How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Why don't you grow a set and go back home? Do something good for your own people? Instead of cowardly and lazily doing something only for yourself, all while benefitting from the feeble minded Americans, who are willing to sell a phoney bag of goods, telling you that you are actually useful to the world.

I’m far from lazy. I work a lot of hours and am on the road 3/5 days on average. Just because I sit at a desk while you are toiling in a hot kitchen doesn’t make me lazy.
Once again Sawnee falling for the "if it's on Facebook, it's gotta be true." Will you tell me your old lady at the mall story again please?
So have you decided which of your party's candidates you're voting for yet? There's what, 10 or so still in the running. You seem like a Buttplug kind of guy.

We're obviously in dire times and desperately need a Marxist to lead us to utopia. Who ya got dipshit?
So you equate a grand jury to a trial?
In our system of justice we use a grand jury to determine if there is sufficient evidence to go to trial. The House is in essence the grand jury within that process. It is the job of the Senate to hold the trial to determine guilt/innocence.
You should have paid more attention in your middle school civics class. You’re exactly the lowly educated, easily manipulated buffoon type Trump counts on for support.


Yes, the House was In essence a grand jury, one of the sole requirements of which is the jurors be unbiased.

And it’s doubly funny you compare this sham to a trial when the democrats just spent the past few weeks telling everyone they could impeachment is politics, not justice.

So nope. Your time to call witnesses for your sham was a few weeks back. Should have compelled them to testify at that point (which would have been challenged to the Supreme Court and shot down, thus dragging your impeachment ruse too far out into election season before it was dealt another embarrassing blow).
The thing about a grand jury is hearsay can be presented, and it’s done in secret without due process. And a lot of people feel it’s a miscarriage of justice. So it’s close to what the House did, with the one glaring exception being grad juries are required to be impartial, not to collude with the “witnesses” to build a case. So there literally no argument that the House sham was comparable to anything in our JUSTICE system. It was a sham from the get go, and didn’t even have the savings graces of other legal processes many people consider shams.
Cocaine Mitch looked up from his lines of coke and said to Romney "do as your told little Mormon b-tch". The conversation was over. More cocaine was had by all in the room except Mitt...who sipped quietly on some water.

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Just realized I'm bringing myself down to your levels. Have a great day 'patriots'

USA TODAY Poll: Impeached or not, Trump leads his Democratic rivals for another term.

D Alcee Hastings was impeached by congress and removed as a federal judge for bribery. Now he’s on the committee deciding the rules for the impeachment of Trump.

Yes, something that should be more in the news. Why on earth would the Dems put him on the committee knowing this?
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So you equate a grand jury to a trial?
In our system of justice we use a grand jury to determine if there is sufficient evidence to go to trial. The House is in essence the grand jury within that process. It is the job of the Senate to hold the trial to determine guilt/innocence.
You should have paid more attention in your middle school civics class. You’re exactly the lowly educated, easily manipulated buffoon type Trump counts on for support.
House is not a grand jury or like it. This is a political process, not a criminal one.
One of the people involved in the attempted coup goes on the show of one of the most laughable Russian collusion propagandist...

Notice, Maddow has not been taken to task by anyone for her Russian hysteria...
One of the people involved in the attempted coup goes on the show of one of the most laughable Russian collusion propagandist...

Notice, Maddow has not been taken to task by anyone for her Russian hysteria...
Hey Lisa, keep your panties on the next time you are drawing a paycheck from the U.S. Govt. Leave that Peter alone
THEREFORE,the Court ORDERS that the government shall, no later than January 10 2020, inform the Court in a sworn written submission of what it has done, and plans to do,to ensure that the statement of facts in each FBI application accurately and completely reflects...information possessed by the FBI that is material to any issue presented by the application. In the event that the FBI at the time of that submission is not yet able to perform any of the planned steps described in the submission, it shall also include(a) a proposed time table for implementing such measures and (b) an explanation of why, in the governments view, the information in FBI applications submitted in the interim should be regarded as reliable. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, pursuant to FISC Rule of Procedure 62(a), that the government shall, no later than December 20 2019, complete a declassification review of the above-referenced order of December 5, 2019, in anticipation of the FISC's publishing that order. In view of the information released to the public in the Report, the Court expects that such review will entail minimal if any redactions.
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92% of Americans think their basic rights are being threatened, new poll shows

Most Americans surveyed – 92% – think their rights are under siege, according to a poll released Monday.

Americans are most concerned that their freedom of speech (48%), right to bear arms (47%) and right to equal justice (41%) are at risk, says the Harris Poll/Purple Project, which surveyed 2,002 people nationwide.

"When you frame something as a threat, it creates a bit of a political response, and it creates division and encampments of special interest," said John Gerzema, CEO of the Harris Poll. That's why political parties and lobbying groups warn supporters with strident language, he said: It's easier to drum up backing for a political cause by talking about an issue in terms of "threats."

But when you start to consider which rights and freedoms really matter, Gerzema said, poll responses changed – and Americans re-prioritized which values they cared about most.

Gerzema's advice to the folks in Washington? Focus on the things that are fundamental to the American way of life.

"There is something wonderful going on underneath the surface, and that's what I wish our leaders in Washington would pay attention to," he said. "You start to see the true, softer side of America's rough-and-tumble political reality."
