How will they rule ??!

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Understand your sentiment , but there is a huge difference between "I don't trust politicians" and "there is a clear coup attempt against a sitting president".

Agreed. And from what I hear the MSM is complicit in it (I don’t watch them, so I’m trusting that all the tweets posted here are accurate.)
Given what we know now of how corrupt democrats are willing to be and how the msm is nothing more than an offensive line for them, can you imagine what they would do in control of all three branches. They would railroad innocents into prison or also known as any opposition to them. They would try to rewrite the constitution and abolish the electoral college in a self serving move to remain in power. The far left is the biggest threat that America has to democracy.
Back in the old days he would have been either hung or shot by a firing squad. Best our current legal system can do is lock him away for the rest of his life but we all know he will get away with it which is why he and others did what they did to begin with.

DECEMBER 2, 2019 / 3:02 PM / 13 DAYS AGO
Trump administration asks top court to allow it to resume federal executions

Just saying...

Understand your sentiment , but there is a huge difference between "I don't trust politicians" and "there is a clear coup attempt against a sitting president".
True, the latter is fed by the Deep State for the corrupt politicians to use.

Schiff and Bernie.

People yelling liar at Schiff.

As Schiff began speaking, a man and two women held up signs reading,"Don’t Impeach.” When they were asked to take down the signs, they refused.

Then, about a dozen people scattered throughout the auditorium began yelling, “Liar!”

When some in the audience asked them to refrain from yelling, scuffles broke out throughout the room. The audience members who were yelling at Schiff removed their jackets, revealing shirts supporting Trump.
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DECEMBER 2, 2019 / 3:02 PM / 13 DAYS AGO
Trump administration asks top court to allow it to resume federal executions

Just saying...
I watched Craig Mason's live show yesterday and some caller talked about how he thought federal executions really were going to be an option based solely on the unhinged rage and embarrassment to be suffered by the 'tolerant' left when it hits the fan. They already eat their own over SJW BS non-issues... what happens when all their hopes and dreams are not only exposed as lies and corruption, but are dashed on the rocks by the very people they fought for, bled for and believed in? What do they do when they find out they've been duped and used- by the group they trusted and depended on- for their money, their sexual orientation, skin color, religion, etc? They're gonna want blood, man.

We're somewhat tempered to the idea after 3 years of 'conspiracy' study. They aren't. They don't even have a clue b/c they won't even entertain the idea in the first place... B/c we're just rubes and rednecks falling for conspiracies.

Also, same caller mentioned something about the laws for treason have recently been changed (I have no idea about anything like this), saying there is now basically only 1 outcome if found guilty (death) and the only way to change that is to cooperate?
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Their entire charade has been based upon blaming the right for everything they themselves are guilty of. They'll have their useful idiots believing any justice is merely retribution. They're going to get people killed. More people.