How will they rule ??!

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  1. a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Who decides things like "abilities" and "needs"? What does "publicly owned" mean? Do you idiots even know what you are fighting for? I know what I'm willing to fight for.

If you "lose", you have to deal with the best economy in 50 years. If I "lose", my country is gone. Who do you think has the most at risk and the most motivation to win?
I've done a little coke myself and have known some folks in my career that I'd call hardcore addicts.

If Don Jr was the same guy in the same package with the same views and qualifications, and his daddy wasn't big Don, nobody would even know who he is.

Without a Kenyan Mooslum, no one would know who O'bama is. What's your point?
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  1. a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Who decides things like "abilities" and "needs"? What does "publicly owned" mean? Do you idiots even know what you are fighting for? I know what I'm willing to fight for.

If you "lose", you have to deal with the best economy in 50 years. If I "lose", my country is gone. Who do you think has the most at risk and the most motivation to win?

they don’t understand risk/motivation, if they did they wouldn’t be Marxist

but baked into the cake is the idea they are going to show up at your door and force you to give them your things in the name of “solidarity”

haha, what a shitshow that day is gonna be.
“I look very much forward to debating whoever the lucky person is who stumbles across the finish line in the little watched Do Nothing Democrat Debates,” Trump tweeted. “My record is so good on the Economy and all else, including debating, that perhaps I would consider more than 3 debates.

“The problem is that the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates is stacked with Trump Haters & Never Trumpers,” the president continued. “3 years ago they were forced to publicly apologize for modulating my microphone in the first debate against Crooked Hillary. As President, the debates are up to me, and there are many options, including doing them directly & avoiding the nasty politics of this very biased Commission.” - The Man

He beat them when THEY made the rules. He beat them when THEY gave debate questions to dems ahead of the debate. No chance they come out on top playing by his rules.

After his second term, and the 8 years of Don Jr, and then the 8 years of Ivanka, the Trump name will go down as the greatest name in politics in the history of the world!

Trump is right once more. Just tell the Dim I'm showing up on stage in X city at Y time & we'll go mano a mano, no "moderators".

I see Nikki/Trump in '24, just don't know if DJ or Ivanka.
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They were called & ignored the subpoena at Trump's direction. That said, if they were valid, could have gone to court to have them enforced. Chose not to. Thus, F em.

They were called for the specific reason that each question to them was going to breach executive privilege. They would have stated each as such and would have been vilified by the press.

Either understand politics, or just read.
They were called for the specific reason that each question to them was going to breach executive privilege. They would have stated each as such and would have been vilified by the press.

Either understand politics, or just read.
F you. You don't know the questions. Regardless, they still could have gone to court & seen waht the court says.
F you. You don't know the questions. Regardless, they still could have gone to court & seen waht the court says.

I don't need to know the questions. I know the motivations.

I assume you are cognizant enough to understand them as well. If you aren't, then I apologize for giving you more credit than you deserve.

As far as going to the court is concerned. I'm sure that going to the court was denied to Trump. Should we go to the court now to bolster your views?

Play both sides of the fence. We know.
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What if the SRO stated the juvenile called him the N word?

Solid defense IMO.

In today's world of institutionalized racism, there can be no doubt that the N word used the N word to the N word. Then the N word used the V action to result in the N word pain.

Totally acceptable. In today's world of victimization.
I've done a little coke myself and have known some folks in my career that I'd call hardcore addicts.

If Don Jr was the same guy in the same package with the same views and qualifications, and his daddy wasn't big Don, nobody would even know who he is.

First of all, you don't know if that's true. Purely speculation on your part.

Secondly even if it is true, you can say that about lots and lots of people who have dominated the headlines throughout the years. Chelsea, W, Michelle O, any of the Kennedies, Chris Wallace, or your own leader Justin Trudeau. The list is endless.

And last, given that Trump Sr. is a tee-totaler, I doubt Eric or Don Jr mess with any of that crap
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First of all, you don't know if that's true. Purely speculation on your part.

Secondly even if it is true, you can say that about lots and lots of people who have dominated the headlines throughout the years. Chelsea, W, Michelle O, any of the Kennedies, Chris Wallace, or your own leader Justin Trudeau. The list is endless.

And last, given that Trump Sr. is a tee-totaler, I doubt Eric or Don Jr mess with any of that crap

W and Trudeau were/are all stars! Clearly nepotism in politics is awesome.
Church league softball fistfight!

Not church league. Street.

W and Trudeau were/are all stars! Clearly nepotism in politics is awesome.

Look, idiot. Even solid R's admit that Bush jr was not a good President. He was the best democrat of the 21nd century. What we need is The Donald tweeting to us how bad everything democrat is. Don't you understand?
Not church league. Street.

Look, idiot. Even solid R's admit that Bush jr was not a good President. He was the best democrat of the 21nd century. What we need is The Donald tweeting to us how bad everything democrat is. Don't you understand?

I'm a slow learner bud. I'll get there eventually.

Just so I know I am keeping up, I've listed Don Jr's accomplishments below as they pertain to why you'd want him as POTUS. Let me know if I missed anything.

  • He's just so awesome at the Twitterz like his dad.
Does that cover it? :)
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Right there by the Miss Vickie's jalepeno flavored too. Best damn chips known to God and man . . that sorry ass m-fkr

Ha, I was on a job in Georgia one time and they had Miss Vickie's in the machine. I found them on line and ordered us a case. Just one more example where I have satisfied the needs of my fellow man.

I am tossing my name into the list of thousands of people running for President ot the United States. Thank you for your vote@
Ha, I was on a job in Georgia one time and they had Miss Vickie's in the machine. I found them on line and ordered us a case. Just one more example where I have satisfied the needs of my fellow man.

I am tossing my name into the list of thousands of people running for President ot the United States. Thank you for your vote@

Jimmy Johns makes a solid chip too - I'm a sucker for salt & vinegar chips and theirs are damn good. Jalapeno are tasty too.
I'm a slow learner bud. I'll get there eventually.

Just so I know I am keeping up, I've listed Don Jr's accomplishments below as they pertain to why you'd want him as POTUS. Let me know if I missed anything.

  • He's just so awesome at the Twitterz like his dad.
Does that cover it? :)

Please list for me the Truedont's qualifications. Thanks. idiot
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Jimmy Johns makes a solid chip too - I'm a sucker for salt & vinegar chips and theirs are damn good. Jalapeno are tasty too.

Inconsequential, and irrelevant to the point. As usual.

My intellect renders you as useless. When will you realize how useless you are?
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Jimmy Johns makes a solid chip too - I'm a sucker for salt & vinegar chips and theirs are damn good. Jalapeno are tasty too.
JJs are good, and not something for some vagabond illegal to relieve his colon beside either . Have sort of an oily film on them but they are good. Definitely a step down from Miss V.
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Jimmy Johns makes a solid chip too - I'm a sucker for salt & vinegar chips and theirs are damn good. Jalapeno are tasty too.

Make yourself a wash, slice the potatoes in your food processor, or use a mandolin. Ask one of your American friends what those are. Soak the sliced potatoes in the wash and fry them fast in 350° oil.

Now a dumbass canadian can make a chip too. You're welcome.
Dude, they don't even know what's coming. This is the very definition of tone deaf. This should have scared the shit out of her and it didn't even phase her. So, what's driving her if not her own constituency?

Ah, she's CIA. Makes perfect sense now.

EDIT: re-read that sentence as if her pronouns are they/them. You couldn't make heads or tails of it. What a dumbass idea recognizing pronouns...
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As a guy who usually leans left, this crop of Dem candidates might doom the party.

I make fun of Trump’s intelligence and then Joe Biden proves that he’s senile.

Warren gave herself the kiss of death with the DNA test.

Bernie is not the answer.

Pete can’t get the votes.

Kamala drops out when she’s actually the most capable of debating Trump on live TV. Still doesn’t mean she’d be a good POTUS.

TULSI IS A RUSSIAN PAWN, or something like that.

It’s gonna be four more years of Trump, and I accepted that a long time ago. If he stopped watching TV and just made rudimentary, scripted speeches, he’d coast along just like Bush Jr. Instead, he brings on the heat with every tweet. He can’t help himself.
  • Half Cuban son of Fidel Castro
  • Allegedly pretty good at rowing
That's all I've got. I'm taking "idiot" as a term of endearment coming from you, you piece of garbage (also a term of endearment.)

I forgot about his rowing prowess. I stand corrected. One man's meat is another man's garbage. I'll accept your compliment, but that doesn't mean you aren't an idiot.

Haha how have you been, bro? Stocks and craft brews still treating you well?

Still need to make a trip to Austin. Got a buddy who’s lived there forever. He actually DJed Obama’s election party

Shut up Eric and climb back in your hole.