How will they rule ??!

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Here ya go @Platinumdrgn heres what your caring and compassionate govt spent money on
The federal government wasted American
tax dollars as it…

Bought an elementary school gym scoreboard at a 491% markup (BIA) ..... $13,000

Sent international students to college for free (State) ............................... $15,825,000

Studied the habits of online dating app users (NIH and NSF) ................. $1,200,000

Taught Lao to Laotians (USAID) ................................................................ $20,000,000

Improved the quality of TV in Moldova (State) .......................................... $2,000,000

Paid to teach social scientists how to apply for grants (NSF) ...................... $103,777

Allowed the 1033 Program to be abused (DOD) ....................................... $2,711,255

“Tested” whether social justice improves STEM education (NSF) ............ $649,773

Funded a week of summer school for grad students (NSF) ........................... $49,990

Developed 6 undergrad course units on food marketing (NIFA) ............... $128,054

That's a blink of the eye compared to Defense contract waste.
I know most Americans want the impeachment hoax to die and go away but I hope the democrats triple down to an insane level. It will decimate their party for a long time, it might even refocus them when America forgives that party. The democrats are a disease to democracy at the moment and have lost their way.
Pete Buttagieg said he wants to give reparations to illegal alien children separated from their families. He wants to pay illegal aliens for their troubles with legal Americans tax money. I would literally say thank you and walk off mid debate knowing there’s not a chance in hell I get elected, Pete couldn’t do the math and finished out.
Holy cow Elizabeth Warren is a psychopath, this nut job wants to send people to prison based on their sex identification instead of their biological identification. She will also say the name of every transgender and person of color murdered over the last year when she walks in the rose garden. What a selection of imbeciles the democrats have to pick from. There’s no telling how many moderate democrats are too ashamed to admit they are a registered democrat.
I was just thinking this this morning I'm gonna share this on antisocial media
Holy cow Elizabeth Warren is a psychopath, this nut job wants to send people to prison based on their sex identification instead of their biological identification. She will also say the name of every transgender and person of color murdered over the last year when she walks in the rose garden. What a selection of imbeciles the democrats have to pick from. There’s no telling how many moderate democrats are too ashamed to admit they are a registered democrat.

They're welcome to leave it's never too late. Until it is too late
Dude where's your f*cking humanity. If the Dems come after the oil and gas jobs the way they did the coal jobs then a lot of people are going to have their world turned upside down. Those jobs support towns, cities, counties and states. The fact that this is lost on you tells a lot about you as a person.
Eventually those oil and gas jobs will go away. It's not an infinite resource. So a smart community prepares for that future. The coal community knew for 20 years that it was a dead industry. They had plenty of time to prepare for what was to come. The smart ones created thriving coding and solar businesses. The dumb ones created meth houses.
Eventually those oil and gas jobs will go away. It's not an infinite resource. So a smart community prepares for that future. The coal community knew for 20 years that it was a dead industry. They had plenty of time to prepare for what was to come. The smart ones created thriving coding and solar businesses. The dumb ones created meth houses.

two sides of the same racket
How y'all like that spending bill your boy just signed? Gonna raise the deficit another few 100 billion. 500million for anti gun research. Raises tobacco and vaping age to 21. Also has multiple amnesty/path to citizenship programs within it for refugees. The party of fiscal conservatism and small government, LMAO! Bet it just makes you proud.
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We are now a net exporter of energy. Hasn't been that way since 1953. That's a huge plus for America and we owe that distinction to Trump. That last piece of shit told us we couldn't dig our way to prosperity.

And there you go. You would cash out, but not after the big boys did. You would lose.

And that's with Obama's assassination of the coal industry.
I certainly have a great deal of disdain for both of those persons. Indeed, dubya left a less than desirable situation. Keep in mind, he was handicapped by escalated terrorism directed toward our nation that no other potus had ever had to deal with.
Eyes are open. Go ahead and tell me how things were better under BHO than they are under DT or how they might have been better under HC.

But world leaders liked us better with bho

--- dems
Eventually those oil and gas jobs will go away. It's not an infinite resource. So a smart community prepares for that future. The coal community knew for 20 years that it was a dead industry. They had plenty of time to prepare for what was to come. The smart ones created thriving coding and solar businesses. The dumb ones created meth houses.
Dead only because of regulations and poor management not supply.
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How y'all like that spending bill your boy just signed? Gonna raise the deficit another few 100 billion. 500million for anti gun research. Raises tobacco and vaping age to 21. Also has multiple amnesty/path to citizenship programs within it for refugees. The party of fiscal conservatism and small government, LMAO! Bet it just makes you proud.
Yet, that is what you guys were opining for. How dumb do you look now?
How y'all like that spending bill your boy just signed? Gonna raise the deficit another few 100 billion. 500million for anti gun research. Raises tobacco and vaping age to 21. Also has multiple amnesty/path to citizenship programs within it for refugees. The party of fiscal conservatism and small government, LMAO! Bet it just makes you proud.
Have seen many on the right criticize it. He should have vetoed.

It originated in the Dem controlled House, did you ever email Nancy about the deficit? If this is a concern how could you back a Dem in 2020 when every single GD one of them want to at least double the federal budget?
Have seen many on the right criticize it. He should have vetoed.

It originated in the Dem controlled House, did you ever email Nancy about the deficit? If this is a concern how could you back a Dem in 2020 when every single GD one of them want to at least double the federal budget?

Trump bad!!! That’s all people like plat care about. I’ve seen nearly everyone who supports Trump criticize him for something or another; spending being a common theme.

He’s not perfect. Far from it. Signing that spending bill was the wrong thing to do IMO. He f*cked up there.

Difference between Trump supporters and Dem worshipers are we can criticize Trump. They can never bring themselves to criticize dems. Dems literally help illegals evade justice for violent crimes and they don’t say a word. That’s the entire shaft and both nuts down your throat.
I also think Trump needs to get spending in check, but could you imagine the optics of him refusing to sign a spending bill, leading to a government shutdown, immediately following the Democrats vote to impeach him?

Those headlines are far to easy to write.

Second term will be the time to tackle spending.
I’m holding out hope that Trump will do something about spending, immigration, the border, etc in his second term, but I have to admit I’m getting less and less hopeful.

He has to do something drastic on each issue or whatever other good things he did won’t matter in 30 years
I believe he will in the second term. First term the swamp has fought him every step of the way and he has to weigh political damage in relation to re-election. Second term he can tell them to go to hell.
I believe he will in the second term. First term the swamp has fought him every step of the way and he has to weigh political damage in relation to re-election. Second term he can tell them to go to hell.
That’s what I’m hoping. I just think guys like Kushner and Miller are as big of a problem as anyway in the swamp. And unfortunately those seem to be two of the guys Trump trusts most.
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I also think Trump needs to get spending in check, but could you imagine the optics of him refusing to sign a spending bill, leading to a government shutdown, immediately following the Democrats vote to impeach him?

Those headlines are far to easy to write.

Second term will be the time to tackle spending.
Yes, this is the pattern. For some reason America goes into a panic at the thought of a "government shutdown" The Democrats have the media behind them and know it. So they can sit back make outlandish demands on spending and if the GOP balks the media will crush them and blame them for starvation in Africa and every other problem in the world. People will march in the streets with their little hate Trump signs.

So everything becomes political and Democrats hold all of the cards because of their relationship with the media. The can do no wrong in the eyes of the press.
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The fool has stated there is no God. There are some serious fools that are very vocal. Fear the Lord!
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When I stop seeing that the house or some circuit judge is constantly trying to stop everything Trump tries to accomplish via immigration, I'll be more willing to hold his feet to the fire there. I can't imagine any POTUS ever dealing with this level of legislative noncooperation to the point of overt impediment on everything and he's still getting a lot of good shit done where he can. Besides, I fail to see an alternative 2016 outcome that would have A) produced a plan to fix immigration or the deficit in 4 years or B) resulted in any of the Trump net positibves to this point. Nor do I see anything even close to that being offered in 2020. Better take what you can get while the getting is good, b/c it may never get any better.

All this hurried mess with all the new judge appointments, resignations/retirements within gov/mil, possible indictments, the upcoming SCOTUS pick, etc are happening for a reason. If the system is dirty internally, trying to fix the major issues in first term would have been a waste of time, money and effort (as we are seeing to some extent right now) while not producing the positive net gains we are currently enjoying, or affording the necessary time to right the system before relying on it for actual justice.

I remain in the boat that believes he's either gonna find a way to fix it ALL, or he's going to toss a match on it as he walks away. I'm down either way.
When I stop seeing that the house or some circuit judge is constantly trying to stop everything Trump tries to accomplish via immigration, I'll be more willing to hold his feet to the fire there. I can't imagine any POTUS ever dealing with this level of legislative noncooperation to the point of overt impediment on everything and he's still getting a lot of good shit done where he can. Besides, I fail to see an alternative 2016 outcome that would have A) produced a plan to fix immigration or the deficit in 4 years or B) resulted in any of the Trump net positibves to this point. Nor do I see anything even close to that being offered in 2020. Better take what you can get while the getting is good, b/c it may never get any better.

All this hurried mess with all the new judge appointments, resignations/retirements within gov/mil, possible indictments, the upcoming SCOTUS pick, etc are happening for a reason. If the system is dirty internally, trying to fix the major issues in first term would have been a waste of time, money and effort (as we are seeing to some extent right now) while not producing the positive net gains we are currently enjoying, or affording the necessary time to right the system before relying on it for actual justice.

I remain in the boat that believes he's either gonna find a way to fix it ALL, or he's going to toss a match on it as he walks away. I'm down either way.
If it can not be fixed, burn it to the ground and exterminate the people who are the problem. Then build it back
I also think Trump needs to get spending in check, but could you imagine the optics of him refusing to sign a spending bill, leading to a government shutdown, immediately following the Democrats vote to impeach him?

Those headlines are far to easy to write.

Second term will be the time to tackle spending.

So you're saying he'll have more flexibility after the election?
Alright, I had to take a mini break from my sabbatical to post this.

Keep in mind;

1- I was volunteering, I'm not an employee of the school nor affiliated with the school in any way
2- I'm atheist

So yesterday I volunteered at my little girl's school for their winter carnival. I drew a good assignment, indoors calling out bingo numbers for 90 minutes to a few different 2nd grade classes. Anyway, that all went well - so at the end as I am leaving, the kids are saying "bye Mr. John" and I say "bye kids, you all have a Merry Christmas!"

Oooops. Big nono. The 3 teachers give me the nay-nay look and one of them says "he means have a fun winter break, kids." I don't want to get into a back and forth, so I quickly say "yeah, happy holidays," hoping to calm things down. Oooops. I can't say that either? WTF? Teacher pulls me aside and says "we can't say Merry Christmas for obvious reasons, but happy holidays is also not cool since some of the kids may not be celebrating anything over the break." I told her I really didn't give a shit about the religious aspect of anything, that I was simply referring to Christmas as the commercial holiday it has become. In her defense, she said she thought it was stupid too but that there were parents and leaders in the school board who would probably complain about what I said. I told her to PLEASE send anyone who did complain my way and I would handle it.

Nothing so far, but the one thing I want most for Christmas now is for some random parent or school board desk jockey to call or email me about what I said to their kids at school after i ****ing VOLUNTEERED for 90 mintutes.

I'm about fed up with how far the left is taking things when an atheist volunteer at a public school can't even give kids a generic holiday greeting.

Rant over, back to break. Carry on. And Merry ****ing Christmas!!
Alright, I had to take a mini break from my sabbatical to post this.

Keep in mind;

1- I was volunteering, I'm not an employee of the school nor affiliated with the school in any way
2- I'm atheist

So yesterday I volunteered at my little girl's school for their winter carnival. I drew a good assignment, indoors calling out bingo numbers for 90 minutes to a few different 2nd grade classes. Anyway, that all went well - so at the end as I am leaving, the kids are saying "bye Mr. John" and I say "bye kids, you all have a Merry Christmas!"

Oooops. Big nono. The 3 teachers give me the nay-nay look and one of them says "he means have a fun winter break, kids." I don't want to get into a back and forth, so I quickly say "yeah, happy holidays," hoping to calm things down. Oooops. I can't say that either? WTF? Teacher pulls me aside and says "we can't say Merry Christmas for obvious reasons, but happy holidays is also not cool since some of the kids may not be celebrating anything over the break." I told her I really didn't give a shit about the religious aspect of anything, that I was simply referring to Christmas as the commercial holiday it has become. In her defense, she said she thought it was stupid too but that there were parents and leaders in the school board who would probably complain about what I said. I told her to PLEASE send anyone who did complain my way and I would handle it.

Nothing so far, but the one thing I want most for Christmas now is for some random parent or school board desk jockey to call or email me about what I said to their kids at school after i ****ing VOLUNTEERED for 90 mintutes.

I'm about fed up with how far the left is taking things when an atheist volunteer at a public school can't even give kids a generic holiday greeting.

Rant over, back to break. Carry on. And Merry ****ing Christmas!!

Bullshit. Every bit of it. Merry Christmas, hoser.