How will they rule ??!

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Unlike you, I don’t let elections dictate my self-worth. I smoke dope and party every day, no matter who’s in the White House.

I am similar to you, however, in that I get to talk about our elected officials in any manner I choose.

Trump is an idiot, AOC is the college sophomore know-it-all at the family holiday meals, Hillary was a shitty nomination, and Obama is making hella $$$$$$$$$$ as a US citizen while you’re busy being “a hater and a loser.”

You’d think that having your boy Trump in office would make you happier. Chill, warrior-cat, chill...

If you attribute your self worth to being a daily partying dopehead then it’s impossible to have a sober rational discourse with you.
Trump, billionaire before moving into the white house, vs barry hussein, who accumulated his wealth while residing in the white house, and now living in a $15m mansion.
Your equating aoc’s intelligence as sophomoric shows your vast over estimation of her intelligence.
Hillary became a “shitty nomination” only after the 2016 election. previous she was touted as “the greatest candidate ever.”
Trump in office makes many people who love their country and form of government very happy, and the only similarity you share with them is that you are free.
Anthony Bourdain hung himself from A DOOR KNOB WITH A BATHROBE BELT. That’s not possible at all.

He also spoke to LAPD about witnessing the aftermath/coverup of Adam Schiff raping a dead 10 year old?

I just read this on the internet and I believe it 10000%.

Also, the football Cats are about to win a damn SEC championship, and I believe that 100000%.

I talk about how our President is a moron.

Life in the USA is actually quite nice, despite said moron.

Why can’t you accept that? You need to take a chill pill, bro. I already know you’re too stiff to enjoy some weed.

Do you fly an American flag outside your home?

Do you drive a BIG OL’ TRUCK with questionable bumper stickers? (That was a trick question - all bumper stickers are questionable and lowbrow.)

Respect our Constitution or GTFO. Thanks.

If anyone wonders why the rest of the country despises the home of the Deep State, here it is:

"Nine of the 20 richest counties in the United States—when measured by median household income—are suburbs of Washington, D.C., according to data released today by the Census Bureau.

In fact, two counties in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., are richer than the two California counties that constitute Silicon Valley."

The false narrative of government serving the people fostered on us by those in government is debunked by the above. It's all about them promoting & feeding themselves at the expense of the rest of it. No wonder they hate Trump so much - and why so many of us love him. Total liars.
I’m far from lazy. I work a lot of hours and am on the road 3/5 days on average. Just because I sit at a desk while you are toiling in a hot kitchen doesn’t make me lazy.
Which is it? Are you running drugs south of the border 5 days a week or are you sitting at a desk? Nevermind. It's pretty clear what we're dealing with here. Just a distorted thinking liberal looking to manifest whatever image is needed for the argument at the moment. He's a document immigrant with a driver's license in one post, a fortune 500 business exec in another. Free entertainment chucklehead.
False and for the record hypocrite, you have fallen for every lie proven to be a lie over and over again that the left spews. Your ignorance is disturbing but, you will lose again so...
The Sawnee defender has arrived. Let's face it, Sawnee makes up completely bullsh!t stories about little old ladies running MAGA stores at the mall which get smashed apart by evil liberals. Then the other gem he came up with about talking to a black lady at the bank and how her sons finally have hope in the world because of Trump. So yes, call me a little skeptical when he posts his latest FB gem. Problem with you kitty is you believe his stories and the other crap that he posts. Most of the hardcore republicans on this site are at least halfway smart enough to know he is an old senile guy and laugh him off or call him out on his bs.
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The Sawnee defender has arrived. Let's face it, Sawnee makes up completely bullsh!t stories about little old ladies running MAGA stores at the mall which get smashed apart by evil liberals. Then the other gem he came up with about talking to a black lady at the bank and how her sons finally have hope in the world because of Trump. So yes, call me a little skeptical when he posts his latest FB gem. Problem with you kitty is you believe his stories and the other crap that he posts. Most of the hardcore republicans on this site are at least halfway smart enough to know he is an old senile guy and laugh him off or call him out on his bs.
Your ignorance and belief in what the left preaches makes all hardcore republicans on here laugh at you so, I would not talk about anyone else since you support habitual liars.

MAGA! That is truth no matter who says it.
The Sawnee defender has arrived. Let's face it, Sawnee makes up completely bullsh!t stories about little old ladies running MAGA stores at the mall which get smashed apart by evil liberals. Then the other gem he came up with about talking to a black lady at the bank and how her sons finally have hope in the world because of Trump. So yes, call me a little skeptical when he posts his latest FB gem. Problem with you kitty is you believe his stories and the other crap that he posts. Most of the hardcore republicans on this site are at least halfway smart enough to know he is an old senile guy and laugh him off or call him out on his bs.
Oh and P.S. there are plenty of stories out there proving that the black community is beginning to see the truth.
Which is it? Are you running drugs south of the border 5 days a week or are you sitting at a desk? Nevermind. It's pretty clear what we're dealing with here. Just a distorted thinking liberal looking to manifest whatever image is needed for the argument at the moment. He's a document immigrant with a driver's license in one post, a fortune 500 business exec in another. Free entertainment chucklehead.

Man, you finally got off work and replied - that’s a long day slinging burritos, chief. You better get some sleep.
The Sawnee defender has arrived. Let's face it, Sawnee makes up completely bullsh!t stories about little old ladies running MAGA stores at the mall which get smashed apart by evil liberals. Then the other gem he came up with about talking to a black lady at the bank and how her sons finally have hope in the world because of Trump. So yes, call me a little skeptical when he posts his latest FB gem. Problem with you kitty is you believe his stories and the other crap that he posts. Most of the hardcore republicans on this site are at least halfway smart enough to know he is an old senile guy and laugh him off or call him out on his bs.
I think you make a good point. A tired one actually. Your argument is precisely what conservative skepticism has been saying about all these "first hand accounts" as Tweeted about for years now by self-righteous liberals. Literally none of them ever sound like anything more than fraud to me, and how do these manifestations grow? Well . . is there a Juicy Smollet equivalent on the other side? That is, SPECIFICALLY, a MAJOR story that began as a first hand acct. by a conservative victim, and then AFTERWARDS was exposed for fraud, and even subsequent to that all effort known to God and man was taken to cover for the piece of trash liar, by politicians, media, celebrities, instead of letting him be accountable on his own?

No, you are not putting a new tag on a g-dammed thing sweet pea. And you really need to think the steps backwards before going forwards. Otherwise, you're never gonna be good at this. Just mouthy.

My ex had a homeless person break in our garage. Well, her garage . . it used to be ours. She got the house. She finds this guy on her way to work. He apologizes for scaring her and offers to do all sorts of lawn work for free if she doesn't call the cops. She locks the place up. Leaves him the push mower and some gasoline with a firm warning about the security system.

She posted on her Facebook page for the next two days how beautiful her yard looked and how good she felt and how she wished she could see that homeless person again to find out was was happening to him.

What she didn't learn until a week later that me and my new girlfriend had gone over to the house about 30 minutes after she left. I needed to get the air compressor out of the barn. This dude had done 5 or 6 strips down the middle of the front yard. I caught him trying to Jimmy the sliding glass door open on the back of the house. If my girlfriend had not been with me I wouldn't have stopped beating his ass. Went back to my place and got the zero turn and finished up the yard. When she found out what I did she was pissed. When she found out my girlfriend was with me just more and more pissed. That's how chicks are. Even post menopause one's.
Oh and P.S. there are plenty of stories out there proving that the black community is beginning to see the truth.
Gonna be a real big story in 10-1/2 months. Black citizens are woke to the immoral urging of making filthy illegal scum and sexually / gender confused equal to descendants of American slaves. They want and deserve better.
Is this the last woo-rah that breaks the liberals?


After a failed impeachment and 4 more years of Trump they are forced to change, Soros will probably die, and all the cronies will be falling off and dying soon too.

The media will have lost all credibility, and Trump will be given the green light to push the lefties farther into their corners of the country.

How can they not see this?

CNN’s Don Lemon had a guy on to discuss partisan politics and the impeachment and the guy flat out said we’re wasting time either way. The senate won’t hear of it and they don’t have to so why bother with witnesses.


The comparison to Clinton isn’t even close. That guy took oath and lied. That’s what he was impeached for, not getting some head in the Oval Office.

It’s hard not to be voting for impeachment when he took oath, and that’s his fault.

I gotta give it to the dems man, they have not only lost to and non politician, they let the guy unhinge them in a way that exposed it all and made the R’s of the country know it’s ok to fight back.
It is beautiful, to witness liberals attempting to validate the House impeachment process by equating it to Grand Jury (preliminary) determination of evidence, and why? Because in doing so, those very people validate the evidence determination process they hate the most, the one they refuse to validate but now do, when Bill Clinton under sworn deposition to determine evidence committed perjury, and LIED. In addition to this, and according to special counsel Ken Starr, Bill Clinton obstructed justice, by tempting Monica Lewinsky to submit false affidavits concerning their relationship, conceal gifts he had given her, under the BRIBE (yes, this is how the bribe process actually works) of offering her career advancements, wealth opportunity, etc.

Like I said . . . BEAUTIFUL to see liberals equate the House impeachment to discovery / determination of evidence processes (e.g. grand jury).
Imo many people don’t trust government no matter who’s in control, case in point is that virtually none of the democrats will actually pay for the crimes they committed. The Republicans won’t really push for it either because they don’t want to be held accountable if they slip up in the future. Basically they are all above the law, that crap only applies to everybody else.

If I lied to a judge I would be held accountable and so would you, but FISA just wants a plan to prevent it in the future. I would be shocked if anyone in the FBI goes to jail. The only way to clean up Washington is to hold people accountable.
Decent people hate to see somebody get railroaded and smart people ponder that if they’ll do that to a president then what chance would a nobody have, absolutely none. They’ll lie to bury you under a prison and nobody important enough will care to help. The Democrats want to become a combatant to the people, stripping rights to the 2a and doing away with electoral if they could. That party is a cancer to democracy, whoa wait a minute I’ve went off the rails. They’ll bury you under the prison with lies!
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Unlike you, I don’t let elections dictate my self-worth. I smoke dope and party every day, no matter who’s in the White House.

I am similar to you, however, in that I get to talk about our elected officials in any manner I choose.

Trump is an idiot, AOC is the college sophomore know-it-all at the family holiday meals, Hillary was a shitty nomination, and Obama is making hella $$$$$$$$$$ as a US citizen while you’re busy being “a hater and a loser.”

You’d think that having your boy Trump in office would make you happier. Chill, warrior-cat, chill...
I sure hope you were lying about being a teacher.
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I sure hope you were lying about being a teacher.
Seems spot-on to me. Unduly elitist, shockingly uninformed, over-opinionted and seeking approval for right-think that is actually detrimental to his own well-being. I bet he has students as friends, too, and some of them only refer to him by his last name b/c they think that's just so cool. He feels so accepted.

I know this guy. He's every cuck male teacher my kids have ever had. I bet he's smallish in frame, wears sweaters that are too tight, sits on his hands and swings his legs in a chair like a schoolgirl and tries to push shitty emo music on middle schoolers who he thinks he's enlightening. I also would wager he has a beard and it is, by far, THE most manly thing about him, which is why he clings to it.

I'd put money on it.
The left is full to overflowing with these types. Shartwell, Schitt, Noodler, Palosi, Schumer, The Squad, Al Green, Waters, the list goes on and on. they all want to turn due process on its head. It scares me to think these people are in charge of things whenever I hear them talk. When I hear most of the Republicans talking, They at least sound like educated adults who have a basic understanding of our constitutional rights and due process.
LMao you dipshits are to funny.
** KA-BOOM! **

Trump’s economic approval hits highest level in a year as Americans remain split on impeachment.

  • Forty-five percent of Americans disapprove of Congress impeaching President Trump and 44% approve, according to the CNBC All-America Economic Survey.
  • The survey shows 49% of Americans approving of the president’s handling of the economy, up from 42% in September and the highest level in a year.
  • The poll of 800 Americans nationwide was conducted Dec. 10-13.

#MAGA. :americanflag:

Go jump your loon ass into Salt Lick Creek.