How will they rule ??!

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I think the fact that your president is posting memes should tell you all you need to know about the state of this White House. He's gotta superimpose his face on people with actual physiques to look tough.

And evidently, abusing power is not a crime according to the new King. His sheep think he should be above the law. But god, those emails right?

How has Trump abused his power as the chief executive of the United States?
Oh and how did that IG report work for you guys who were salivating over it's release? LMAO, another conspiracy theory down the tubes. Unless you ask Trump's personal attorney, Mr. Barr.


The report tears the FBI apart, but just finds they used “mafia speak” so there wasn’t evidence of political bias in kicking off the investigation.
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I think the fact that your president is posting memes should tell you all you need to know about the state of this White House. He's gotta superimpose his face on people with actual physiques to look tough.

And evidently, abusing power is not a crime according to the new King. His sheep think he should be above the law. But god, those emails right?

Uh, he's your President too..[laughing]:joy: (Doesn't that just burn you up...)

I wish President Trump hadn't bullied you into becoming your President too. Is that anything like #yourPresidenttoo ? [roll]
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I think the fact that your president is posting memes should tell you all you need to know about the state of this White House. He's gotta superimpose his face on people with actual physiques to look tough.

How has Trump abused his power as the chief executive of the United States?

President Trump abused his "power" by being his President too.:joy::joy::joy: (Not a darn thing he can do about it either...:joy::joy::joy:)

President Trump bullied him...

#yourPresidenttoo [roll]
As an aside, let's consider a hypothetical. Let's consider a demo leader erects some statue to global warming/climate change/disruption/insert new buzz word or transgenderism.

Do people on the right get to freely deface and destroy it? Whine and moan (with msm help) until it gets moved or taken down?

We know that answer

We all know that people on the right will not get to take part in defining what these new definitions of hate speech are.
Pretty sure that's what Bevin did.

I dont' think so. He appointed two additional members to the board, CPA's to give financial guidance because the board had been bamboozled by investors.

Also, I'm not sure what Beshear is doing exactly, so maybe he is simply adding two positions.... and not firing everybody/starting from scratch which is what the media is making it sound like.

Regardless, the whole coverage of the thing is so stupid. BESHEAR GONNA APPOINT PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT EDUCATION.!!!

What does that mean? Our current board of education doesn't care about education?

You also won't hear the word pension mentioned for the next 4 years. Beshear campaign managed that very well, he whole teacher discussion went from pensions to simply CARING ABOUT OUR TEACHERS!!! OUR TEACHERS ARE OUR FUTURE! I LOVE OUR TEACHERS AND CARE ABOUT YOU!!! I WILL GIVE YOU TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!
Also, I'm not sure what Beshear is doing exactly, so maybe he is simply adding two positions.... and not firing everybody/starting from scratch which is what the media is making it sound like.

Beshear appointed an all new board. The question is if he can legally do that or not. My understanding is he can't replace them before finishing their term unless given just cause.
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So Where were you when Eric Holder said "I'm still the President's Wingman" ?

This is exactly why is a total waste of time to make the attempt of having a normal discussion with most on the left. They are typically one of the following: a serial liar, a hypocrite or lacking in reasoning skills. I know many on the right are far from perfect but the left (cannot really say far left as what was the far left has taken over the party) have taken it to a whole new level. Republicans do plenty to piss me off but watching the leadership of the left is like living in an alternative universe.

Watching the testimony today and Horowitz himself stated the FBI did not provide complete and accurate information to obtain the FISA warrants and did in fact rely on the Steele dossier. Yet somehow concludes and the left along with the MSM celebrate that this proves there is no deep state or political motivation.

How anyone can conclude that from Horowitz's testimony is beyond me. He stated they found no testimony or documentary evidence of intentional conduct but adds that they "did not receive satisfactory explanations for any of the errors or omissions". He also noted these errors were "missed" by THREE SEPARATE TEAMS.

If you cannot acknowledge the problem here then you are nothing but a "team member" for a political party.
This is going south for the dems and everyone involved real quick...

Won't be long before all those who were cheering yesterday after that one little snippet of "no political bias" to turn on IG and run him over like they did Mueller...
So Graham just pulled out that the FBI lawyer who doctored the email was the same lawyer who texted "Viva La Resistance!" to Page and Strzok.

But, yeah, no political bias was involved.
Absolutely stunning! If this does not make everyone terrified of what was done, nothing will.
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This is going south for the dems and everyone involved real quick...

Won't be long before all those who were cheering yesterday after that one little snippet of "no political bias" to turn on IG and run him over like they did Mueller...
And, to give credit to Horowitz, he made sure to point out that the "no political bias" crowd was out of context.

All his report says is there was no political bias in the opening of the investigation.

As for the actions taken during the investigation, he clearly said he couldn't make a determination, but that their answers and explanations were not satisfactory.
And, to give credit to Horowitz, he made sure to point out that the "no political bias" crowd was out of context.

All his report says is there was no political bias in the opening of the investigation. As for the actions taken after that, he clearly said their answers and explanations were not satisfactory.

Libs are going to zero in on that and repeat it over and over again

"no political bias..."

"no deep state found..."

Folks, political bias is not a criterion for something to be wrong and fouled up. Not finding a deep state doesn't mean actual bureaucracies can't fudge things up themselves...
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Absolutely stunning! If this does not make everyone terrified of what was done, nothing will.
Simple truth is that liberals don’t care what means are used as long as the ends are met. Lying, making things up, illegal surveillance ..... doesn’t matter to them. Constitutional rights are nothing when it comes to trying to beat Trump.
And, to give credit to Horowitz, he made sure to point out that the "no political bias" crowd was out of context.

All his report says is there was no political bias in the opening of the investigation.

As for the actions taken during the investigation, he clearly said he couldn't make a determination, but that their answers and explanations were not satisfactory.
This simply means no one would admit to being biased. That’s all.
Libs are going to zero in on that and repeat it over and over again

"no political bias..."

"no deep state found..."

Folks, political bias is not a criterion for something to be wrong and fouled up. Not finding a deep state doesn't mean actual bureaucracies can't fudge things up themselves...
Don’t mix this up. All know there was/is political bias with all of this. The IG simply didn’t get anyone to tell him there was bias, so he says he couldn’t find bias. This is WAY beyond “fudging things up”.
We all know that people on the right will not get to take part in defining what these new definitions of hate speech are.

Oh we'll play a part alright. We'll be the villain who must be stopped

That's pretty crazy to do that on day 1. That deserves to be investigated.

They ought to sue him every step of the way. It's what he did. He spent an entire term doing nothing but campaigning and obstructing. The only actual legal work was outsourced to his pals where they made out like bandits.

But of course now there are calls for civility. Dems always want civility when they win.
Republicans: Run on and debate policy differences
Democrats: Run on and try to personally destroy anybody that disagrees with them.
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