How will they rule ??!

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The Dems lie, over and over. A video documentation...

They are literally aware that their constituency has the discernment skills of a starving dog and so they feed them lies they KNOW they won't check and will wholly believe.

And these folks cling to being treated like this b/c they prefer feel-good lies over blunt truth.

Weak folks. It's inherently who they are...

The left get their talking points from word of mouth. A few of them watch the MSM, and all of them look at facebook, but rationalizing among themselves is where the dumbassery festers.

An utter fool elected to congress. The sad part is, he is not alone in that department. How in the H_LL do these type people get elected???

Sad to say that those people who appear to be so dumb, are smarter than the people who vote for them in most cases.
It's on now. I'm guessing the first D president to invoke executive privileged and ignore an R controlled House subpoena is getting impeached for obstruction of Congress.

I don't particularly agree, but there's a lot of hardcores in the base that are going to demand payback if/when the time comes. My guess is it'll be enough to force the Rs hand.
It's on now. I'm guessing the first D president to invoke executive privileged and ignore an R controlled House subpoena is getting impeached for obstruction of Congress.

I don't particularly agree, but there's a lot of hardcores in the base that are going to demand payback if/when the time comes. My guess is it'll be enough to force the Rs hand.

I don't think there will be another D President. Trump for 4 more years, along with R's overwhelming majority in House and Senate, coupled with the SC to the right after RBG is allowed to die, means the democrat party is in a death spiral. Adults will rule again.
Imo if it isn't funny, I don't have to watch/listen. In terms of potentially offensive content it should always be all or nothing. Anything else puts people in position to police things, and we know that can never be truly fair.

Gay Jesus is a perfect example. IDK if it's funny or not. It will definitely be allowed and embraced by a segment of the population over vehement objections from another segment.

Now imagine a gay Mohammed. Would never see the light of day. Too offensive. Even though it would essentially be the exact same issue.
Yep. I won’t be watching it but what does piss me off is, I know they are too chickenshit to Make the same type show insulting mooslims.
It's on now. I'm guessing the first D president to invoke executive privileged and ignore an R controlled House subpoena is getting impeached for obstruction of Congress.

I don't particularly agree, but there's a lot of hardcores in the base that are going to demand payback if/when the time comes. My guess is it'll be enough to force the Rs hand.

Precedent is everything in politics.

I don't think Ds fully understand that they have now set a rule that the majority must impeach an opposition President, at least in the house.

Hopefully Mitch will set a precedent that nonsense gets squashed.

The next cycle of elections should also send a strong message. I think Trump could see another landslide electoral map and maybe even significant improvement in the popular. That should be followed by Ds getting cleaned out of the house and Senate for their behavior the past few years.
It's on now. I'm guessing the first D president to invoke executive privileged and ignore an R controlled House subpoena is getting impeached for obstruction of Congress.

I don't particularly agree, but there's a lot of hardcores in the base that are going to demand payback if/when the time comes. My guess is it'll be enough to force the Rs hand.
I'm one of them. If a dem wins in 2024 that dem MUST be impeached. Thats how things work now.
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Releasing the transcript equals obstruction.


You can't make this s*** up.

How many people here believe that Schiff was "joking" when he read the fake transcript? I know each and every one in this thread that believes it. Schitt never thought Trump would release a confidential transcript. He thought it would be a he said he said situation.
How many people here believe that Schiff was "joking" when he read the fake transcript? I know each and every one in this thread that believes it. Schitt never thought Trump would release a confidential transcript. He thought it would be a he said he said situation.
I saw him when he said it. No he was not joking Schitt is well, Schitt. Just like the state he comes from.