How will they rule ??!

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Coal communities did it to themselves. If your entire economy is based around 1 product with no future and no sustainability then you ****ed yourself. They should have been smart and used influx of money for the last 50 years to build out their community beyond coal.
Sounds like hundreds of millions of dollars wasted in my opinion.

If those amounts were really going to make a difference, why not double the amounts? It's just a question of money. Right?

You forgot that Hillary bought Bernie out for the nomination and Donna Brazile fed the Hillary town hall questions...

And she still lost.

It's still funny to say out loud. She had help from all sides, and still lost.

OT: WHY is the VA hospitals still playing CNN on their channels? That is not American...

I used to go to the VA with my father a couple or three times a month. Whenever we had to sit in a waiting room and it had CNN on, I would change it. Most of the time they were not on CNN because someone had already done the right thing.
If you think the media is what the problem is today then you my friend are lost like a week old puppy in a national forest. I have my own opinions about the media but I can skip all that and go straight to twitter to get from the horses ass himself the apex of ignorance unleashed on America, the biggest problem in our lives.
False, the left wing propaganda news outlets control the thought process of most on the left including you and your post above is the proof. You are so far gone you don't even realize it.
This is of course true if it wasn't for a little item called climate change. Even our military is planning for what is coming regarding that and it is no small item. You don't seem to understand oil, gas, and coal are the biggest drug addiction the world faces. Mass rehabilitation is not welcome but the addict will an ugly death without it.
False, you have no clue about what the military is doing and are just throwing false comments on something you know nothing about.
Pelosi withholding impeachment papers from senate until she gets favors, the democrats have now done twice what they’re falsely accusing Trump of. Biden was corrupt as Vice President forcing Ukraine to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor looking into Hunter Biden’s employer in Ukraine. Are there any honest democrats or is this standard operating procedure for all of them? They appear to be a very corrupt party that is more fitting of operating in Central America.
I’m confident now that Putin has punked the democrats from every angle on the compass. This dude sold Hillary a dossier loaded with lies that sent the democrats chasing ghosts. Unable to prove the invisible they still tried to impeach because they so badly wanted that disinformation to be true. I’m glad Trump is president, Putin would run circles around a democrat.
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Here ya go @Platinumdrgn heres what your caring and compassionate govt spent money on
The federal government wasted American
tax dollars as it…

Bought an elementary school gym scoreboard at a 491% markup (BIA) ..... $13,000

Sent international students to college for free (State) ............................... $15,825,000

Studied the habits of online dating app users (NIH and NSF) ................. $1,200,000

Taught Lao to Laotians (USAID) ................................................................ $20,000,000

Improved the quality of TV in Moldova (State) .......................................... $2,000,000

Paid to teach social scientists how to apply for grants (NSF) ...................... $103,777

Allowed the 1033 Program to be abused (DOD) ....................................... $2,711,255

“Tested” whether social justice improves STEM education (NSF) ............ $649,773

Funded a week of summer school for grad students (NSF) ........................... $49,990

Developed 6 undergrad course units on food marketing (NIFA) ............... $128,054
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Nancy Pelosi is 79 years old, I get the feeling she is being taken advantage of by her party. We always hear about con artists or telemarketers preying on the elderly. Is she of sound mind or trusting her colleagues opinion without keeping up to date herself.

I believe she’s being abused at this point, we saw her speech in which nobody knew what she was talking about. They need someone younger in charge, at least then the lies will be their own.
Pelosi withholding impeachment papers from senate until she gets favors, the democrats have now done twice what they’re falsely accusing Trump of. Biden was corrupt as Vice President forcing Ukraine to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor looking into Hunter Biden’s employer in Ukraine. Are there any honest democrats or is this standard operating procedure for all of them? They appear to be a very corrupt party that is more fitting of operating in Central America.

If these people ever get plenary power again in Washington you'll wish you were in Honduras
Coal communities did it to themselves. If your entire economy is based around 1 product with no future and no sustainability then you ****ed yourself. They should have been smart and used influx of money for the last 50 years to build out their community beyond coal.
People who work minimum wage jobs as careers fck themselves. I'm sorry, but if your entire income is based on a mandated minimum threshold then you have no sustainability, no future, and you have fckd yourself. These people should have been smart, and at some point during their "working" lives used their abilities to seek out improved opportunities, and grow their own households. Instead, their barely have one, or don't. And perpetually seek to depend on aid from taxpayer resources as means to compensate for their lack of motivation, and to basically fund their victimized belief system. Without it, they would never have the ability to interact in society at all, much less to access the internet and describe how extraordinarily valuable industrial communities have contributed to their own demise.