How will they rule ??!

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Obviously Trump will not be removed by the Senate and dems are simply trying to damage him. Since they will lose in 2020 because they will nominate a loser. What will they pull after 2020 and beyond?

Not much. By that time R's will have the House, Senate, SCOTUS, majority of Appeals Court, and massive gains in small town politics around the country. Dems are done in the next few years.
Not much. By that time R's will have the House, Senate, SCOTUS, majority of Appeals Court, and massive gains in small town politics around the country. Dems are done in the next few years.

One of those things is not like the others.
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WTF did Hillary do to her face (pic from last week). Funny that our media didn't pick up on it. Leave it to the Brits. She must really be thinking about running to have that much work done.


From 2 years ago.



Butt still the same size.
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D senator who sponsored the bill openly admits it while still arguing in favor of the bill. But Facebook memes are the real threat to democracy.

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud

A loophole in the new law granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants could allow hundreds of thousands of people to fraudulently register to vote in New York, according to critics, the state Board of Elections and the bill’s own sponsor.

“[A] major concern is that many states, including New York, use their DMVs to enroll voters. Since New York does not have voter-identification laws like the majority of other states do, this bill increases the potential for voter fraud,” state Sen. Republican Minority Leader John Flanagan (R–Suffolk) said Tuesday.

“This means that New York will soon have the most radical, open-ended law in the entire nation.”

It is the sole document required to register to vote, according to officials.

Even legislative sponsor Luis Sepúlveda (D-Bronx) admitted the provision could be abused.

“Theoretically, they could have the ability to vote,” he said while arguing for the bill during a Monday hearing in Albany.
Now we KNOW that O'bama knew about Russian interference when he laughed it off. Remember that? He LAUGHED at the idea while he was neck deep in it. THAT was not a mistake. Hillary's private emails were not a "mistake". Destroying evidence of treason is not a "mistake".

The only mistake that has been made is trying to overthrow the legitimate government of this country by foreign actors with deep pockets.

Own the media, own the country.
“I look very much forward to debating whoever the lucky person is who stumbles across the finish line in the little watched Do Nothing Democrat Debates,” Trump tweeted. “My record is so good on the Economy and all else, including debating, that perhaps I would consider more than 3 debates.

“The problem is that the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates is stacked with Trump Haters & Never Trumpers,” the president continued. “3 years ago they were forced to publicly apologize for modulating my microphone in the first debate against Crooked Hillary. As President, the debates are up to me, and there are many options, including doing them directly & avoiding the nasty politics of this very biased Commission.” - The Man

He beat them when THEY made the rules. He beat them when THEY gave debate questions to dems ahead of the debate. No chance they come out on top playing by his rules.

After his second term, and the 8 years of Don Jr, and then the 8 years of Ivanka, the Trump name will go down as the greatest name in politics in the history of the world!

“I look very much forward to debating whoever the lucky person is who stumbles across the finish line in the little watched Do Nothing Democrat Debates,” Trump tweeted. “My record is so good on the Economy and all else, including debating, that perhaps I would consider more than 3 debates.

“The problem is that the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates is stacked with Trump Haters & Never Trumpers,” the president continued. “3 years ago they were forced to publicly apologize for modulating my microphone in the first debate against Crooked Hillary. As President, the debates are up to me, and there are many options, including doing them directly & avoiding the nasty politics of this very biased Commission.” - The Man

He beat them when THEY made the rules. He beat them when THEY gave debate questions to dems ahead of the debate. No chance they come out on top playing by his rules.

After his second term, and the 8 years of Don Jr, and then the 8 years of Ivanka, the Trump name will go down as the greatest name in politics in the history of the world!


I’m starting to like Don a bit more, and Ivanka is hot and liberal. But if that cokehead Don Jr every became president, I’d consider moving back home.
D senator who sponsored the bill openly admits it while still arguing in favor of the bill. But Facebook memes are the real threat to democracy.

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud

A loophole in the new law granting driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants could allow hundreds of thousands of people to fraudulently register to vote in New York, according to critics, the state Board of Elections and the bill’s own sponsor.

“[A] major concern is that many states, including New York, use their DMVs to enroll voters. Since New York does not have voter-identification laws like the majority of other states do, this bill increases the potential for voter fraud,” state Sen. Republican Minority Leader John Flanagan (R–Suffolk) said Tuesday.

“This means that New York will soon have the most radical, open-ended law in the entire nation.”

It is the sole document required to register to vote, according to officials.

Even legislative sponsor Luis Sepúlveda (D-Bronx) admitted the provision could be abused.

“Theoretically, they could have the ability to vote,” he said while arguing for the bill during a Monday hearing in Albany.
Stupid is as stupid does. These are the numbskull politicians who want states like theirs and California to dictate policy and elections for the rest of the country if they do away with the electoral college.

anyways, couldn't this be fixed if an undocumented immigrant is granted a license, couldn't that license somehow be marked, indicating their status and thus inability to vote?
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I’m starting to like Don a bit more, and Ivanka is hot and liberal. But if that cokehead Don Jr every became president, I’d consider moving back home.

Cokehead? Shit man, don't tell me you've never done coke. Coke is god's way of telling you you're making too much money and we all know here that whatever money you've made, it was too much.

I don't know Don Jr. personally, of course, but what I do know is that he thinks just like his father does and anything less than that will be a step backward in 2024.

By the way, I would put Don Jr's IQ up there with any President in my lifetime. He's Bill Clinton smart.
Honestly the Republican Party needed someone like Trump to lead them. They were too passive and allowed the democrats to stay on attack, republican politicians went with the high road approach and it wasn’t working. They left it to republican media like Rush or Sean to counter attack for them. Trump is saying what needs to be said, he’s willing to take the criticism and the rest of them trying to stay out of it need to support him.
WTF...on "paid leave while it is being investigated"

Pay attention to that video. It is showing what happens when the weak stand up to the strong. That little democrat ran his mouth to the point that the adult had to show him who was boss.

Now that that's out of the way. It doesn't matter what the reason for the action was. That dude needs to be removed from society. It is not a 'mistake". It is a testament to the "above the law" sentiment of too many law enforcement personnel.
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There’s no defense for the police officer at all, he was wrong. But I think the second slam was more of a drop, he was trying to carry him and lost his grip. Not that it matters because it doesn’t t at all but just to be technically correct. I suspect the kid called him something or was mouthing disrespectfully, which is zero justification for what he did but I’m just guessing what sparked the cops anger. He will be fired and face criminal charges as he should.
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Cokehead? Shit man, don't tell me you've never done coke. Coke is god's way of telling you you're making too much money and we all know here that whatever money you've made, it was too much.

I don't know Don Jr. personally, of course, but what I do know is that he thinks just like his father does and anything less than that will be a step backward in 2024.

By the way, I would put Don Jr's IQ up there with any President in my lifetime. He's Bill Clinton smart.

I've done a little coke myself and have known some folks in my career that I'd call hardcore addicts.

If Don Jr was the same guy in the same package with the same views and qualifications, and his daddy wasn't big Don, nobody would even know who he is.
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That coach was just showing his team what’s really important, the sun will come up and there will still be boobs.

I bet the winning coach bought his team a snow cone, who is the winner here.
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Ok, make sure you take Rosie and Alec Baldwin with you when you go.

They don't want any part of Canada, it's way too white and much harder to get into than the US. Here, they can hobnob with all the people that have come here from shithole countries. Up there, they'd be cold, AND stuck with a bunch of standard European white people.