How will they rule ??!

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Zero due process? There were a dozen or so witnesses called, all with first hand knowledge and Trump refused to let them testify. Likely because they would either have to perjure themselves or else spill the beans on the boss. He had plenty of opportunity to defend himself.
Sondland, had first hand knowledge and what he had to say wasn’t good for Trump. I guess that is why Trump tried to keep him from testifying as well.

Got smacked around yesterday on your retarded comparison to a grand jury and want to come back and display your fundamental misunderstanding of our legal system?

The persistent stupidity truly is remarkable.

You aren’t going to win any argument based on facts, logic or reason. Just admit to yourself you hate Drumpf just to hate Drumpf and life will be much easier.
I woke up this morning and local news told me Trump was about to become the third president to be impeached. I turned on the TV just now and these house swamp mfers are still live on TV telling me why trump should be impeached, but they haven’t impeached him...and I’m not sure if they know this, but they can’t even impeach him. Guess that’s why they haven’t yet.

Anyway, this nonsense has gone on for 12 hours, so I don’t know why they would vote for anything, especially with Christmas coming up. Come back in February and drag this show on till the election.

If there are any middle of the road potential voters left watching this crap, they’ve probably bought maga hats and donated hundreds of dollars to trump. It’s never been more clear who the problem is - these lying ass career politicians need to get a job and a life.

Mark Stoops 2024. Party on bros.
The swamp drains itself sometimes

I sense some folks have felt a disturbance in the force with the IG, Afghanistan, and coming Durham reports...a lot of shit bubbling up into the swamp...the natives are restless at least, if not fully in cover their own ass mode...

Along with continuing winning, Trump will spare no expense nor resource in a retribution effort for the circus he was put through...

Liberals have named the game and rules with their investigations, reports, impeachments, FBI raids, interrogations, arrests, 2020 with a re-elected President with no election to worry about and more than likely a majority on the Hill Pubs will start to play...

It'll be like that scene from Tombstone...

Zero due process? There were a dozen or so witnesses called, all with first hand knowledge and Trump refused to let them testify. Likely because they would either have to perjure themselves or else spill the beans on the boss. He had plenty of opportunity to defend himself.
Sondland, had first hand knowledge and what he had to say wasn’t good for Trump. I guess that is why Trump tried to keep him from testifying as well.

Then go to the court like every other time, the House didn’t because they would lose.

The House also wouldn’t allow the witnesses the Reps wanted, nor did they give the appropriate time frame to review documents.

Congratulations, you’re all in on impeachment as a political weapon, without evidence nor reason. Got to protect the Dem machine at any cost to the Republic.
I’ll be honest and admit that I wasn’t a fan of Trump before he became president, nothing harsh I just didn’t really care to hear from him. Now I like the guy, he seems genuine. I don’t know if I had preconceived notions about him or if the democrats have made him look good. Whatever the case I have a lot of respect for Trump and am more likely to believe him than the vast majority in Washington.
Exactly how I felt about Trump too.
Zero due process? There were a dozen or so witnesses called, all with first hand knowledge and Trump refused to let them testify. Likely because they would either have to perjure themselves or else spill the beans on the boss. He had plenty of opportunity to defend himself.
Sondland, had first hand knowledge and what he had to say wasn’t good for Trump. I guess that is why Trump tried to keep him from testifying as well.
False, completely false. You are the complete uneducated lemming the left depends on.
There were a dozen or so witnesses called

All by the majority. Trump wasn't allowed counsel to be present to cross examine nor call any witnesses. Also every witness called by the minority was declined.

Trump refused to let them testify.

The Executive is well within its constitutional rights to claim executive privilege. That's following the law, not obstructed it.

He had plenty of opportunity to defend himself.

Complete and total lie. He wasn't allowed to have counsel present until it moved to the Judiciary and by then it was meaningless because Nadler wasn't allowing fact witnesses so there wasn't anyone for his counsel to cross examine.

Sondland, had first hand knowledge

Another lie. Sondland was forced to admit it was all his presumption. That literally no one on the planet told him. He was guessing. Matter of fact, what first hand evidence he did have was exculpatory when he admitted Trump specifically said absolutely no quid pro quo.
The Dems are doing this as a joke right? I mean they don't even believe this BS right? Ukraine never investigated and got the the aid? It wasn't held up. They got it. So I'm confused as what the crime is. The Dems are a insane group of people. They need professional help.
They aren’t impeaching him for a crime. This whole time we heard it was going to be bribery and wire fraud among other high crimes and misdemeanors related to the Ukraine military aid. That they had “evidence” of a quid pro quo. In the end after all of this political theater horseshit they end up with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Neither is a crime. Whole thing is a sham and tiresome.
Could be a coincidence, but it was reported a couple weeks ago that Durham was looking into the Pentagon.

Not a coincidence.

I used to think of the deep state as being, deep. Like it was way down there and there were just a few people involved in it. Now I know they call it deep state because it starts up high and goes very low.

Shallow state is what we see. They give the appearance of doing things that are good for the country, but never do anything that doesn't benefit themselves.

Military industrial complex is gonna have some military involved. They were told behind the scenes to step down. Can't have the American people witness a trial and find out just how crooked everyone is.

Everyone either heard it from Sondland or heard it from someone who heard it from Sondland. Sondland heard it from no one on the planet. He presumed it out of thin air. Basically a game of telephone that ultimately led back to Sondland's guess.

The bit of first hand information he did offer, a phone conversation with Trump, was exculpatory.

Zero due process? There were a dozen or so witnesses called, all with first hand knowledge and Trump refused to let them testify. Likely because they would either have to perjure themselves or else spill the beans on the boss. He had plenty of opportunity to defend himself.
Sondland, had first hand knowledge and what he had to say wasn’t good for Trump. I guess that is why Trump tried to keep him from testifying as well.

All by the majority. Trump wasn't allowed counsel to be present to cross examine nor call any witnesses. Also every witness called by the minority was declined.

The Executive is well within its constitutional rights to claim executive privilege. That's following the law, not obstructed it.

Complete and total lie. He wasn't allowed to have counsel present until it moved to the Judiciary and by then it was meaningless because Nadler wasn't allowing fact witnesses so there wasn't anyone for his counsel to cross examine.

Another lie. Sondland was forced to admit it was all his presumption. That literally no one on the planet told him. He was guessing. Matter of fact, what first hand evidence he did have was exculpatory when he admitted Trump specifically said absolutely no quid pro quo.
You can’t complain that all the testimony is from 2nd, 3rd hand informants when those with 1st hand info are kept from testifying by those doing the complaining.

Trump said “no quid pro quo” AFTER the whistleblower complaint was made public. You damn well know that Trump didn’t even know that term prior to it being brought up. The man speaks with a 3rd grade vocabulary. His hands were caught in the cookie jar.
I'm not a huge fan of Trump, and if I ever really laid out my political beliefs on here most of ya'll would call me a commie, but this whole impeachment thing is incredibly stupid. Just insanely stupid. Take your lumps and try harder the next time.

This really reminds of me when I saw Lewis Black in 2006. Right after the Dems took back the House. He was in shock. He said Democrats have a good history of putting someone against a wall, picking up a gun, and then turning it around and shooting themselves in the head.
They aren’t impeaching him for a crime. This whole time we heard it was going to be bribery and wire fraud among other high crimes and misdemeanors related to the Ukraine military aid. That they had “evidence” of a quid pro quo. In the end after all of this political theater horseshit they end up with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Neither is a crime. Whole thing is a sham and tiresome.

I don't understand where these high crimes and misdemeanors are coming from. Everything has been proven false. I don't understand why each Dem had to get up and use their own kids as pawns in their speeches. Our forefathers would be absolutely ashamed of this impeachment process. They have set the precedent so low for impeachment that now anytime anyone disagrees with a president that president will be brought up for impeachment. Again we have brought shame to democracy and our forefathers.
You can’t complain that all the testimony is from 2nd, 3rd hand informants when those with 1st hand info are kept from testifying by those doing the complaining.

Trump said “no quid pro quo” AFTER the whistleblower complaint was made public. You damn well know that Trump didn’t even know that term prior to it being brought up. The man speaks with a 3rd grade vocabulary. His hands were caught in the cookie jar.

There was no quid pro quo. No where in the conversation was aid even mentioned, or an ultimatum made.
Why didn’t the Democrats simply go to court to get the testimony? That’s what the Constitution requires. How can they accuse the President of obstruction when they didn’t use what the constitution lays out as proper avenues? Just like with the Barr contempt of Congress, this isn’t about following the law, it’s about deflection.
You can’t complain that all the testimony is from 2nd, 3rd hand informants when those with 1st hand info are kept from testifying by those doing the complaining.

Sure I can. That's not for you or House Ds to decide. Trump's guilt has to be proven. He doesn't have to prove his innocence. He, along with everyone else, also has the right to remain silent.

You want first hand info? You want to prove guilt? Do your job, follow the law instead of circumventing it, go to court and try compel testimony if it's so important to your case. Even that might not change anything.

Witnesses forced to comply with the subpoenas could still show up and assert executive privilege/plead the 5th in person to individual questions, which is exactly what the judge ruled in the McGahn case.

People have rights. They don't get thrown out the window because of rampant derangement.

Trump said “no quid pro quo” AFTER the whistleblower complaint was made public.

By all accounts the phone conversation Sondland is referencing occurred before the whistleblower complaint. If you know of something saying otherwise you're going to have to provide it because it doesn't line up with the facts.
You can’t complain that all the testimony is from 2nd, 3rd hand informants when those with 1st hand info are kept from testifying by those doing the complaining.

Trump said “no quid pro quo” AFTER the whistleblower complaint was made public. You damn well know that Trump didn’t even know that term prior to it being brought up. The man speaks with a 3rd grade vocabulary. His hands were caught in the cookie jar.

Yes Fuzz. Trump became a billionaire with a 3rd grade vocabulary. Keep holding out for that depression bub.
I don't understand where these high crimes and misdemeanors are coming from. Everything has been proven false. I don't understand why each Dem had to get up and use their own kids as pawns in their speeches.
It’s a little used political tactic, only people well versed in political maneuvers such as myself understand the nuances of legal meaning enough to put in layman’s terms.

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Anytime a crime is committed and a person is charged they are afforded due process starting with being read your rights. At that point you are innocent until proven guilty. Unless you are Donald Trump because the dems have said you are guilty so prove your innocence. That is not the way our justice system is built. That is not the foundation our country is built on. Dems are aware that the worst criminals are afforded due process so why do are they blocking one of the most basic rights to the president? BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO CASE AND IT'S A COMPLETE SHAM AND YOUR CASE IMPLODING.
If Trump wins in 2020 (I think he will), I hope he spends the next four years going SCORCHED EARTH on every single one of these people who helped get him impeached. I'm talking get the best of the best at digging up dirt and then unleash everything the intelligence community has on them.

**** them all. They deserve nothing but the absolute worst, and that includes all those who had a hand in the spying that started all this BS. I want no one spared.

Let's go ahead and release the truth about Epstein, Las Vegas Shooter and the Awan brothers while he's at it.

The Contstitution has just been shit on by the left. Fundamentally changed how government will act going forward. All because Trump beat the incredibly unlikeable and even more unethical Hillary Clinton.