How will they rule ??!

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Unlike you, I don’t let elections dictate my self-worth. I smoke dope and party every day, no matter who’s in the White House.

I am similar to you, however, in that I get to talk about our elected officials in any manner I choose.

Trump is an idiot, AOC is the college sophomore know-it-all at the family holiday meals, Hillary was a shitty nomination, and Obama is making hella $$$$$$$$$$ as a US citizen while you’re busy being “a hater and a loser.”

You’d think that having your boy Trump in office would make you happier. Chill, warrior-cat, chill...

The entirety of the liberal progressive representation on the Hill and their constituency could all stand to smoke some dope and chill...
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Kinda like Trump, right? SMH.

We’ll never see this level of ignorance in the Oval Office again after 2024.

Well actually we probably will. You nutjobs would vote for Don Jr. in a heartbeat! LOLOLOL

Stick to the promised CRENSHAW/HALEY TICKET and keep slurping those talking points. Republicans sold out their party for Donald Trump. Even Crenshaw would be an improvement, and he’s a bum who favors imported scotch over legalizing some good ol’ fashioned American marijuana.

Does he even love our country?
You can change your name as many times as you wish, but your posts still suck. Pitiful, plum pitiful.
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Which is it? Are you running drugs south of the border 5 days a week or are you sitting at a desk? Nevermind. It's pretty clear what we're dealing with here. Just a distorted thinking liberal looking to manifest whatever image is needed for the argument at the moment. He's a document immigrant with a driver's license in one post, a fortune 500 business exec in another. Free entertainment chucklehead.
Yea, I am starting to think John is more full of shit than a Christmas Turkey.
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Seems spot-on to me. Unduly elitist, shockingly uninformed, over-opinionted and seeking approval for right-think that is actually detrimental to his own well-being. I bet he has students as friends, too, and some of them only refer to him by his last name b/c they think that's just so cool. He feels so accepted.

I know this guy. He's every cuck male teacher my kids have ever had. I bet he's smallish in frame, wears sweaters that are too tight, sits on his hands and swings his legs in a chair like a schoolgirl and tries to push shitty emo music on middle schoolers who he thinks he's enlightening. I also would wager he has a beard and it is, by far, THE most manly thing about him, which is why he clings to it.

I'd put money on it.
If he/she/it is really a teacher, it is no surprise that our children are dumber than rocks.
** KA-BOOM! **

Trump’s economic approval hits highest level in a year as Americans remain split on impeachment.

  • Forty-five percent of Americans disapprove of Congress impeaching President Trump and 44% approve, according to the CNBC All-America Economic Survey.
  • The survey shows 49% of Americans approving of the president’s handling of the economy, up from 42% in September and the highest level in a year.
  • The poll of 800 Americans nationwide was conducted Dec. 10-13.

#MAGA. :americanflag:

Go jump your loon ass into Salt Lick Creek.

However, it appears the feeling is not necessarily mutual. A poll of 1,630 active duty troops conducted by US forces publication Military Times in conjunction with Syracuse University found 49.9 per cent of respondents had an unfavourable view of the president — with 45.1 per cent expressing their view as very unfavourable.
So, serious question.

In an impeachment trial, Senators are the jury, correct?

5 of them(Biden, Warren, Booker, Sanders, Klobuchar) are Democrats currently seeking the nomination to run against Trump, who is in this instance the Defendant.

I believe it is the duty of a juror who has a conflict of interest or who cannot be impartial to bring the facts or issues causing that conflict to the attention of the court and recuse himself.

So why are these 5 allowed to sit in judgment of the man who they hope to defeat in an election in 11 months?

Clearly they have a vested interest in the outcome, and benefit from a conviction of Trump.

I mean, if it were a civil trial involving business corruption, and say a CEO of a corporation was on trial and a conviction would really hurt that company, would executives from 5 of that company's biggest competitors be allowed to sit on that jury?

What am I missing here? Why isn't this being discussed? Why isnt this a trial with 95 jurors instead of 100?

However, it appears the feeling is not necessarily mutual. A poll of 1,630 active duty troops conducted by US forces publication Military Times in conjunction with Syracuse University found 49.9 per cent of respondents had an unfavourable view of the president — with 45.1 per cent expressing their view as very unfavourable.
"But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017.".

So, serious question.

In an impeachment trial, Senators are the jury, correct?

5 of them(Biden, Warren, Booker, Sanders, Klobuchar) are Democrats currently seeking the nomination to run against Trump, who is in this instance the Defendant.

I believe it is the duty of a juror who has a conflict of interest or who cannot be impartial to bring the facts or issues causing that conflict to the attention of the court and recuse himself.

So why are these 5 allowed to sit in judgment of the man who they hope to defeat in an election in 11 months?

Clearly they have a vested interest in the outcome, and benefit from a conviction of Trump.

I mean, if it were a civil trial involving business corruption, and say a CEO of a corporation was on trial and a conviction would really hurt that company, would executives from 5 of that company's biggest competitors be allowed to sit on that jury?

What am I missing here? Why isn't this being discussed? Why isnt this a trial with 95 jurors instead of 100?
The Democratic Party is now a thug outfit that willfully ignores the spirit of the constitution to grab power and be a guerrilla army inside the American government. They don’t care about justice or fairness, that may seem like rhetoric but it’s unfortunately very accurate.

However, it appears the feeling is not necessarily mutual. A poll of 1,630 active duty troops conducted by US forces publication Military Times in conjunction with Syracuse University found 49.9 per cent of respondents had an unfavourable view of the president — with 45.1 per cent expressing their view as very unfavourable.

kaboom! idiot. From YOUR article...

But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017.

You are well informed with bogus information.
What am I missing here? Why isn't this being discussed? Why isnt this a trial with 95 jurors instead of 100?

Even better, they want MM to recuse himself because he might not be impartial. It really is like dealing with an 8 year old mentality. No self awareness at all.

"But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017.".


Ha! He does that all the time and it's hilarious. He puts the same effort in vetting his "gotcha" posts as he does in his dem talking points. None.

How many people approve of their boss? 50% would probably be close across all fields.
What we need is term limits for congressmen and senators, why are the same aholes allowed to entrench themselves for decades. These people are allowed to influence our government for nearly 40 years. They chair important offices and initiate abuse or allow it to happen if it retained or gave them more power. If the American people wanted change then both sides should agree on this, this should be the first concern for anyone because it would fix a lot of subsequent concerns.


I love when politicians have their doctors release letters that they’re healthy and totally fit to be president.

Trump’s letter was comical, but he has shown the physical and mental capacity to handle the job so far.

Biden on the other hand, lol. If that’s what his doctor considers healthy, I hope I never end up with that guy treating me. Biden can barely string a sentence together and can’t remember where he is 85% of the time.

Was like Hilary passing out and being swept away in an ambulance to the makeshift hospital in “Chelsea’s apartment” then trotting our a body double. I have eyeballs, I don’t give a shit what you pay your doctor to say.

Out of all the crazy and illegal shit the Clinton Campaign and Obama administration did during (and after) the 2016 election, rolling out an obvious body double for Hilary Clinton is still one of the most fascinating things.
In an impeachment trial, Senators are the jury, correct?

5 of them(Biden, Warren, Booker, Sanders, Klobuchar) are Democrats currently seeking the nomination to run against Trump, who is in this instance the Defendant.

What am I missing here??
Biden is not a Senator. Other than that, didn't miss much at all.
No one is above the laws that we choose to enforce!!! - dems

Russia colluded to affect our elections and we have the receipts to prove it!!! - dems

Impeachment of Donald Trump is essential to the democrat party!!! - dems
Stupid bitch! Trump shot the hell out of a bunch of Russians. What O'bama do? Told them he could help them better after the election.
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So, serious question.

In an impeachment trial, Senators are the jury, correct?

5 of them(Biden, Warren, Booker, Sanders, Klobuchar) are Democrats currently seeking the nomination to run against Trump, who is in this instance the Defendant.

I believe it is the duty of a juror who has a conflict of interest or who cannot be impartial to bring the facts or issues causing that conflict to the attention of the court and recuse himself.

So why are these 5 allowed to sit in judgment of the man who they hope to defeat in an election in 11 months?

Clearly they have a vested interest in the outcome, and benefit from a conviction of Trump.

I mean, if it were a civil trial involving business corruption, and say a CEO of a corporation was on trial and a conviction would really hurt that company, would executives from 5 of that company's biggest competitors be allowed to sit on that jury?

What am I missing here? Why isn't this being discussed? Why isnt this a trial with 95 jurors instead of 100?

You make a good argument. Unfortunately it appeals to morality and ethics, neither of which describe the Dems.

My god how much filtering did that pic get? That's barely even her
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The Steele dossier has been proven to be paid for bunk and the only thing that claims Russian involvement, they know this but still claim Russian involvement on Trumps behalf. The Democrats are clearly crooked people trying to steal from American voters.