with the UK bring? How is the USMCA going to work out?

Things are in flux right now and there's no reason to point to any one area of spending. Temper your thoughts with what the debt would be right now if Hillary was sitting there with a dem congress.

O'bama pledged to make America weak. Trump pledged to make America strong. Both succeeded.
Spending is out of control because people love to spend money that is not theirs. Nobody cares about it until it effects them or their cause and politicians use it to their advantage to make a bunch of promises to get votes. The debt will continue to skyrocket because hardly nobody in Washington cares because Americans are not holding them accountable. We are now $22 Trillion in debt yet the economy is humming. At this point I can’t figure out if there really is a limit to the debt ceiling that destroys this entire country and world economy.

As for Trump, he needs to get spending under control, but as others have said, he is in a tough spot right now because he has to get re-elected and another government shutdown will be nothing but ammunition for Dems and their propaganda machine the MSM to rake Republicans over the coals.
I'm willing to see how things play out before I criticize Trump for spending. Lots of good shit on the horizon with trade deals and increased American productivity. Give him 4 more years and a Rep congress and I think he'll have us in the black. Or at least in better shape than we are now. What will the trade deal with the UK bring? How is the USMCA going to work out?

Things are in flux right now and there's no reason to point to any one area of spending. Temper your thoughts with what the debt would be right now if Hillary was sitting there with a dem congress.

O'bama pledged to make America weak. Trump pledged to make America strong. Both succeeded.
Yes the GoP is so we'll known for getting spending under control. LMAO! Name one republican that has ever lowered federal spending. Their is only one reality that lowers spending and that involves a gigantic cut to the Pentagon. I don't think that happens when the president's policy on defense spending is "they can never have enough money". Trump is never going to address spending because he doesn't give a shit about it. As long as they give him money for pet projects he will sign anything.
Alright, I had to take a mini break from my sabbatical to post this.

Keep in mind;

1- I was volunteering, I'm not an employee of the school nor affiliated with the school in any way
2- I'm atheist

So yesterday I volunteered at my little girl's school for their winter carnival. I drew a good assignment, indoors calling out bingo numbers for 90 minutes to a few different 2nd grade classes. Anyway, that all went well - so at the end as I am leaving, the kids are saying "bye Mr. John" and I say "bye kids, you all have a Merry Christmas!"

Oooops. Big nono. The 3 teachers give me the nay-nay look and one of them says "he means have a fun winter break, kids." I don't want to get into a back and forth, so I quickly say "yeah, happy holidays," hoping to calm things down. Oooops. I can't say that either? WTF? Teacher pulls me aside and says "we can't say Merry Christmas for obvious reasons, but happy holidays is also not cool since some of the kids may not be celebrating anything over the break." I told her I really didn't give a shit about the religious aspect of anything, that I was simply referring to Christmas as the commercial holiday it has become. In her defense, she said she thought it was stupid too but that there were parents and leaders in the school board who would probably complain about what I said. I told her to PLEASE send anyone who did complain my way and I would handle it.

Nothing so far, but the one thing I want most for Christmas now is for some random parent or school board desk jockey to call or email me about what I said to their kids at school after i ****ing VOLUNTEERED for 90 mintutes.

I'm about fed up with how far the left is taking things when an atheist volunteer at a public school can't even give kids a generic holiday greeting.

Rant over, back to break. Carry on. And Merry ****ing Christmas!!

In your honor.

Yes the GoP is so we'll known for getting spending under control. LMAO! Name one republican that has ever lowered federal spending. Their is only one reality that lowers spending and that involves a gigantic cut to the Pentagon. I don't think that happens when the president's policy on defense spending is "they can never have enough money". Trump is never going to address spending because he doesn't give a shit about it. As long as they give him money for pet projects he will sign anything.

What I'm saying is the spending may look different when we start making more money than we ever have.

We'll look at again in 5 years.
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My stepson used to call potatoes tomatoes when he was 5. I told him to ask anyone for a tomato and see what he gets.

I often wonder when people will be demanding that we all acknowledge potatoes can be tomatoes if that’s their preference.

Give the insane an inch, they’ll demand it be identified as a mile.
Yes the GoP is so we'll known for getting spending under control. LMAO! Name one republican that has ever lowered federal spending. Their is only one reality that lowers spending and that involves a gigantic cut to the Pentagon. I don't think that happens when the president's policy on defense spending is "they can never have enough money". Trump is never going to address spending because he doesn't give a shit about it. As long as they give him money for pet projects he will sign anything.

Didn’t the Republican Congress run a surplus in the nineties? Don’t feel like looking it up.
Yes, he certainly did. "I'll have more flexibility after the election" means that O'bama was being asked to do something for Putin. Maybe sell him some uranium?
My god, do you think they might have been talking about man love?
Alright, I had to take a mini break from my sabbatical to post this.

Keep in mind;

1- I was volunteering, I'm not an employee of the school nor affiliated with the school in any way
2- I'm atheist

So yesterday I volunteered at my little girl's school for their winter carnival. I drew a good assignment, indoors calling out bingo numbers for 90 minutes to a few different 2nd grade classes. Anyway, that all went well - so at the end as I am leaving, the kids are saying "bye Mr. John" and I say "bye kids, you all have a Merry Christmas!"

Oooops. Big nono. The 3 teachers give me the nay-nay look and one of them says "he means have a fun winter break, kids." I don't want to get into a back and forth, so I quickly say "yeah, happy holidays," hoping to calm things down. Oooops. I can't say that either? WTF? Teacher pulls me aside and says "we can't say Merry Christmas for obvious reasons, but happy holidays is also not cool since some of the kids may not be celebrating anything over the break." I told her I really didn't give a shit about the religious aspect of anything, that I was simply referring to Christmas as the commercial holiday it has become. In her defense, she said she thought it was stupid too but that there were parents and leaders in the school board who would probably complain about what I said. I told her to PLEASE send anyone who did complain my way and I would handle it.

Nothing so far, but the one thing I want most for Christmas now is for some random parent or school board desk jockey to call or email me about what I said to their kids at school after i ****ing VOLUNTEERED for 90 mintutes.

I'm about fed up with how far the left is taking things when an atheist volunteer at a public school can't even give kids a generic holiday greeting.

Rant over, back to break. Carry on. And Merry ****ing Christmas!!

This must be a lie. There’s no war on Christmas, the media has already made that clear. Settled science man. Now can we please focus on those men who get their periods and need tampons next to the condom machines...