How will they rule ??!

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Schiff and Bernie.

People yelling liar at Schiff.

As Schiff began speaking, a man and two women held up signs reading,"Don’t Impeach.” When they were asked to take down the signs, they refused.

Then, about a dozen people scattered throughout the auditorium began yelling, “Liar!”

When some in the audience asked them to refrain from yelling, scuffles broke out throughout the room. The audience members who were yelling at Schiff removed their jackets, revealing shirts supporting Trump.

About time... enough is enough...
Chris Wallace had the disgusting Adam Schitt and the disgusting James Comey on his show and both were completely full of shit as usual. Comey calls what happened sloppy and tried to spin the errors as innocent mistakes.

Adam Schitt says he didn't know about any FISA abuse at the time he wrote his memo. That is either another complete lie or he was willfully ignorant about it because his counterpart, Mr Devin Nunes knew and wrote about it. So if he didn't know, it was because he closed his eyes to the truth.
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Saw the video earlier today. Just horrifying. Kid actually wore a Trump hat previous day. Got bullied. Had milk poured over his head at school. Reports he was physically attacked at school earlier that day. And then this mayhem on the bus ride home. Absolutely a hate crime. Attacked savagely. And yes, naturally, the persons engaged in this violent, almost tribalistic style swarm, are claiming he used the ubiquitous N word, as if that is somehow universally accepted as a green light for going full red, and not to mention how the very group who would demand that be so, would also take offense to any tribal description, just to note a blinding irony, not to mention the sheer absence of credibility, the word of persons who behave like savages, and those who condone them.
What would the founding fathers think of the democrats actions? I bet they would be furious that despite the war for freedom they fought against England and their best efforts to establish a nation for the people that this corruption has invaded the government. We are supposed to disagree until the people decide then get behind each other. Orchestrating a coup because you don’t like a president and got embarrassed by the election loss is not American, that’s Russian or third world behavior.

I think this is the kind of poisonous people the founding fathers intended to keep out. Thankfully the emergence of social media has exposed the Democratic Party, without it who knows how many would be fooled by the pathological democrat liars.
The house dems coming up for election have sabotaged themselves, some states have a dem rep but voted statewide almost exclusively for Trump. They’ve committed political suicide, the ultra liberal state reps can afford to be stupid (CA/NY etc..). I predict a bloodbath for democrats across congress for years to come over this, republican majority train pulling into the station with limited seating for the Gretas.
Incite Riots? Haven't you heard that the GOP are the raging lunatics that incite violence?

The meltdown when trump comes out victorious after the senate kills this will be hilarious. Which I can only assume this is the dem tactic at this point to get their lunatics to rage at the GOP more when hes acquitted and incite riots
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One of the more remarkable things of the past 5 years is people on 4chan saying they were going to troll the media into calling the ok sign a symbol of white power, then succeeding in the most successful internet troll job the world has ever seen even after flat out admitting they were just trolling.

It sounds so goddam stupid that you would think people would take a step back and wonder whether they’re being trolled. A quick search of the internet would confirm, yes, they are in fact being trolled. But the narrative is the narrative.
One of the more remarkable things of the past 5 years is people on 4chan saying they were going to troll the media into calling the ok sign a symbol of white power, then succeeding in the most successful internet troll job the world has ever seen even after flat out admitting they were just trolling.

It sounds so goddam stupid that you would think people would take a step back and wonder whether they’re being trolled. A quick search of the internet would confirm, yes, they are in fact being trolled. But the narrative is the narrative.

But Snopes says...otherwise.
This post is to every liberal poster in this thread:

Have you finally had enough of the media making you look stupid? Are your eyes open yet? If not, how much more evidence do you need?

First it was the Journolist scandal. Y’all didn’t bat an eye.

Then it was Wikileaks exposing the dem/media collusion in the most ‘in your face’ manner possible. Yet, you act as if those emails don’t exist.

Then Ben Rhodes told you in his book.

Now, with the IG report, you know the dems colluded with the media to push the FALSE narrative about the illegal spying on Trump, while demonizing the other, factually correct side.

Is this finally the bag of shit that will break the camel’s back? Doubtful.

Do you all ever get tired of being wrong? Of being made to look like a brainwashed fool? Just lapping up spoonfuls of shit they feed you over and over and over again. Have you finally had enough? Or is that shit sandwich easy to swallow as long as it is served with a side of republican hate?

Open your eyes you brainwashed fools. You’re the ones killing this country by continuing to lap it all up like Stormy Daniels at a porn shoot.
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Lol. So now Senate Ds have released a list of demands including witnesses to be called and are accusing Senate Rs of violating their oath to the Constitution if their demands aren't met.

Let Dems name all the witnesses and demands they want so long as the agreement is that Pubs can do the same.

Mitch needs to see Schumer's demands and raise him a list that looks something like


The quickest way to end this clown show is an understanding of mutually assured is the case with almost everything in Washington.

I have no doubt Dems could find something not exactly on the up and up with the witnesses they want to call, but so could Pubs.

The Obama legacy is sacrosanct to the modern liberal progressive agenda, history books, doctrine...etc...

They will not do anything to put it in danger of being officially sullied with live congressional hearings on the record.
The kid being beat down is sad. Liberal media already implying he used a racial slur. I'm sure the defendants will use that defense as well. But here's the catch:

It doesn't matter. Racial slurs, as awful as they are, don't give people carte blanche authority to act however they want.

So 1) it almost surely didn't happen and 2) doesn't matter if it did
Gay sex, usury, and boomer memes. Recipe for electoral success!


Sorry about the TPUSA shitposting, but I just can't believe people think this an authentic conservative movement
The press is trashing the Richard Jewell movie. If you can, go see it. They are above how they are depicted. They claim. I doubt Eastwood comes close to getting how low they really are.

I rarely go to movies but want to see this.
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