How will they rule ??!

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The press is trashing the Richard Jewell movie. If you can, go see it. They are above how they are depicted. They claim. I doubt Eastwood comes close to getting how low they really are.

I rarely go to movies but want to see this.

I saw a blurb about it but didn't bother to read it. It will never get good reviews from those people. They think freedom of the press extends to freedom from ridicule.
Saw Richard Jewell and it was fantastic. That clip above is haunting - and it's gotten several times worse since then. The fact that they are doing it to a sitting president tells us that they could do it to any one of us.

I keep Seinfeld reruns going on my TV while I am working and the episode with this clip played this morning. Newman might as well be a dem operative speaking about the MSM.

WTF did Hillary do to her face (pic from last week). Funny that our media didn't pick up on it. Leave it to the Brits. She must really be thinking about running to have that much work done.


From 2 years ago.

I hope on top of hope that she runs again. We now the truth about so many things she's lied about. Trump will destroy whichever sacrificial lamb they put on the block, but he would cause her to seize up again and shit her pants.

Looking forward to next November like I used to look forward to Christmas.
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Gay sex, usury, and boomer memes. Recipe for electoral success!


Sorry about the TPUSA shitposting, but I just can't believe people think this an authentic conservative movement

Thinking what is an authentic conservative movement? Personal Responsibility?
The kid being beat down is sad. Liberal media already implying he used a racial slur. I'm sure the defendants will use that defense as well. But here's the catch:

It doesn't matter. Racial slurs, as awful as they are, don't give people carte blanche authority to act however they want.

So 1) it almost surely didn't happen and 2) doesn't matter if it did

What words can possibly come from the mouth of a protected class that would make it okay for a gang of whites, any whites, to violently attack that individual? None. These people do not desire equality. They are protected from it.
If you ever wanted to buy a newspaper for zero is your chance:

You just have to move to Skagway Alaska. Town of 1,000 people. Businesses close in the winter.


Why run now against that economic track record when you can wait 4 years and run against nothing?

Plus you get four more years of:

Older Americans dying,
Younger easily manipulated millennials reaching voting age, and
Hispanic anchor babies getting voting age.

So the odds will be much better
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Obviously Trump will not be removed by the Senate and dems are simply trying to damage him. Since they will lose in 2020 because they will nominate a loser. What will they pull after 2020 and beyond?
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Democrats try to play partisan hardball and then absolutely lose their minds and cry for days on end when Mitch McConnell throws it right back in their face and does it so much better than them.

The best part is that he's confirming judges at the same time.
It would be cool if Cocaine adjourned the impeachment trial to go confirm judges & then come back.
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Seat won't be blue much longer.

They are all in on the impeachment process. It is the only way they have to prevent Trump re-election. The special interest groups have divided. Too many of those are satisfied with low unemployment, good economy, etc. The primary, most reliable constituency for Libs at present are emotional needs groups. Bootie-jeg just might be the best plan they come up with. But nothing will work.
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