How will they rule ??!

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So I just want to get this right. After all of the "Russia collusion", "treason", "obstruction of justice", "bribery", "impeachable quid pro quo", and "extortion" (all things the media and progressives have been yelling from the roof tops within the last year).

The actual charges of impeachment are Abuse of Power and Obstruction to Congress? Seriously? What the hell does obstruction to congress even mean haha. They couldn't even stick with obstruction to justice?

I mean come on, even the progressives on here have to admit that is a pretty sad charge, compared to all of the crap that has been spewed for the last 3 years.

Its like back in the day before social media, listening to your buddy talk about how hot his girlfriend is for weeks upon weeks, "dude trust me, she is so freaking fine, one of the hottest girls Ive ever seen." Then finally when the day comes when you finally see this girl, she is a 4 at best. Just one giant letdown.
They're sticking with the charges that are indisputable. I agree with you that Trump has committed more crimes than just these two articles but the Democrats are exercising restraint.
They're sticking with the charges that are indisputable. I agree with you that Trump has committed more crimes than just these two articles but the Democrats are exercising restraint.

As the hoax impeachment goes to the senate I am concerned the GOP will take a look and kill it and close shop. I think that would be the worse thing they could do. I want a full trial that will expose the dirt on all of them. But I am afraid prominent Republicans are up to their neck in this and do not want to call key witnesses. I have no confidence in Lindsey or Mitch when it comes to investigating the Swamp. I remember Lindsey was a McCain lap boy and didn't come around to Trump until John assumed room temperature.
Pence won't be the next President after Trump. Hell he may not even be Trump's VP next term. I think the groundwork is being laid for Nikki Haley.

Yeah, I've always thought that should be one of the plans for the GOP.

It would be tough to poo poo Pence. He serves a purpose with the establishment wing of the party. He was the olive branch last time around and still is to some degree. Trump could have very easily gone with an outsider type of character for VP and probably wanted to, but somebody realized it's good to extend some goodwill to the party and especially the mid-west base.

However, I do agree Haley needs to be on the roster of people to get the nod and should get at least a top tier cabinet job next time around...Sec of State maybe...

Liberals would shit themselves. What are they going to say about a woman who's parents immigrated from India?

A woman president was supposed to be Obama's legacy...oh how sweet it would be for Trump to assist in breaking the "glass ceiling"...

Excellent point! What a slimy collection of anti-American shitbags! The Electoral college prevents these radical scum from destroying the country.
I can't get a single centrist Dem in the mid-west to tell me why they continue to cling to the D party.
-They either don't know any better (ill-informed)
-They seriously believe the Kennedy Dems are still a thing
-They Diddy was a Democrat an soins was his Diddy!
-Can actually see the difference and thier faults, but ran way too much mouth to admit defeat now
-Too GD stubborn for their own good
But my favorite are those who stand on the logic stump of "I will always hate the filthy R's for their sweetheart, backdoor financial buddy deals, being pro-war, for their tax evasion scams and good-ole boy elitism and cronyism" - even though that is EXACTLY the D party of the modern era.

Liberalism is a ****ing mental disorder and the act of even entertaining these mental midgets is an extension of grace not a damned one of them deserve.
Also, came back early to say this shooting looks fake AF. SO many different video angles of lots and lots of rapid-fire guns shots (that go nowhere) being heard with dozens of dumb****s standing around in the street behind yellow tape laughing and not taking cover...

Yeah. **** off.

Every. Time. The dems eat shit, innocent people die....

Over. And over... and over... and over...
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As the hoax impeachment goes to the senate I am concerned the GOP will take a look and kill it and close shop. I think that would be the worse thing they could do. I want a full trial that will expose the dirt on all of them. But I am afraid prominent Republicans are up to their neck in this and do not want to call key witnesses. I have no confidence in Lindsey or Mitch when it comes to investigating the Swamp. I remember Lindsey was a McCain lap boy and didn't come around to Trump until John assumed room temperature.
Mitch and Lyndsey are a big part of "The Swamp". They and many others are not going to do a damn thing that has any consequences attached to them. This whole circus comes down to whether Barr puts people in prison or not. It's not going to happen and if it does its going to be a very small fish they sacrifice to let the others off the hook.
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The clarification that you really need is this: say you want to run for a local political office, and then your political rivals engage in a much more deliberate process to find out any and every piece of dirt they can get on you, to include soliciting the help from local govt. of places where you have formerly lived and/or worked. Nobody will give two shits when you try to claim you are the victim of of a witch hunt, abuse of power by other local politicians, regardless of your unflawed background. You will have to deal with it.

If there is no dirt, I don't have a problem. In fact, it makes those trying to dig up something look like idiots. If there is dirt it's of my own making not the fault of the people that are doing the digging.
When it comes to finding the truth, the motives of the people that find it are moot. The truth is what matters.
That is why I am not sold on Pence. Not sure he will carry on with what is needed.

The question is who takes the baton from Trump, and will the swamp do to that person the same thing they've been doing the past few years?

Not sure it will be Pence. As much as I like what the admin has been trying to accomplish, and believe Pence is truly a good solid dude, the last VP to P was one termed. The last VP to run, who served under a popular president during relatively good times, folks said no thanks to him. The current former VP running has ultimately worn out his welcome with his own party and most definitely will lose in the general.

The great thing about America is the people get tired of the same people in power, even if those people do relatively well. Change of scenery is ultimately a good thing.

Pubs will have to be very careful about who they start to prop up over the next couple of years.

Older entrenched lifers are out of style right now. I would look for candidates in their 40-50s, who have had some sort of life and success outside of the DC swamp at least.

Pence won't win a national election. Has some cooky views on social issues that would bury him.

I think Bill gates. He actually has some pretty practical non crazy ideas.

Maybe mark Cuban. Mark Zuckerberg is also a possible. Although I disagree with much of what they think, especially suck, they do what they think is right. Even if I disagree with it, that's at least a step in the right direction away from lining their own pockets

There's gonna be a civil war IMO. The deep state won't give up its grip and its just going to make people angrier.

Probably. But it won't be that dramatic. They can push a button and your access to the internet comes to a halt and every liquid asset you have is frozen. It'll be more like a minor civil inconvenience
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I think the best thing would be for the Senate to dispatch this crap as soon as legally possible. Dismissed on arrival would sound great. If they take too long with it then it will give the false impression that there is actually something to it.
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They'll never be satisfied...thus the ultimate doom of the liberal progressive movement...

Pink haired lesbian getting award complaining to people giving her the award about their lack of diversity...

shit will eventually wear out it's welcome...whether it's in our lifetime, who knows...but people will eventually throw up their hands exasperated and say "f**k it...we're done with this Frankenstein we've created and we're pulling the plug..."