How will they rule ??!

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You're missing an important fact: Trump has policies in place that are absolutely contributing, if not outright causing, this economic upturn and market rally.

Obama... not so much. He was simply in the chair during the recovery. And he is a POS, btw.
Correct, and is why when this simplistic convo comes up over and over if you ask a Dem to tell you the "policies" that BO initiated to help the economy/market you get crickets. Or laughably some will talk about the $1t porkulous.

Democrat impeachment witness Noah Feldman: “If the House doesnt communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. If the articles aren't transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all.”
Guess I'm slow this morning because I'm just catching this.

It's even better because he chose Bloomberg for his op-ed.
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Can't forget the massive deregulation from Trump. Tons of red tape gone.

Plus, after his massive deregulation, he made a promise that for every new regulation implementated by his administration going forward, his administration would also cut two regulations in return. From all accounts he's kept that promise.
Yep, and again, Kushner told Wead that the reason they were able to deregulate at such a quick pace was b/c of the russian hoax distraction. Kushner directly credited dereg as the reason the economy rebounded astonishingly fast. Faster than even they expected.

The left steps on its own dick so much, they must have a spot tattooed on their pecker that says "stand here."
Like the other half of her statement too?

"I could not in good conscience vote against impeachment because I believe President Trump is guilty of wrongdoing."

Would love to catch a glimpse of the alternate dimension where Hilary Clinton is POTUS. Just to see how bad things are. How many US assets have been sold off to the highest donors to the Clinton foundation. How many children have gone missing. How much revenue Jeffrey Epstein is still generating on his island. How many new wars have been started. How high taxes have gone. Etc.

Do any of the lefties think the country would be in a better position had Hilary Clinton won?
You want to see the effect that a presidential election has on the markets? Let Warren or Sanders win this next election and you’ll get an unabated crash course in the difference between correlation and causation.
If either of those two got elected I would seriously consider cashing out most of my investments ASAP. By the time I pay the taxes and fees under Trump's tax code, I cannot imagine I would lose more than if I kept those investments in and watch them crash and then watch how the Dems find a way to start raiding retirement accounts to fund their fantasy land handouts.
You want to see the effect that a presidential election has on the markets? Let Warren or Sanders win this next election and you’ll get an unabated crash course in the difference between correlation and causation.
Jokes on you, fuzz and plat want it to crash so DT is blamed and voted out.

ANTIFA burns American flags all the time and the police stand down and do absolutely nothing.

LGBT demands special treatment these days and sadly they’re getting it. This punishment does not fit the crime.​

I really can't imagine going to jail for such a crime. I would never do what that guy done but before I would let them throw me in a cage for 16 years for something like that I would go out fighting.
Can't forget the massive deregulation from Trump. Tons of red tape gone.

Plus, after his massive deregulation, he made a promise that for every new regulation implementated by his administration going forward, his administration would also cut two regulations in return. From all accounts he's kept that promise.

We are now a net exporter of energy. Hasn't been that way since 1953. That's a huge plus for America and we owe that distinction to Trump. That last piece of shit told us we couldn't dig our way to prosperity.

If either of those two got elected I would seriously consider cashing out most of my investments ASAP. By the time I pay the taxes and fees under Trump's tax code, I cannot imagine I would lose more than if I kept those investments in and watch them crash and then watch how the Dems find a way to start raiding retirement accounts to fund their fantasy land handouts.

And there you go. You would cash out, but not after the big boys did. You would lose.

The things important to the average American:

1) Jobs
2) Healthcare
3) National Security
4) The Drug Epidemic
5) Crime and Violence

The things important to Rich Liberals and Academia

1) Transgender Bathroom Rights
2) Open Borders
3) Erasing the Second Amendment
4) Erasing the First Amendment
5) The Green New Deal

We all know what gets covered by the National Democratic Media and it's not what concerns the average American.
I honestly had no idea there was a Democrat debate tonight.

Probably doesn't bode well for the Democrats that someone who spends a good amount of time on a political discussion board each day doesn't even know when they're debating (using that term in the loosest sense of the word).
Same here, just now found this out.
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Would love to catch a glimpse of the alternate dimension where Hilary Clinton is POTUS. Just to see how bad things are. How many US assets have been sold off to the highest donors to the Clinton foundation. How many children have gone missing. How much revenue Jeffrey Epstein is still generating on his island. How many new wars have been started. How high taxes have gone. Etc.

Do any of the lefties think the country would be in a better position had Hilary Clinton won?

I've asked dems multiple times how our nation would be better off had she been elected. NOT EVEN ONE OF THEM HAS OFFERED ANYTHING.