Archie Goodwin - Eberlein Drive TBT


Aug 18, 2004
Surprise to see Archie Goodwin's name on the Eberlein Drive TBT roster. I wonder if La Familia asked him to join and come back to play?
Surprise to see Archie Goodwin's name on the Eberlein Drive TBT roster. I wonder if La Familia asked him to join and come back to play?
Goodwin has played for Eberlein Drive since 2021. They used to feature players from UK and other local schools before La Familia formed. Maybe he's just developed some loyalty with that squad instead of jumping over to a new team?
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Goodwin personified Calipari’s one and done era. Selfish me-first gunner that played out of control chasing stats at the expense of team success. Reasonable minds may differ.
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Goodwin personified Calipari’s one and done era. Selfish me-first gunner that played out of control chasing stats at the expense of team success. Reasonable minds may differ.
Whenever I see Goodwin’s name or it is mentioned I am always reminded of the game at Fayetteville in his native Arkansas. First time down the court they close lined him to the floor and the crowd gave the Razorback who did it a standing O. I lost all respect for that fan base that day.
Whenever I see Goodwin’s name or it is mentioned I am always reminded of the game at Fayetteville in his native Arkansas. First time down the court they close lined him to the floor and the crowd gave the Razorback who did it a standing O. I lost all respect for that fan base that day.
He pretty much clothes-lined his own UK team as well. Never seen a player put down his head and drive into traffic for absolutely no reason other than to try to pad his stats, like Archie Goodwin did.
Whenever I see Goodwin’s name or it is mentioned I am always reminded of the game at Fayetteville in his native Arkansas. First time down the court they close lined him to the floor and the crowd gave the Razorback who did it a standing O. I lost all respect for that fan base that day.
This is part of why I disagree with the notion that every fan base is the same or even that Kentucky has the most extreme fans. I would have a really hard time imagining this same thing happening if Jasper Johnson picked Alabama. I'm biased but that sort of behavior feels reserved for the Tennessees and Arkansas's of the world