How will they rule ??!

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After the UK game they showed highlights of Trump flipping the toss coin at the army navy fb game and I’m pretty sure he was wearing a MAGA hat but only got a partial view. And there’s nothing wrong with that because it’s a hat about trying to restore America’s greatness. But it causes dems to snap, his troll game is strong.
It causes dems to snap because they haven't represented American interests in twenty years
Did Bevins intentionally pardon people who committed heinous crimes because he lost the election? I knew he was touching childish but there’s something wrong with him and he needed to go party lines be damned. If not then what is the basis for all of these shitty pardons?
Did Bevins intentionally pardon people who committed heinous crimes because he lost the election? I knew he was touching childish but there’s something wrong with him and he needed to go party lines be damned. If not then what is the basis for all of these shitty pardons?

The word shitty doesn't do them justice. I have never seen anything like it. If his political career wasn't over before, it is now. Read through some of these cases and the evidence and the response of the prosecutors and the victims families...unconscionable want Bevin did. These pardons make him perhaps the most contemptible politician in Kentucky's history.
The word shitty doesn't do them justice. I have never seen anything like it. If his political career wasn't over before, it is now. Read through some of these cases and the evidence and the response of the prosecutors and the victims families...unconscionable want Bevin did. These pardons make him perhaps the most contemptible politician in Kentucky's history.
So disappointing, what a moron. Such a wasted opportunity. Good riddance!
Not that I recall. I have real good friends that are Liberal, even tho I think they are brain dead, I don’t want anything bad to happen to them.
I think you have me and those climate change nuts confused, they are the ones that think we need to murder people to save the planet. Are you on that band wagon?

I must have you confused with Sawnee.
So, the new YouTube algorithm that reverts you away from what they deem dangerous/conspiracy content and redirects to the "conservative news" channels they think you should be seeing, which puts Fox on endless repeat on autoplay for me, played the Lindsey Graham opening statement in the IG hearings. I wasn't even paying attention.

Holy. Shit. No wonder they aren't showing it. It's a complete bitch slap to the intel community. He straight bent them over. Didn't know he had it in him.
Maybe in Fox News land. Let me know when you believe basic facts like Russia tried to influence the election. Or that Trump tried to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Or that 6 or 7 of his close associates are now in jail. Or that he used Stone as a proxy to Wikileaks, which was a front for Russia