How will they rule ??!

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This is of course true if it wasn't for a little item called climate change. Even our military is planning for what is coming regarding that and it is no small item. You don't seem to understand oil, gas, and coal are the biggest drug addiction the world faces. Mass rehabilitation is not welcome but the addict will an ugly death without it.

Yeah we have been waiting for that Doomsday scenario for at least 50 years now. For some reason it keeps getting pushed further and further down the road. The good news is that the Obama's feel comfortable enough to buy a 15 million dollar estate beside the ocean.
If you think the media is what the problem is today then you my friend are lost like a week old puppy in a national forest. I have my own opinions about the media but I can skip all that and go straight to twitter to get from the horses ass himself the apex of ignorance unleashed on America, the biggest problem in our lives.
Don't think I stated the media was "the problem", although they make their own unique contribution to the dysfunctionality we're subjected to on a daily basis.

I don't do Twitter and you shouldn't either if Trump bothers you so much.
People like PlatinumDildo pass a house with a For Sale sign and assume the owner is going bankrupt and having to move out of the neighborhood. When the truth is they are moving on up in the world.

Detroit is receiving a huge investment from Ford Motor Company and thousands of job will be created. But that doesn't count.
In all fairness you can buy all of Detroit for about $100...
Yeah we have been waiting for that Doomsday scenario for at least 50 years now. For some reason it keeps getting pushed further and further down the road. The good news is that the Obama's feel comfortable enough to buy a 15 million dollar estate beside the ocean.

This is the same Obama who won elections by trashing capitalism and building wealth. The man who scared gullible liberal pea brains that climate change would destroy us all, especially those of us living next to beaches and large bodies of water. And now what does he do. How about Algore and his multi-million dollar estates and property world wide.

Can you be more of a phony than these people? The Democrat candidates for President have more money than Ceasar's wife and campaign on "helping the poor" against those mean corporations and oil and gas executives. What a crock. Then they go to these same business executives and ask for campain contributions and make threats if they do not get what they demand. Yes the liberals eat it up and swallow the bait like a catfish on the bottom of the river.
In this serious and somber process, Pelosi who needs to remove the president with impeachment as soon as possible...just invite the president to give the SOTU right after the Iowa caucus. What a circus

Those steel tariffs got the job done! MAGA

US Steel is closing a mill near Detroit, laying off workers and cutting its dividend. The troubled company is trying to reverse operating losses it now forecasts for the fourth quarter.

The mill, called the Great Lakes Works, is expected to close its iron and steelmaking operations by April 1. The part of the mill that rolls slabs into sheets of steel will shutter by the end of next year. About 1,500 jobs will be lost, the company said. US Steel had already announced a temporary layoff of about 200 workers at the plant earlier this year.
So the jobs would still be there w/o the tariffs is your belief?
In this serious and somber process, Pelosi who needs to remove the president with impeachment as soon as possible...just invite the president to give the SOTU right after the Iowa caucus. What a circus

There is no requirement that it be in the House chamber or even that there be a SOTU address, rather he just needs to provide a report to Congress "from time to time". Net, he should give it at a rally in front of 20K people & mail her a copy afterwards.
If you think the media is what the problem is today then you my friend are lost like a week old puppy in a national forest.

Willy told me in another thread he was put on a timeout from the political board...

Willy can't post here but I hit 'show ignored content' and see levibooty writing nonsense like this. You can just see him hunched over his computer, thinking that this is a clever line.

Mods get your act together. Put the retards in timeout and bring back Willy.

'is what the problem is'

Gawd damn levi
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Someone better check on Willy. Between impeachment and another cupcake loss he may finally take his Trump jerkoff erotic asphyxiation to far.

There is no requirement that it be in the House chamber or even that there be a SOTU address, rather he just needs to provide a report to Congress "from time to time". Net, he should give it at a rally in front of 20K people & mail her a copy afterwards.
Brilliant idea. Oh how I would love to see this happen. He could hold the rally during the Iowa caucus. Please President Trump. Mail it in
Those steel tariffs got the job done! MAGA

US Steel is closing a mill near Detroit, laying off workers and cutting its dividend. The troubled company is trying to reverse operating losses it now forecasts for the fourth quarter.

The mill, called the Great Lakes Works, is expected to close its iron and steelmaking operations by April 1. The part of the mill that rolls slabs into sheets of steel will shutter by the end of next year. About 1,500 jobs will be lost, the company said. US Steel had already announced a temporary layoff of about 200 workers at the plant earlier this year.

idiot. Here is a quote from your article that you are too stupid to read and comprehend...

The company may keep some adjoining operations and a warehouse open if justified by customer demand, it said. But it will shift the steel production to a plant in Gary, Indiana, where it recently made a $750 million investment.

There is no requirement that it be in the House chamber or even that there be a SOTU address, rather he just needs to provide a report to Congress "from time to time". Net, he should give it at a rally in front of 20K people & mail her a copy afterwards.

Great idea. Tell her he'll give a SOTU at the House Chamber in November to a Republican House and Senate.
Do you even read the articles you post PlatinumDildo? The company just bought two other steel mills and is doing a $1 Billion expansion at another. They are getting rid of an inefficient operation. Good businesses have to make adjustments.

"The company said it will focus its operations making sheets of steel at three other mills. One is a mill outside of Pittsburgh, where it is in the process of a $1 billion upgrade to a more efficient casting operation. The other mills are the mill in Gary and Big River Steel, an Arkansas company it is in the process of purchasing."
This is about the 10th time Plat has been butt-fvcked after posting a misleading article. Not sure if she's doing this purposely or if she's simply lost in the weeds.
'Pronoun abuses'

God help us

I didn’t click on that to read it because I don’t really care about the specifics. But I love the fact that the wokest of the woke amongst the corporate world is being sued for “pronoun abuses”.

Obviously I think it’s ridiculous and should be kicked out of the courtroom. Eventually enough of the left will be eaten by their own with all of this stupid nonsense and it will run its course. Enough is enough.
Sorry Levi, but I’m going to respond to this one...

There was rigging in 2016 but it was done by the Obama administration who made sure that HRC was only “extremely careless” and not guilty of multiple felonies in handling classified information. Then there was the dubious investigation into Trump, which is becoming more and more discredited by the day. The Trump investigation - you know, that insurance policy that Peter Strzuck (sp?) referred to, designed to hobble the Trump presidency in the the unlikely event he won?

I actually voted for a write-in candidate in 2016 because in good conscience I couldn’t vote for either Trump or HRC. I’m not sure how I’ll vote in 2020 but I’m seriously considering Trump simply because of the sh!t show the media / political complex has put this country through.
You forgot that Hillary bought Bernie out for the nomination and Donna Brazile fed the Hillary town hall questions...

And she still lost.
“To use an old cliché, it’s time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence and just when we think it’s time to push all our chips to the center of the table, that’s when the whole game will come crashing down. It will crash down on the reputation of evangelical religion and on the world’s understanding of the gospel. And it will come crashing down on a nation of men and women whose welfare is also our concern.” Evangelical Today's Mark Galli

Looks like this evangelical magazine and the Pope are in agreement about Trump's behavior.

Billy Graham founded that magazine, but it's been owned by a George Soros co since first of November. Took them a whole month to turn on a dime and tow the party line, and here your dumb ass is acting like you've found something. See, you'd understand how obvious and low this article and magazine are had you actually been paying attention to it before it offered you some low-level headline that you could jerk off to. You are par for your own low-standards course, Levi. Congrats. Keep going. You're doing great!
I'm sorry but a simple contemplation of the timeline being discussed and the disregard of my point posed above shows how misguided this post actually is, as well as the blantantly minimal description of the "less than desirable situation". LOL
Sorry you see it that way. IMO, what I'm asking for can be put in simple terms. What was better during the BHO presidency than during the Trump presidency and what do you believe would be better had Mrs. Clinton been our potus?
I simply want to have a conversation with a person with different beliefs than mine without nastiness. I want to understand.
This is about the 10th time Plat has been butt-fvcked after posting a misleading article. Not sure if she's doing this purposely or if she's simply lost in the weeds.

But, he, she, or it will tell you or anyone; you are too stupid to understand on he, she, or its level....

Also, IF he, she, or it is a she...I then understand.
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Well only the ideological blinded could not see the difference in what dubya handed to Obama and what Obama handed to Trump. In order to see different POV's you must first open your eyes. If this post offends you or your "open" mind, lets just say your warped aversion to spell people's names correctly doesn't cultivate any confidence in your noble effort to consider POV's other than your own.
False again.
Those steel tariffs got the job done! MAGA

US Steel is closing a mill near Detroit, laying off workers and cutting its dividend. The troubled company is trying to reverse operating losses it now forecasts for the fourth quarter.

The mill, called the Great Lakes Works, is expected to close its iron and steelmaking operations by April 1. The part of the mill that rolls slabs into sheets of steel will shutter by the end of next year. About 1,500 jobs will be lost, the company said. US Steel had already announced a temporary layoff of about 200 workers at the plant earlier this year.
False, a lying CNN with fake stats and numbers as always.
“To use an old cliché, it’s time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence and just when we think it’s time to push all our chips to the center of the table, that’s when the whole game will come crashing down. It will crash down on the reputation of evangelical religion and on the world’s understanding of the gospel. And it will come crashing down on a nation of men and women whose welfare is also our concern.” Evangelical Today's Mark Galli

Looks like this evangelical magazine and the Pope are in agreement about Trump's behavior.
False, reading comprehension is definitely not a strong point with you.