How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I laugh each time they show Nadler plop his fat ass down in that seat. He's having to stand up every minute. I don't think he can make it through this deal.
Here's Tlaib, who famously said "we're gonna impeach that m effer". She's going to lecture me about the Constitution?
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I’m watching it delayed but Bradley Byrne from Alabama just ripped the democrats open and it visible upset them. The lady in black behind Nadler had a trembling hand that she couldn’t comfortably place on her face after he spoke. The Hunter Biden comments were a nice touch.
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I’ll be honest and admit that I wasn’t a fan of Trump before he became president, nothing harsh I just didn’t really care to hear from him. Now I like the guy, he seems genuine. I don’t know if I had preconceived notions about him or if the democrats have made him look good. Whatever the case I have a lot of respect for Trump and am more likely to believe him than the vast majority in Washington.
Just realized I'm bringing myself down to your levels. Have a great day 'patriots'

I’ll be honest and admit that I wasn’t a fan of Trump before he became president, nothing harsh I just didn’t really care to hear from him. Now I like the guy, he seems genuine. I don’t know if I had preconceived notions about him or if the democrats have made him look good. Whatever the case I have a lot of respect for Trump and am more likely to believe him than the vast majority in Washington.

Trump is a brash, New York business guy. As a businessman, he takes no crap, fights to get his way, and yeah, probably operates in some gray areas. It takes a strong, confident and abrasive personality to get things done in New York considering the shady people and unions he has to deal with to get things built. The problem is that the dude has been in the media spotlight for the better part of 40 years in one manner or another. If you didn't know what kind of person he was before he ran, you had your head in the sand. The Voters showed that they weren't looking for a saint. They were looking for just what Trump is, a Brash businessman who will stand up to anyone, even ruthless dictators. Trump doesn't always come across as being a very likable guy, but if anyone would actually go back and look at all of the good work and charitable things he's done throughout his life, they will see he's a lot more human than his appearance lets on sometimes.
Trump is a brash, New York business guy. As a businessman, he takes no crap, fights to get his way, and yeah, probably operates in some gray areas. It takes a strong, confident and abrasive personality to get things done in New York considering the shady people and unions he has to deal with to get things built. The problem is that the dude has been in the media spotlight for the better part of 40 years in one manner or another. If you didn't know what kind of person he was before he ran, you had your head in the sand. The Voters showed that they weren't looking for a saint. They were looking for just what Trump is, a Brash businessman who will stand up to anyone, even ruthless dictators. Trump doesn't always come across as being a very likable guy, but if anyone would actually go back and look at all of the good work and charitable things he's done throughout his life, they will see he's a lot more human than his appearance lets on sometimes.
I didn’t have my head in the sand, I led an active lifestyle that didn’t give me the time to sit and watch tv all the time to glean Trumps character enough. I saw him sporadically and it was always over the top, that’s why I mentioned having preconceived notions based on the limited exposure.

The voters were pissed about Obama, Hillary and government in general, they voted Trump in as a middle finger F you and nothing more. Then it turned out he was the right answer, I’m not entertaining all those that are going to retroactively claim they voted for Trump because he was the right answer instead of the rebellion vote that he started out as. This was a revolution vote that turned out good but make no mistake about what the initial intent was.
Yet you're the one comparing this to a trial when the defendant was given zero due process to mount a defense and 90% of testimony/evidence against him was second, third, fourth hand hearsay, which would be inadmissible.
Zero due process? There were a dozen or so witnesses called, all with first hand knowledge and Trump refused to let them testify. Likely because they would either have to perjure themselves or else spill the beans on the boss. He had plenty of opportunity to defend himself.
Sondland, had first hand knowledge and what he had to say wasn’t good for Trump. I guess that is why Trump tried to keep him from testifying as well.
Zero due process? There were a dozen or so witnesses called, all with first hand knowledge and Trump refused to let them testify. Likely because they would either have to perjure themselves or else spill the beans on the boss. He had plenty of opportunity to defend himself.
Sondland, had first hand knowledge and what he had to say wasn’t good for Trump. I guess that is why Trump tried to keep him from testifying as well.
There is more evidence of you being a bet welching puss bag than Trump colluding with Russia or Ukraine or whoever the hell you guys say hes colluding with