How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
There is no greater proof that the Dem constituency is, at least, ill-informed and generally ignorant of not only the goings-on in their own party, but politics in general, when Pelosi can sell them the idea that USMCA was the Dem's baby being held up by Trump. There must be 100 Tweets from Trump in the past year demanding the House get off their ass and pass the USMCA and mil funding bills that have been SITTING THERE while they play muh russa and collusion and impeachment games.

I hate these sick, desperate people. God forgive me, but I truly do.
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The propaganda beat goes on...

I'm old enough to remember the days when "Entertainment" companies didn't need to wallow in political opinion to survive...

Can I not just watch mindless comedy and laugh for 30 minutes everyday? Please? Does everything, around every corner, have to be a constant fight for my mind?
I'm old enough to remember the days when "Entertainment" companies didn't need to wallow in political opinion to survive...

Can I not just watch mindless comedy and laugh for 30 minutes everyday? Please? Does everything, around every corner, have to be a constant fight for my mind?

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"And I want to say this in fairness to you"

Not sure how Page kept his cool after what they've knowingly, falsely accused him of and put him/family through. He's a much bigger man than me

He's been screwed over by the FBI as badly as RIchard Jewell was. I mean they decide who they are going to attack & facts be damned. Putting it mildly, they are a sorry organization.
When has Hillary ever proved her brilliance?

Oh yes look at how tolerant and progressive. Msm will never dare mention his dad just a term ago paid a ton of money to a private law firm to fight against gay marriage, because the state AG wouldn't appeal after they lost.

No surprise. They were mum on the fact hid dad destroyed the pension too. Waited till AFTER the election to report on how solid it was after 3 years of (Bevin) proper funding.

Just another example of msm running pr for the left
Maybe we can get more state landmark plaques put up at places where people got arrested for soliciting sodomy in public? That seems to be one of Jim Gray's lasting contributions
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Who watches this [poop]?

I expect almost no one. When has Hillary ever proved her brilliance?

Most every day she stays out of jail. Seriously...that takes brilliance...She has to be one of the most vial, immoral, illegal human beings to ever walk the face of the earth. I do not state that lightly. If you look in the dictionary at the word enabled. Mrs. Clinton's picture has to be there. THAT woman has been enabled to do all she has got away with...
He's been screwed over by the FBI as badly as RIchard Jewell was. I mean they decide who they are going to attack & facts be damned. Putting it mildly, they are a sorry organization.

I was just thinking the same thing. Nearly 25 years after the FBI and media railroaded Jewell, they did the exact same thing to Page.

In the Scott Adams video Cro posted he stated it could all be blamed on incompetence instead of a deep state or coup, and he makes some good points.

However, the FBI knew the Russian collusion was nonsense from the beginning, so why did they continue to deceive the courts, push for the dossier to be in the briefing, and selectively leak? Either it was politically motivated or they were trying to weaken a President.
Maybe we can get more state landmark plaques put up at places where people got arrested for soliciting sodomy in public? That seems to be one of Jim Gray's lasting contributions

As an aside, let's consider a hypothetical. Let's consider a demo leader erects some statue to global warming/climate change/disruption/insert new buzz word or transgenderism.

Do people on the right get to freely deface and destroy it? Whine and moan (with msm help) until it gets moved or taken down?

We know that answer
Most every day she stays out of jail. Seriously...that takes brilliance...She has to be one of the most vial, immoral, illegal human beings to ever walk the face of the earth. I do not state that lightly. If you look in the dictionary at the word enabled. Mrs. Clinton's picture has to be there. THAT woman has been enabled to do all she has got away with...
lol, Dems don't go to jail, you dumb repug
Besear giving 100,000 felons voting rights. Gee, wonder why?

And also completely changing the school board?

I'm not sure he can do any of those things he proposed...legally. Surely not. The felons things is nuts, but the complete overhaul of the school board is also nuts.

Our state is so stupid to put another Beshear in power.
Besear giving 100,000 felons voting rights. Gee, wonder why?
Not the way to do it, but I'd favor it for those that don't commit another felony for 5 years & only ever commit one non-violent felony. Gives them a stake in the community imo. One mistake shouldn't disqualify you for life.

Net, Legislature ought to override this unless Constitution doesn't allow so. And if that's the case, but Amendment on ballot.
Voting is a farce. Allowing massive amounts of people into the system is merely a way to determine an outcome. They are no more invested in the community by voting than not
And also completely changing the school board?

I'm not sure he can do any of those things he proposed...legally. Surely not. The felons things is nuts, but the complete overhaul of the school board is also nuts.

Our state is so stupid to put another Beshear in power.

But did you see how mean Bevin was on Twitter?

The backstory is that Time was basically going under and Marc Benioff (huge Dem donor and founder of Salesforce) stepped in and purchased so he could use for propaganda like this.

That's basically what happened to most msm. No doubt. All those financial emergencies of 15 years ago? Gone. At the same time suddenly a loving embrace of everything globalist
Lmao. Imagine being this upset over a GD meme

I think the fact that your president is posting memes should tell you all you need to know about the state of this White House. He's gotta superimpose his face on people with actual physiques to look tough.

And evidently, abusing power is not a crime according to the new King. His sheep think he should be above the law. But god, those emails right?
Oh and how did that IG report work for you guys who were salivating over it's release? LMAO, another conspiracy theory down the tubes. Unless you ask Trump's personal attorney, Mr. Barr.