How will they rule ??!

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The worst part is that the only punishment the house D's will face comes from their voters, and most of them are 100% safe no matter what. They are openly mocking our Constitution and continuing to blatantly lie when everyone, including themselves, know they are lying.

These people are complete scum. If there was any justice they would be thrown in prison or forced to move to Venezuela. .
As a guy who usually leans left, this crop of Dem candidates might doom the party.

I make fun of Trump’s intelligence and then Joe Biden proves that he’s senile.

Warren gave herself the kiss of death with the DNA test.

Bernie is not the answer.

Pete can’t get the votes.

Kamala drops out when she’s actually the most capable of debating Trump on live TV. Still doesn’t mean she’d be a good POTUS.

TULSI IS A RUSSIAN PAWN, or something like that.

It’s gonna be four more years of Trump, and I accepted that a long time ago. If he stopped watching TV and just made rudimentary, scripted speeches, he’d coast along just like Bush Jr. Instead, he brings on the heat with every tweet. He can’t help himself.

You suck. You have always sucked. You will always suck.

Eat shit Eric.
As a guy who usually leans left, this crop of Dem candidates might doom the party.

I make fun of Trump’s intelligence and then Joe Biden proves that he’s senile.

Warren gave herself the kiss of death with the DNA test.

Bernie is not the answer.

Pete can’t get the votes.

Kamala drops out when she’s actually the most capable of debating Trump on live TV. Still doesn’t mean she’d be a good POTUS.

TULSI IS A RUSSIAN PAWN, or something like that.

It’s gonna be four more years of Trump, and I accepted that a long time ago. If he stopped watching TV and just made rudimentary, scripted speeches, he’d coast along just like Bush Jr. Instead, he brings on the heat with every tweet. He can’t help himself.
By tweeting as much, Trump keeps his name out there. Are some tweets crazy and even foolish? Sure, but others are quite supportive and patriotic.

Mister President knows how to play.
When Trump is acquitted, they'll use this report to impeach him again on new articles. On & on.
This was planned since the minute he won the election. They were 100% going to impeach him. They just needed to do the proper polling to figure out what had the most impact after all their illegal surveillance couldn't find any dirt on the guy.

And I fully expect him to be impeached again if he wins in 2020 and the House still belongs to the Ds. That way they can say he's the first President to be impeached twice. A good chunk of their voting base has proven their illegal actions mean nothing to them because "Orange man bad".
There weren't any mass shootings before Trump got into office apparently...

21 students a day???? haha

A tweet :
So why werent they called in the house hearings? Dems are falling apart more everyday

If I were Mitch I would honestly just post a picture of him giving the Senate D's the middle finger and move on.

And let's be honest. We all would love to hear some of these folks like Comey and Brennan under oath (let alone Obama/Hillary), but we all know the Deep State is still deep enough that they would just lie with zero threat of ever being held accountable for it. With that in mind, the best thing to do is basically give the double-bird to the D's and shut this thing down as fast as humanly possible.
By tweeting as much, Trump keeps his name out there. Are some tweets crazy and even foolish? Sure, but others are quite supportive and patriotic.

Mister President knows how to play.
What that dumbass does not understand is that weak minded people like himself would buy all of the BS being shoveled if Trump did not fight back.
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The worst part is that the only punishment the house D's will face comes from their voters, and most of them are 100% safe no matter what. They are openly mocking our Constitution and continuing to blatantly lie when everyone, including themselves, know they are lying.

These people are complete scum. If there was any justice they would be thrown in prison or forced to move to Venezuela. .
Perhaps the upcoming fight in Virginia will give a preview of what dems need to expect when coming for our guns. Come on Virginia gun owners, if they come after you for not conforming to that law that goes against the constitution take a few of them out to prove you mean business.
Is this the end for Labour?

It would be too easy to pin the blame for the election calamity on Corbyn

By Paul Embery. Paul is a firefighter, trade union activist, pro-Brexit campaigner and 'Blue Labour' thinker

Labour’s meltdown in these places will come as no surprise to anyone who was paying attention and wasn’t blinded by ideology or fanaticism. Some of us had long warned that working-class voters across post-industrial and small-town Britain were becoming increasingly alienated from the party. But we were banging our heads against a brick wall.

We sounded the alarm bells again earlier this year when, in the local and European elections, Labour haemorrhaged support in several working-class communities across the north and Midlands.

But the woke liberals and Toytown revolutionaries who now dominate the party didn’t listen to us. They truly thought that ‘one more heave’ would bring victory. They believed that constantly hammering on about economic inequality would be enough to get Labour over the line. In doing so, they made a major miscalculation: they failed to grasp that working-class voters desire something more than just economic security; they want cultural security too.

They want politicians to respect their way of life, and their sense of place and belonging; to elevate real-world concepts such as work, family and community over nebulous constructs like ‘diversity’, ‘equality’ and ‘inclusivity’. By immersing itself in the destructive creed of identity politics and championing policies such as open borders, Labour placed itself on a completely different wavelength to millions across provincial Britain without whose support it simply could not win power. In the end, Labour was losing a cultural war that it didn’t even realise it was fighting.
Some of you have intimated that certain groups of Americans vote a certain way because they think a certain party has their best interests at heart. Well, that is true.

Certain people have voted that way in the past. Going forward though, I think you're going to find those people being "woke", and rejecting your voice.

Blacks are going to start voting Republican. Learn it. Live it. Eat it bitches.
Perhaps the upcoming fight in Virginia will give a preview of what dems need to expect when coming for our guns. Come on Virginia gun owners, if they come after you for not conforming to that law that goes against the constitution take a few of them out to prove you mean business.

Come to my house for my gun and you can have it. No shit. I'll willingly give it up. After I use up the 30 in that clip, and the next, and the next, and the 13 in my 9, and the next, and the next, you can take all you want.

If you come to my house to confiscate my gun you are no longer the person proscribed to preserve and protect. You are now an enemy combatant. Die easy my friend. I will
Perhaps the upcoming fight in Virginia will give a preview of what dems need to expect when coming for our guns. Come on Virginia gun owners, if they come after you for not conforming to that law that goes against the constitution take a few of them out to prove you mean business.
Virginia is the testing ground. If they succeed there, it will spread. Quickly.

Democrats are going to try to “Kavanaugh” the Impeachment Trial with new accusations

The most dangerous place on earth, Bob Dole wisely observed, is between Chuck Schumer and the TV cameras.
Not surprisingly, while Mitch McConnell usually gets his way, Schumer gets the headlines and TV coverage.

Schumer did that again today with his demand for a “fair” trial, meaning to Schumer that Democrats get to reopen the investigation of Trump during the trial, including calling witnesses who did not testify, and doing the job the House Democrats failed to do. A do-over.

That’s not usually the way trials work — the pleading of claims and discovery takes place before the trial. House Democrats chose not to do that for key witnesses they wanted — including John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney — because forcing them to testify in the House would have meant court litigation. Democrats were on a timetable driven by the 2020 election that did not allow for a court to decide the clash of branches, so they went with what they had.

Schumer and Senate Democrats know that what the House had is not enough to get 20 Republican Senators to vote against Trump — they may not even get one. So the trial takes on a different purpose — to seek evidence and to prolong impeachment investigations for the remainder of the election year based on “new evidence” discovered during the trial.

Byron York astutely observes that Senate Democrats are taking the same approach they took in trying to block Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination:

If Schumer gets what he wants, it seems hard to believe that will be the end of it. The request for more witnesses appears designed to lead not to closure but to reopening the case against Trump. In this way, if Democrats can introduce new testimony in the trial, they can say the new testimony has raised new questions that will require new investigation. And new investigation will require more new witnesses, which will surely lead to more new questions, which …Call it the Brett Kavanaugh model of impeachment. During the Supreme Court justice’s confirmation process, a hearing had already been held, and Kavanaugh appeared on the way to joining the court. Then, up popped a new allegation, the Christine Blasey Ford story, and Democrats demanded the case be reopened, witnesses be interviewed, evidence be gathered, and time be taken for more investigation. Republicans acceded to those demands, and the Kavanaugh confirmation careened off course for a while before GOP lawmakers finally got it back on track….The bottom line is, Republicans should not believe for one minute that the campaign to remove the president will rely only on the case Democrats have built in the House. Schumer and other party leaders will scramble for new information to throw at the president, and at Republicans, until it is over. The GOP, and the White House, need to be ready.

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Now we KNOW that O'bama knew about Russian interference when he laughed it off. Remember that? He LAUGHED at the idea while he was neck deep in it. THAT was not a mistake. Hillary's private emails were not a "mistake". Destroying evidence of treason is not a "mistake".

The only mistake that has been made is trying to overthrow the legitimate government of this country by foreign actors with deep pockets.

Own the media, own the country.
Yes, that is fact. Blobama literally laughed off the possibility that any external govt. / agency (esp. the Russians) could affect the outcome of a US election. This was shortly after and during the DNC debacle. But then Hilary lost, the tables needed to be turned, and were.
My understanding is that the Senate Dems think that trump needs to be exonerated for political reasons so they plan to keep everything in the house motivating Trump to let them call more witnesses.

Excuse me if this isn’t the same BS they are actually accusing him of doing? This for that, pay for play, do for me or I’ll with hold something I think you need......

How in the world is CNN reporting this and not realizing this?
Watching parts unknown on Netflix. The London episode is hilarious. All the doom and gloom of brexit. It's hilarious.

Think about brexit. Why would any Brit be for it? They only give. Never get.
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I am pissed. insert your own opinion. Nice to have dumbasss libs running this website. The piece of shit who is running this place is behind all of the censurseship. He's a whimp who hides behind his position as the grand poobah

He's a piece of liberal shit. He will not allow you to critique him. **** you.
Okay, I'll go . . (1) calm down, hunny bunny, (2) no, you're wrong . . . dumbass libs in charge is never useful unless your talking about cleaning filthy shit houses at an Illinois rest stop or Tijuana donkey shows, and even then have been known to fk up either, (3) you're talking about deefense . . amirite? amirite? (4) some people are just that insecure, dude. Don't let it get at you.