How will they rule ??!

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The president and his enablers have replaced conservatism with an empty faith led by a bogus prophet.
An article written by republicans:

But it's infinitely better than what we endured for eight years and, no doubt, better than what we would have had under hillury. However, I'm interested in different points of view Tell me how we were better off with obammer and how we would have been better off with hillury.
Jesus Christ, if the stock market keeps going up at this rate, instead of waiting 6 more years as planned, I may retire next week!
:cool2: [cheers]:cool2:
Yeah, those really smart people of Wall Street and Investors alike are really worried about Impeachment and the Trump economy..... Dems are going to lose big time in 2020.
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But it's infinitely better than what we endured for eight years and, no doubt, better than what we would have had under hillury. However, I'm interested in different points of view Tell me how we were better off with obammer and how we would have been better off with hillury.
Well only the ideological blinded could not see the difference in what dubya handed to Obama and what Obama handed to Trump. In order to see different POV's you must first open your eyes. If this post offends you or your "open" mind, lets just say your warped aversion to spell people's names correctly doesn't cultivate any confidence in your noble effort to consider POV's other than your own.
Yeah, those really smart people of Wall Street and Investors alike are really worried about Impeachment and the Trump economy..... Dems are going to lose big time in 2020.
They may but it would have to take more rigging this time than 2016.
Can't forget the massive deregulation from Trump. Tons of red tape gone.

Plus, after his massive deregulation, he made a promise that for every new regulation implementated by his administration going forward, his administration would also cut two regulations in return. From all accounts he's kept that promise.
This is way more important than its given credit for... should get greater emphasis.
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There's nothing that necessitates very bad times are followed by very good times, or that one directly and necessarily causes the other; it is the case however that in order to have good times you will necessarily create inequality.

It never ceases to amaze me though the true ignorance that is the socialism virus, how the first thought that comes to your mind when someone makes a hyperbolic statement like that to illustrate the same damn point I'm always making that the times are unbelievably good, is that the greedy rich are going to ruin it for you and it's not fair.

It's the same kind of ignorance where you have leading presidential candidates straight-faced telling you, oh well the top economists are wrong, or oh well middle class wages haven't risen in real terms. It's colossal ignorance and mass psychosis or it's simply evil, noone makes things more unfair or does things better to ruin things for you than the man in the mirror who can't see through the Marxist lies and distortions.

Tell him to search out north Africa...
Yeah, those really smart people of Wall Street and Investors alike are really worried about Impeachment and the Trump economy..... Dems are going to lose big time in 2020.

All through this impeachment fiasco, the market continued to climb. This is a market, mind you, that fluctuates anytime some news story breaks about just about anything Trump or economy related. If there had been any real or serious indications that Trump would be removed as President, the markets would have went into freefall. That hasn't happened and shows exactly how this impeachment fiasco is being viewed.
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Well only the ideological blinded could not see the difference in what dubya handed to Obama and what Obama handed to Trump. In order to see different POV's you must first open your eyes. If this post offends you or your "open" mind, lets just say your warped aversion to spell people's names correctly doesn't cultivate any confidence in your noble effort to consider POV's other than your own.

You never have any damn clue, as is typical and entirely the norm for you, other than this feigned unearned moral and intellectual superiority you "earned" off of the backs of even bigger morons; here's why.

By George F. Will
July 8, 2016

America’s economy has now slouched into the eighth year of a recovery that demonstrates how much we have defined recovery down. The idea that essentially zero interest rates are, after 7½ years, stimulating the economy “strains credulity,” says James Bullard, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. But last month he and other members of the Federal Reserve Board understandably felt constrained to vote unanimously to continue today’s rates for an economy that created just 38,000 jobs in May, and grew just 0.8 percent in the first quarter, after just 1.4 percent in the previous quarter.

The grim news is not that the economy continues to resist returning to normal. Rather, it is that this “current equilibrium” (Bullard’s phrase) is the new normal. If 2 percent growth is, as he says, “the most likely scenario” for the foreseeable future, the nation faces a second consecutive lost decade — one without a year of 3 percent growth.

N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard economist and chairman of George W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, writes in the New York Times that in the past decade the growth rate of the real gross domestic product per person averaged 0.44 percent, down from the historical norm of 2 percent: At 2 percent, incomes double every 35 years; at 0.44 percent, about every 160 years.

With the recovery aging, Larry Summers, former treasury secretary, guesses that “the annual probability of recession is 25 to 30 percent.” When it arrives in a near-zero interest rate environment, the Fed’s monetary policy, normally its countercyclical weapon — it usually reduces rates at least four percentage points in a recession — will be unable to cushion the shock.

Bullard says “labor market data is giving us different” — he means more encouraging — “signals than the GDP data.” But surely the fact that the official unemployment rate is down to 4.7 percent is less important than this: The workforce participation rate has plunged, which has been only partly because of the population aging — baby boomers retiring. If labor participation were as high as when Barack Obama became president, the unemployment rate would be over 9 percent.

Besides, it is unclear how to distill the significance of traditional data for an untraditional economy. For example, 7-year old Uber, with just 6,700 employees (not counting drivers), has a public market valuation ($68 billion) $13.8 billion more than that of Ford Motor Co. (201,000 employees globally).

Certainly very low interest rates, by driving liquidity into equities and assets in search of higher yields, are exacerbating the inequality that is disturbing American politics with distributional conflicts. Homeowners, and the 10 percent of Americans who hold 81 percent of the directly and indirectly owned stocks (the stock market is 160 percent higher than its 2009 low), are prospering. Those whose wealth comes from wages — formerly, the Democratic Party’s base — are losing ground. No wonder Hillary Clinton vows to “expand” Social Security, never mind its rickety financial architecture.

The public’s perception, and perhaps the Fed’s conceit, is that the Fed “manages” the economy. “We are,” Bullard says, “our own worst enemy.” By taking credit when things go well, it acquires responsibility in the public’s mind “for everything that happens.”

Bullard says “the most disturbing number” about the economy is that for five years productivity has grown only half a percent a year. Still, he is not among those who are in a defensive crouch about immigration: “We have a great thing happening in that a lot of people want to come here and work.”

Neither does he subscribe to Robert Gordon’s hypothesis (developed in “The Rise and Fall of American Growth”) that we must abandon the unrealistic growth expectations we acquired as a result of an exceptional century (1870-1970) of transformative developments (e.g., electrification, the internal combustion engine, urban sanitation) that have no foreseeable analogues. Bullard imagines someone a millennium ago saying: Fire has been harnessed, the wheel and agriculture have been invented — we already have most of the possible growth from new technologies.

Besides, Bullard says, it takes a while for technologies to “diffuse through the economy.” And some of the diffusion — in leisure, in richer living experiences (social media; smartphones and their apps) — is not captured in GDP statistics. Perhaps that helps to explain why Obama’s job approval has reached 52 percent at a moment when she who seeks to replace him concedes that the economy is so anemic that her husband will be assigned to “revitalize” it.

Within that article is every reason why were you actually capable of serious thought or actually removing your ideological blinders you project onto others, because hey has to be everyone else that's wrong even the top economists like your bigger moron Warren.

And here's one of those other bigger morons, can't separate good ideas from bad, either due to your mass psychosis or your ill intent to conflate though two as a means of obfuscating your real agenda.

Real wage growth is something like 10 % for the average American under Trump which is unprecedented and noone is at more risk of feeling the brunt of socialist idiocy than the strengthening and emerging black american educated workforce... the black community is whre the battleground is really, and it's up to them in the end to save America (us) from itself (you).
Well only the ideological blinded could not see the difference in what dubya handed to Obama and what Obama handed to Trump. In order to see different POV's you must first open your eyes. If this post offends you or your "open" mind, lets just say your warped aversion to spell people's names correctly doesn't cultivate any confidence in your noble effort to consider POV's other than your own.
I certainly have a great deal of disdain for both of those persons. Indeed, dubya left a less than desirable situation. Keep in mind, he was handicapped by escalated terrorism directed toward our nation that no other potus had ever had to deal with.
Eyes are open. Go ahead and tell me how things were better under BHO than they are under DT or how they might have been better under HC.
Those steel tariffs got the job done! MAGA

US Steel is closing a mill near Detroit, laying off workers and cutting its dividend. The troubled company is trying to reverse operating losses it now forecasts for the fourth quarter.

The mill, called the Great Lakes Works, is expected to close its iron and steelmaking operations by April 1. The part of the mill that rolls slabs into sheets of steel will shutter by the end of next year. About 1,500 jobs will be lost, the company said. US Steel had already announced a temporary layoff of about 200 workers at the plant earlier this year.
Those steel tariffs got the job done! MAGA

US Steel is closing a mill near Detroit, laying off workers and cutting its dividend. The troubled company is trying to reverse operating losses it now forecasts for the fourth quarter.

The mill, called the Great Lakes Works, is expected to close its iron and steelmaking operations by April 1. The part of the mill that rolls slabs into sheets of steel will shutter by the end of next year. About 1,500 jobs will be lost, the company said. US Steel had already announced a temporary layoff of about 200 workers at the plant earlier this year.

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Those steel tariffs got the job done! MAGA

US Steel is closing a mill near Detroit, laying off workers and cutting its dividend. The troubled company is trying to reverse operating losses it now forecasts for the fourth quarter.

The mill, called the Great Lakes Works, is expected to close its iron and steelmaking operations by April 1. The part of the mill that rolls slabs into sheets of steel will shutter by the end of next year. About 1,500 jobs will be lost, the company said. US Steel had already announced a temporary layoff of about 200 workers at the plant earlier this year.

I work as a Financial Advisor for a large Wall St firm. We have had more people retire this year than in the last 3 years COMBINED.
About 90% of my money is in the Vanguard VFIAX fund which tracks to the S&P 500. The rest is in a target 2025 fund. I've been nervous about this allocation thinking it is too risky for a 2025 retirement, but I'm glad I'm still all in at this point.
Those steel tariffs got the job done! MAGA

US Steel is closing a mill near Detroit, laying off workers and cutting its dividend. The troubled company is trying to reverse operating losses it now forecasts for the fourth quarter.

The mill, called the Great Lakes Works, is expected to close its iron and steelmaking operations by April 1. The part of the mill that rolls slabs into sheets of steel will shutter by the end of next year. About 1,500 jobs will be lost, the company said. US Steel had already announced a temporary layoff of about 200 workers at the plant earlier this year.

Do you even read the articles you post PlatinumDildo? The company just bought two other steel mills and is doing a $1 Billion expansion at another. They are getting rid of an inefficient operation. Good businesses have to make adjustments.

"The company said it will focus its operations making sheets of steel at three other mills. One is a mill outside of Pittsburgh, where it is in the process of a $1 billion upgrade to a more efficient casting operation. The other mills are the mill in Gary and Big River Steel, an Arkansas company it is in the process of purchasing."
Do you even read the articles you post PlatinumDildo? The company just bought two other steel mills and is doing a $1 Billion expansion at another. They are getting rid of an inefficient operation. Good businesses have to make adjustments.

"The company said it will focus its operations making sheets of steel at three other mills. One is a mill outside of Pittsburgh, where it is in the process of a $1 billion upgrade to a more efficient casting operation. The other mills are the mill in Gary and Big River Steel, an Arkansas company it is in the process of purchasing."
He keeps getting beat down every time! He is always wrong. Must be a trolling comedy act!
“To use an old cliché, it’s time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence and just when we think it’s time to push all our chips to the center of the table, that’s when the whole game will come crashing down. It will crash down on the reputation of evangelical religion and on the world’s understanding of the gospel. And it will come crashing down on a nation of men and women whose welfare is also our concern.” Evangelical Today's Mark Galli

Looks like this evangelical magazine and the Pope are in agreement about Trump's behavior.
They may but it would have to take more rigging this time than 2016.
Sorry Levi, but I’m going to respond to this one...

There was rigging in 2016 but it was done by the Obama administration who made sure that HRC was only “extremely careless” and not guilty of multiple felonies in handling classified information. Then there was the dubious investigation into Trump, which is becoming more and more discredited by the day. The Trump investigation - you know, that insurance policy that Peter Strzuck (sp?) referred to, designed to hobble the Trump presidency in the the unlikely event he won?

I actually voted for a write-in candidate in 2016 because in good conscience I couldn’t vote for either Trump or HRC. I’m not sure how I’ll vote in 2020 but I’m seriously considering Trump simply because of the sh!t show the media / political complex has put this country through.

They already done this to coal communities and now they'll be coming for any and all jobs that the green new deal deems a pollution risk. If Dems get in were all f*cked.
Coal communities did it to themselves. If your entire economy is based around 1 product with no future and no sustainability then you ****ed yourself. They should have been smart and used influx of money for the last 50 years to build out their community beyond coal.
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I certainly have a great deal of disdain for both of those persons. Indeed, dubya left a less than desirable situation. Keep in mind, he was handicapped by escalated terrorism directed toward our nation that no other potus had ever had to deal with.
Eyes are open. Go ahead and tell me how things were better under BHO than they are under DT or how they might have been better under HC.
I'm sorry but a simple contemplation of the timeline being discussed and the disregard of my point posed above shows how misguided this post actually is, as well as the blantantly minimal description of the "less than desirable situation". LOL
Sorry Levi, but I’m going to respond to this one...

There was rigging in 2016 but it was done by the Obama administration who made sure that HRC was only “extremely careless” and not guilty of multiple felonies in handling classified information. Then there was the dubious investigation into Trump, which is becoming more and more discredited by the day. The Trump investigation - you know, that insurance policy that Peter Strzuck (sp?) referred to, designed to hobble the Trump presidency in the the unlikely event he won?

I actually voted for a write-in candidate in 2016 because in good conscience I couldn’t vote for either Trump or HRC. I’m not sure how I’ll vote in 2020 but I’m seriously considering Trump simply because of the sh!t show the media / political complex has put this country through.
If you think the media is what the problem is today then you my friend are lost like a week old puppy in a national forest. I have my own opinions about the media but I can skip all that and go straight to twitter to get from the horses ass himself the apex of ignorance unleashed on America, the biggest problem in our lives.

They already done this to coal communities and now they'll be coming for any and all jobs that the green new deal deems a pollution risk. If Dems get in were all f*cked.
This is of course true if it wasn't for a little item called climate change. Even our military is planning for what is coming regarding that and it is no small item. You don't seem to understand oil, gas, and coal are the biggest drug addiction the world faces. Mass rehabilitation is not welcome but the addict will an ugly death without it.
Coal communities did it to themselves. If your entire economy is based around 1 product with no future and no sustainability then you ****ed yourself. They should have been smart and used influx of money for the last 50 years to build out their community beyond coal.

Dude where's your f*cking humanity. If the Dems come after the oil and gas jobs the way they did the coal jobs then a lot of people are going to have their world turned upside down. Those jobs support towns, cities, counties and states. The fact that this is lost on you tells a lot about you as a person.
Do you even read the articles you post PlatinumDildo? The company just bought two other steel mills and is doing a $1 Billion expansion at another. They are getting rid of an inefficient operation. Good businesses have to make adjustments.

"The company said it will focus its operations making sheets of steel at three other mills. One is a mill outside of Pittsburgh, where it is in the process of a $1 billion upgrade to a more efficient casting operation. The other mills are the mill in Gary and Big River Steel, an Arkansas company it is in the process of purchasing."
People like PlatinumDildo pass a house with a For Sale sign and assume the owner is going bankrupt and having to move out of the neighborhood. When the truth is they are moving on up in the world.

Detroit is receiving a huge investment from Ford Motor Company and thousands of job will be created. But that doesn't count.