How will they rule ??!

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Simple truth is that liberals don’t care what means are used as long as the ends are met. Lying, making things up, illegal surveillance ..... doesn’t matter to them. Constitutional rights are nothing when it comes to trying to beat Trump.
And are too stupid to know that one day the same tactics will be used against them.
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The report tears the FBI apart, but just finds they used “mafia speak” so there wasn’t evidence of political bias in kicking off the investigation.
Maybe in Fox News land. Let me know when you believe basic facts like Russia tried to influence the election. Or that Trump tried to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Or that 6 or 7 of his close associates are now in jail. Or that he used Stone as a proxy to Wikileaks, which was a front for Russia
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So where were you when Eric Holder said "I'm still the President's Wingman" ?
What did he cover up for Obama? You guys don't have a leg to stand on. Wingman and disseminator of lies are 2 different things.

You simply can't handle the truth. You live in your Fox News bubble.
Maybe in Fox News land. Let me know when you believe basic facts like Russia tried to influence the election. Or that Trump tried to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Or that 6 or 7 of his close associates are now in jail. Or that he used Stone as a proxy to Wikileaks, which was a front for Russia
Is it hard being such a dumbass Copkilla? Or do you just get used to it?
You can't believe a word that comes from this government. They've all been bought. Or are pawns of Russia.
Maybe in Fox News land. Let me know when you believe basic facts like Russia tried to influence the election. Or that Trump tried to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Or that 6 or 7 of his close associates are now in jail. Or that he used Stone as a proxy to Wikileaks, which was a front for Russia

Uh, Russia did try to influence the election you dumbass. Along with SaudiArabia, Gerorge Soros, et al. And who else? That’s right, the Ukraine. It just so happens your investigator ran a two year investigation and cleared Trump of any wrong doing.

“Tried to dig up dirt on the Biden’s”. Lol. What does that even mean? Wouldn’t it be smart for all politicians to dig up dirt on opponents (even though joe Biden isn’t a political opponent)? Or are you still lying and saying there was a quid pro quo I mean extortion I mean bribery all because Donald Trump gave support to the Ukraine that the Obama administration refused to provide?

lol at the rest. Yes, some of his associates are in jail for things wholly unrelated to anything they did involving Trump.

The last line is just a cut from whole cloth fabrication.
Uh, Russia did try to influence the election you dumbass. Along with SaudiArabia, Gerorge Soros, et al. And who else? That’s right, the Ukraine. It just so happens your investigator ran a two year investigation and cleared Trump of any wrong doing.

“Tried to dig up dirt on the Biden’s”. Lol. What does that even mean? Wouldn’t it be smart for all politicians to dig up dirt on opponents (even though joe Biden isn’t a political opponent)? Or are you still lying and saying there was a quid pro quo I mean extortion I mean bribery all because Donald Trump gave support to the Ukraine that the Obama administration refused to provide?

lol at the rest. Yes, some of his associates are in jail for things wholly unrelated to anything they did involving Trump.

The last line is just a cut from whole cloth fabrication.
You're in the weeds bra. Ukraine didn't influence election, everybody knows it but the Trump nitwits. Asking a foreign government to conduct a phony investigation of your political enemies used to be a crime we could all agree on. Just say that there is literally NOTHING Trump can do that you would consider illegal. NOTHING. Just own it and it's easier to understand why you guys believe in every single conspiracy theory that comes around.
Russia tried to influence the election

Posting memes on Facebook doesn't mean Trump colluded. Russia also posted pro Hillary and Bernie memes.

Or that Trump tried to dig up dirt on the Bidens.

Biden shouldn't have been so dumb to brag about extortion on video. Investigating admitted corruption doesn't equal "dig up dirt".

Or that 6 or 7 of his close associates are now in jail

For crimes that happened years ago, some decades, and had absolutely nothing to do with the '16 election.

Or that he used Stone as a proxy to Wikileaks

You do realize the opposite of this came out in his court case, don't you? During the trial it was revealed that Stone lied. He made it all up to try to look connected, but in reality he had zero connections.
You're in the weeds bra. Ukraine didn't influence election, everybody knows it but the Trump nitwits. Asking a foreign government to conduct a phony investigation of your political enemies used to be a crime we could all agree on. Just say that there is literally NOTHING Trump can do that you would consider illegal. NOTHING. Just own it and it's easier to understand why you guys believe in every single conspiracy theory that comes around.

Are you talking about the Clinton campaign colluding with the intelligence services of other countries as part of the dossier scandal and attempt to frame Trump?
You're in the weeds bra. Ukraine didn't influence election, everybody knows it but the Trump nitwits. Asking a foreign government to conduct a phony investigation of your political enemies used to be a crime we could all agree on. Just say that there is literally NOTHING Trump can do that you would consider illegal. NOTHING. Just own it and it's easier to understand why you guys believe in every single conspiracy theory that comes around.

Also, “you’re in the weeds”. Lol. Yes, I’m actually paying attention to the details you stupid shit. Not eating all the shit spoon fed to me on the nightly news. Read some of the source materials Dwayne posts rather than watching Maddow every night.

This is huge and should be the lead on every national news tonight and on every news sites front page. He unequivocally said the Page FISA was based on Steele's dossier, and that it was uncorroborated, and that the FBI agents seeking the FISA even knew of exculpatory evidence and had a duty to include same in the application and report same to superiors, but did not.

Game over.
Maybe in Fox News land. Let me know when you believe basic facts like Russia tried to influence the election. Or that Trump tried to dig up dirt on the Bidens. Or that 6 or 7 of his close associates are now in jail. Or that he used Stone as a proxy to Wikileaks, which was a front for Russia

Tried to influence election. So. What is your point?
You're in the weeds bra. Ukraine didn't influence election, everybody knows it but the Trump nitwits. Asking a foreign government to conduct a phony investigation of your political enemies used to be a crime we could all agree on. Just say that there is literally NOTHING Trump can do that you would consider illegal. NOTHING. Just own it and it's easier to understand why you guys believe in every single conspiracy theory that comes around.

If innocent, why would he mind being investigated?
Hmm, same was said about Mueller Report...President was not vindicated. Another great example of alternate universe thinking.
Here's some real-world thinking for you. Spin it however you want, to the American people in key Battleground states, the impeachment has been a calamity for Democrats and a huge win for Trump. This from Axios -- the news service started by the founders of Politico, former Washington Post editors/reporters and no fans of Trump:

While Democrats could have been doing something to try to win an election in 2020 against an incumbent boasting the greatest economy in at least half a century, instead they wasted months on an impeachment that alienated the very voters they needed to win. Hilarious.
Ukraine didn't influence election

They're on record, not anonymous sources.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton. Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

Several Ukrainian officials went to jail for role they played, the role of digging up dirt on Hillary's political opponents and passing it on to Chulapu, who worked for the DNC (in bold above).

Ukraine Court Rules Disclosure Caused ‘Meddling’ in U.S. Election
For those of us not familiar with that, care to explain?
There is one of those bronze plaques outside a gay bar downtown Lexington commemorating it as one of the first gay bars in the state.

A few notes:

- It was bankrolled by Rock Hudson, famous for paying UK football players to sodomize him and his buddies and dying of AIDS
- On the plaque it mentions some arrests that were made, with the implication being that cops just raided the place and arrested people just for being gay. Well, it turns the people they arrested were soliciting undercover cops to sodomize them in the parking lot. Not quite brave heroes of equality.
- The place was also a known drug hotspot
Asking a foreign government to conduct a phony investigation of your political enemies

What was phony about it? Biden said it on camera. He was bragging about it. His son was the CEO of a company in a field he had 0 experience in. How the hell is that phony? I’ll tell you what dossier was phony and used against a political opponent, but I know you’re cool with that one.

It’s amazing how your type can decipher exactly what Trump means when he uses common phrases like, “do me a favor” but choose not to believe things that are clear cut and need no spinning.