How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


That's a great point and one I hadn't considered. The lie was also crafted to put sessions in a position to recuse paving the way for Mueller.

But I disagree that anyone owes sessions an apology. This was nonsense from day one. Should've never recused. Plus no way a recent co worker is cause for automatic recusal. Sessions was part of the charade. No doubt
If that happened in 2019 they would just give him a paid vacation and write it off as caring too much.
If? Shattered (Steven) Glass stories are being written and lauded each and every day of the week. The movie? What does it detail? A single instance of a fraudulent journalist caught by his own excessive fabrications? Or the blueprint warnings for future examples like him in the budding era of internet verification (1998 then) for how not to get caught in the future. Think about it. Very likely Mr. Glass, who's nefarious dealings in journalism did not prevent his soon after acceptance to one of the best law schools in the country, GW, is likely considered a hero among his generation of reckless scribes for exposing the new hazards, and not so much a villain for any misdeeds.

All that is digressing . . my main emphasis remains it surprised me to see the movie making the rounds on movie channels. Typically feel like networks and sat providers are into the liberal bias thing. A movie that might sway opinions in a different direction? Sort of like a re-run of old Western TV show The Virginian I saw recently. In this particular episode a "corrupt" congressman was exposed for executing his plan to deliberately move large numbers of immigrant families onto public lands out west simply for the purpose of attempting to manipulate votes / elections. The heros in the episode were the locals (frontier people who lived on the land longer) who took action to stop it. I was like, good story . . htf did that get through the screening department for broadcast?
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This is now a no lose situation. Tomorrow if they vote to impeach and proceed, oh boy! And if they don’t vote to impeach, double oh boy!

Can you imagine these chicken shit trans loving quacks answering questions on not impeaching after “all” the evidence reported for days suggest it’s a no brainer?

Oh and please impeach! Please! I dare you!
This lady got a taste of what the real sentiment is out there instead of the ones staying insulated by just listening to media. The dems are going to pay a heavy price for all this bs, they will lose many elections outside the ultra liberal states of CA and NY. Trump is still going to win and the dems will lose for years over this scam,

American voters have not been fooled. In fact they’re being insulted by this fiasco and the polls will reflect that for years to come. The goal is not to corrupt, circumvent, lie and try to steal our government as the democrats are trying to do. The best thing is dems ruining their own reputation, voting Trump in enraged them. America revolted against the system in 16, it was a middle finger to government in general. But it’s going to turn out to be a boost for the Republican Party and very damaging to the Democratic Party.
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The winning continues!

How must it suck to be a f**king pos democrat. Jesus Christ, you guys are scum. Your disease is being flushed from the planet. :flush:

Tomorrow looks to be another day filled with winning. What a great time to be alive.
This House majority doesn't even seem to fully understand the concept of 3 equal branches of government. They act as if they consider themselves to be above the Executive branch and not equal to it. To them, Obstruction of Congress is anything less than instant compliance with all their demands. The POTUS is not allowed to appeal to the Judiciary to settle EP disputes (no time for that since they have decided he is trying to cheat). He is not allowed due process. They can disregard their own rules in house proceedings on a whim. They can repeat lies over and over for hours at a time with no consequences. Adam Shifft can do all sorts of devious stunts that would cause anyone else to lose their jobs. They really think we are gonna put up with this bs? How can such stupid people be so arrogant? Bunch of Sombitches got mighty full of themselves once they regained the majority and now they are trying to run rough shod over anyone who dares to question their unlimited authority. I say it's their own funeral. Republicans will wipe the floor with these fools come election day! Then they can squawk all they want about whatever but we won't have to hear them.
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