How will they rule ??!

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You aren’t reading my post, you’re reacting.

Recovering lost ground is not growing.
Recovering ground is the definition of growth. You don't get to peg a presidents growth to before he was even the nominee just to fit some made up narrative. Bush was a moron puppet and let his puppet masters destroy the economy. Obama grew it all back and added a lot more. Trump has continued that growth at almost the exact same pace. Gdp and job growth are going down. Stock growth is going up because rich people aren't effected the same as everybody else. Once gdp growth falls to low all that stock growth will disappear and a new president will grow it back.
Recovering ground is the definition of growth. You don't get to peg a presidents growth to before he was even the nominee just to fit some made up narrative. Bush was a moron puppet and let his puppet masters destroy the economy. Obama grew it all back and added a lot more. Trump has continued that growth at almost the exact same pace. Gdp and job growth are going down. Stock growth is going up because rich people aren't effected the same as everybody else. Once gdp growth falls to low all that stock growth will disappear and a new president will grow it back.
False, Obama did nothing. He admitted that nothing could bring these jobs back or make us as strong as we were. Magic wand anyone?
Recovering ground is the definition of growth. You don't get to peg a presidents growth to before he was even the nominee just to fit some made up narrative. Bush was a moron puppet and let his puppet masters destroy the economy. Obama grew it all back and added a lot more. Trump has continued that growth at almost the exact same pace. Gdp and job growth are going down. Stock growth is going up because rich people aren't effected the same as everybody else. Once gdp growth falls to low all that stock growth will disappear and a new president will grow it back.

Recovering ground is the definition of growth. You don't get to peg a presidents growth to before he was even the nominee just to fit some made up narrative. Bush was a moron puppet and let his puppet masters destroy the economy. Obama grew it all back and added a lot more. Trump has continued that growth at almost the exact same pace. Gdp and job growth are going down. Stock growth is going up because rich people aren't effected the same as everybody else. Once gdp growth falls to low all that stock growth will disappear and a new president will grow it back.

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Honest question. What's a cis man?

  1. denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.

    I guess we can’t just say “he’s a guy cause he was born that way,” or “she’s obviously not a guy cause she was born female.”
    I guess i’m a cis, you’re a cis.
LMAO you are stupid. .
It just means he would have to acknowledge that the Dow was around 9700 when Obama entered office and just south of 22,000 when he left office
And are you willing to admit that the real estate crisis was caused by Jimmy Carter, who created the CRA, Bill Clinton, who put it on steoids, and Dem Congressmen (I'm using "men" loosely here) like Barney Frank, who ignored the warnings of Bush and McCain?

Nice strategy... create a problem... solve it... and take the credit.

Genius... really.
John is a rude Canuck, but he is mostly right about the stock market during Barry’s years.
He's only "right" because Obama came in during a "Black Swan" event. Bozo the Clown could have looked good by coming in at the bottom.

Somebody tell me what Obama policies helped the economy?

Higher taxes? More regulation? Pallets of cash to Iran? The Beer Summit?
He's only "right" because Obama came in during a "Black Swan" event. Bozo the Clown could have looked good by coming in at the bottom.

Somebody tell me what Obama policies helped the economy?

Higher taxes? More regulation? Pallets of cash to Iran? The Beer Summit?
Obama has zero interest rates for seven years, that is why the markets did so well, but we hemorrhaged jobs the whole time. Right after Trump is elected, interest rates were raised.
He's only "right" because Obama came in during a "Black Swan" event. Bozo the Clown could have looked good by coming in at the bottom.

Somebody tell me what Obama policies helped the economy?

Higher taxes? More regulation? Pallets of cash to Iran? The Beer Summit?
Barry did nothing to help the stock market, but it did go up. That’s all I meant.
These dem debates keep getting more radical. It’s bizarre.

3 minutes worth of watching, and universal child care appears to be a theme. These people are nuts.

I honestly had no idea there was a Democrat debate tonight.

Probably doesn't bode well for the Democrats that someone who spends a good amount of time on a political discussion board each day doesn't even know when they're debating (using that term in the loosest sense of the word).
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if your 401k was not way way up under Obama than you or your financial adviser is a ****ing moron. Considering stocks and commodities more than doubled over his terms. If you panicked and sold off long term investments after Bush crashed the economy than sucks for you.
<- Self-managed primarily. Mixture of brokerage accounts and funds.

My portfolio is BOOMING! BOOMING! BOOM!

Go away and come back with something less laughable.

Anemic growth was the term used during Obama, lots of talk of new “norms” where the fundamentals had changed, no going back.

what we have now is real growth, not the time for radical socialist experiments fixing what ain’t broke. (Warren has derelict Marxist economists advising her, she does actually believe her own bs doesn’t stink)

may as well be the roaring twenties, but you’d never know it listening to these morons on stage. Mass psychosis man, we’re witnessing the beginning of the end I think, maybe have another 5-10 years of gettin’ good, maybe decades even, but the iceberg is there and it’s too late to rudder our way by it