How will they rule ??!

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The Senate should call every single Democrat who participated in this charade to testify under oath, then charge them with obstruction of congress (lol) when they refuse.
Well that would actually be Obstruction of Senate but I get where you’re going
What a grumpy, miserable looking bunch. Can Nadler get a wider tie?
At some point, normal folk eventually have to ask themselves why the dems, the MSM, the intel agencies and Hollywood are all desperately fighting like a cornered dog against a man doing so much for their country.

If you haven't had that epiphany yet, I'd take it as a good sign you need to invest in a helmet and start researching exactly why life is so hard for you.

This x 1000.
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That's the game man.

This loony tune train was always going to roll right up until the point it starts to expose the real good stuff and real heads have to roll.

Like the 9/11 investigation and report...and most other investigations, reports, scandals, happenings, etc...

I imagine somewhere a deal was struck that McConnell kills it and USMCA among other things get through.

I dare say Pelosi and most dems are rushing this for no other reason than to get the ball out of their court. They've done their part for their demographics, now they can say "hey look it's up to Mitch and the senate"

There's not a single democrat who wants to haul in Obama, Biden, Clinton, etc...and taint the legacy of the first black President, his political machine, nor the Clintons...
And, once again, it will be proven that we 100% have a 2-tiered justice system. You and me and everyone on this thread is dispensable, but the chosen in the Swamp are above us and can do anything they please, from killing Seth Rich to abusing kids with Epstein and Bill, and all is swept under the rug no matter what.

I've said it other times in this thread, but the U.S., as founded, has lost.
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Anyone else find it odd the way the dims are front and center touting the usmca? i smell a skunk.
I’d like to see what else is in it.
Pelosi said its much better now than when Trump sent it over, so you KNOW there's a shitload of BS fluff piled in that thing.

Save a billion on the trade deal, spend three billion on shit that would make that Greta kid smile while killing US jobs.
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Sessions is going to run for his old Alabama senate seat. I bet Trump doesn't waste his time campaigning for him. Sessions turned out to be the biggest disappointment of all. Useless as tits on a boar. It turned out he was in The Swamp.
Vote Tuberville.
So, this is the un-elected shitstain Nadler handler who tells ole Drooly McLongzipper when to gavel folks down. He tried to scrub his Twitter feed of negative Trump takes. These folks are less-than and they can't even hide it. They really do remind me of the libs in this thread.

Character drives politics, always has, always will and you can't hide it.
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Oh yes look at how tolerant and progressive. Msm will never dare mention his dad just a term ago paid a ton of money to a private law firm to fight against gay marriage, because the state AG wouldn't appeal after they lost.

No surprise. They were mum on the fact hid dad destroyed the pension too. Waited till AFTER the election to report on how solid it was after 3 years of (Bevin) proper funding.

Just another example of msm running pr for the left