How will they rule ??!

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Goodbye swing state dems

From that thread, this pic. I'd never seen it. It appears to be Kristen Gillibrand trying to cook fish in a frying pan in order to look domestic, but the pan is too small, so she's cutting the fillet while in the pan...

Shit writes itself.
At first I was pissed the Senate would not call Schitt and others, but in reality it’s a bigger slap to the face to the Dems for the Senate to immediately cast their acquittal vote without hearing a word from anybody. That to me states it was all bullshit!! Keep in mind, even with a fast vote those involved in this attempt to overthrow an election are not off the hook...
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As the hoax impeachment goes to the senate I am concerned the GOP will take a look and kill it and close shop. I think that would be the worse thing they could do. I want a full trial that will expose the dirt on all of them. But I am afraid prominent Republicans are up to their neck in this and do not want to call key witnesses. I have no confidence in Lindsey or Mitch when it comes to investigating the Swamp. I remember Lindsey was a McCain lap boy and didn't come around to Trump until John assumed room temperature.

That's the game man.

This loony tune train was always going to roll right up until the point it starts to expose the real good stuff and real heads have to roll.

Like the 9/11 investigation and report...and most other investigations, reports, scandals, happenings, etc...

I imagine somewhere a deal was struck that McConnell kills it and USMCA among other things get through.

I dare say Pelosi and most dems are rushing this for no other reason than to get the ball out of their court. They've done their part for their demographics, now they can say "hey look it's up to Mitch and the senate"

There's not a single democrat who wants to haul in Obama, Biden, Clinton, etc...and taint the legacy of the first black President, his political machine, nor the Clintons...
At first I was pissed the Senate would not call Schitt and others, but in reality it’s a bigger slap to the face to the Dems for the Senate to immediately cast their acquittal vote without hearing a word from anybody. That to me states it was all bullshit!! Keep in mind, even with a fast vote those involved in this attempt to overthrow an election are not off the hook...
I kind of wan them to nonsensically stretch it out all through next year so Senate dems running for president cant campaign
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I kind of wan them to nonsensically stretch it out all through next year so Senate dems running for president cant campaign

Great Point. They know they have no chance with all he has done. I truly hope his kids are groomed enough to carry on after his 8. Thats a major worry for the left..
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Globalism. This is why they hate Trump and want him destroyed. Make America Great does not go well with the globalist


The great irony of it all is, Trump trying to end everything that picture represents is what liberals have been trying to end for decades and rail about almost on a daily basis...

I believe they call it White Imperialism Supremacy in which a handful of greedy capitalist elites profit...or something like that...

All that money we're spending abroad could be spent on social improvements here at home.
Who is the puppet master pulling all the strings on these Democrats? It is very plain to see that Pelosi never wanted to do this and her heart is not in it. On top of that, not allowing ANY Republicans in on the closed door meetings or letting them call witnesses, tells me they know they are screwed. They are setting a precedent they will rue the day.
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Who is the puppet master pulling all the strings on these Democrats? It is very plain to see that Pelosi never wanted to do this and her heart is not in it. On top of that, not allowing ANY Republicans in on the closed door meetings or letting them call witnesses, tells me they know they are screwed. They are setting a precedent they will rue the day.

They do not care...
I enjoy looking at the photos of Nadler taken 25 years ago. That boy was a strange looking dude and must have had a 75 inch waist. He is nothing to look at now either even with a loss of 200 lbs, maybe more.


I bet he could blow up a commode back in the day...the tales back then about walking in on ole Jer in the bathroom after he's 3 pots of coffee and a box of Cinnabons into his morning...must be epic...

You all thought Fartsowells episode was something...the ole boys up on that hill who knew ole Jer in his prime will tell you that was child's play...
At some point, normal folk eventually have to ask themselves why the dems, the MSM, the intel agencies and Hollywood are all desperately fighting like a cornered dog against a man doing so much for their country.

If you haven't had that epiphany yet, I'd take it as a good sign you need to invest in a helmet and start researching exactly why life is so hard for you.
Anyone else find it odd the way the dims are front and center touting the usmca? i smell a skunk.
I’d like to see what else is in it.

You didn't hear??? It was Nancy's idea in the first place. The demosocialcommunists have been trying to get this passed for a year. President Trump has been sitting on it due to politics...
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Reactions: blubo
You didn't hear??? It was Nancy's idea in the first place. The demosocialcommunists have been trying to get this passed for a year. President Trump has been sitting on it due to politics...
Stupid me.
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Reactions: BBUK
I enjoy looking at the photos of Nadler taken 25 years ago. That boy was a strange looking dude and must have had a 75 inch waist. He is nothing to look at now either even with a loss of 200 lbs, maybe more.


Nadler is probably the most unwell looking person I recall seeing. He's hunched over, gnarled up, and looks like someone tried to put clothes on a water balloon.

I don't say with glee either. I just can't imagine being in such shape and continuing on with this misery. He should retire and try to enjoy what few days he has left