How will they rule ??!

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Trump beat the Clinton machine...but he is scared to run against Joe Biden, who half the time doesn't know what state he is in.

Democrat candidates . . never seem to be shy about letting their women do all of their tough talk for them. Everybody knows this. It's just a matter of whether you're man enough or quality woman enough to realize how effed up that is.
Aren’t you one of the guys on here who has advocated for eradicating liberals, aborting liberal babies, etc? Seems you think anyone who doesn’t agree with you is a deplorable person, and even worse, doesn’t deserve to live.
Not that I recall. I have real good friends that are Liberal, even tho I think they are brain dead, I don’t want anything bad to happen to them.
I think you have me and those climate change nuts confused, they are the ones that think we need to murder people to save the planet. Are you on that band wagon?
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Red meat for the libs.

People get paid to write this s***?

Over the past week, I have heard from three seasoned Republicans who fear that President Trump and the West Wing are seriously underestimating the potential danger of a Senate trial. Human nature and common sense dictate that, despite the well-meaning resolution circulated by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) condemning the House impeachment process, it's important for the White House to understand that the weight of history is settling upon the shoulders of these senators — some of them quite weak — and because of that pressure, private conversations are taking place and a trap may be sprung for the president in that trial.

If the Senate turned into a shit show and entertained the idea of actual impeachment, something would be sprung alright.

Forget freshman lawmakers in vulnerable districts, the leadership would be cleaned out. Republicans and Democrats...both houses...

Right now Dems are going to get a little butt spankin. Nothing crazy, just gonna lose a little ground in some Trump areas, will mostly be newbies.

Should some unexpected shenanigans go down in the house via the never Trump/Bush/McCain bunch...whoooooaaaaaa ho ho ho nelly...

I have no doubt that such a thing would lead to one of the biggest political revolutions in at least modern history. It would be carnage...the DC version of one of those Renovation shows on HGTV...the joint would get gutted, all the old junk thrown out...
I was actually going to go there. But didn’t feel like typing it all out last night. Ultimately, its a lie to the “sheep” to get power. Shift more and more onto government assistance (or dependence) while framing it as doing something good for the “people.” Incentive should be and should remain to strive for success/wealth (in whatever metric you choose to measure such) and make sure the government does not impede with legal means of prosperity. Taxing the middle class to an unobtainable level removes incentive to work, places more on government programs, and generates more D voters. It’s their main objective, control the population.
They basically want to make prosperity illegal.
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Who would have guessed Nadler would be a fashion leader.

Just realized I'm bringing myself down to your levels. Have a great day 'patriots'

Eat it!

Democratic Rep. Jeff Van Drew, critic of Trump impeachment, to switch to GOP.


WASHINGTON – New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew, the lone Democratic congressman to come out against the impeachment of President Donald Trump, will become a Republican next week, multiple Democratic sources told USA TODAY.

The president approached Van Drew about switching parties during a meeting Friday that was first reported by the Washington Post. The sources confirmed the meeting and that the freshmen lawmaker from the South Jersey district that voted for Trump in 2016 would be announcing a switch to the GOP sometime next week.
This is from the album Jammin' in New York. I listened to it A LOT in college. Dug it out several months ago to listen to it, my eldest told me it was the missing link in understanding my psyche.

Quite the complement. I think I agreed with everything George ever said except for the golf course being a waste of real estate thing. I don't think he was looking at the animal sanctuary aspect of the whole situation. When you add in the protection of native flora, they should probably be paying us to play.
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Absolutely not. She is a loser because she thinks that anyone with different values than hers is a deplorable person, she is too judgmental and thinks because she can kick a ball, she should be held in higher esteem than any other person, that is why she is a loser. It has nothing to do with Trump.

Damn if you ain’t got TDS as well.
Well stated. Thanks.
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After the UK game they showed highlights of Trump flipping the toss coin at the army navy fb game and I’m pretty sure he was wearing a MAGA hat but only got a partial view. And there’s nothing wrong with that because it’s a hat about trying to restore America’s greatness. But it causes dems to snap, his troll game is strong.