How will they rule ??!

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Anyone else worried about a DC grand jury if it actually does get that far? I mean, DC is made up of 95% to the core liberals. The other 5% being swamp dwellers.

Doubt they can convene a grand jury outside of DC, right?

I’ve said it before, but this country sitting on it’s ass while we let our capital and our education system get taken over by liberal socialists was the beginning of our downfall.
Anyone else worried about a DC grand jury if it actually does get that far? I mean, DC is made up of 95% to the core liberals. The other 5% being swamp dwellers.

Doubt they can convene a grand jury outside of DC, right?

I’ve said it before, but this country sitting on it’s ass while we let our capital and our education system get taken over by liberal socialists was the beginning of our downfall.

You are mostly correct but I resent that.
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The deep state is so much deeper than anyone thought. Trumps shining a light on it. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Even if he wins re-election, there won't be enough time to clean things up.

The foreign money owning nearly every candidate, to msm, to deep state, on and on. It will be probably take 12 straight years of swamp draining before we have an actual government doing its job. Just not gonna happen. Because any swamp rat that wins will just hit the reset on all of it
There's gonna be a civil war IMO. The deep state won't give up its grip and its just going to make people angrier.
You are mostly correct but I resent that.

What is a grand jury convened for? That is not how impeachment works...
Not sure I follow you (or maybe you missed my point). I’m talking about trying to get indictments handed down under the Barr/Durham investigation. And a subsequent trial being held in the liberal toilet bowl that is our capital.
The question is who takes the baton from Trump, and will the swamp do to that person the same thing they've been doing the past few years?

Not sure it will be Pence. As much as I like what the admin has been trying to accomplish, and believe Pence is truly a good solid dude, the last VP to P was one termed. The last VP to run, who served under a popular president during relatively good times, folks said no thanks to him. The current former VP running has ultimately worn out his welcome with his own party and most definitely will lose in the general.

The great thing about America is the people get tired of the same people in power, even if those people do relatively well. Change of scenery is ultimately a good thing.

Pubs will have to be very careful about who they start to prop up over the next couple of years.

Older entrenched lifers are out of style right now. I would look for candidates in their 40-50s, who have had some sort of life and success outside of the DC swamp at least.
Pence won't be the next President after Trump. Hell he may not even be Trump's VP next term. I think the groundwork is being laid for Nikki Haley.
Not sure I follow you (or maybe you missed my point). I’m talking about trying to get indictments handed down under the Barr/Durham investigation. And a subsequent trial being held in the liberal toilet bowl that is our capital.

I thought you were talking impeachment. In any event I work in DC is why I responded...;) (I "ain't" no part of that 100% you eluded to.)
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The issue is that VP Pence may not have the fortitude to carry on the caustic as President Trump is doing. That is what it will take. Not sure he has it and anything less will be a let down. It may be why he was number 2 in the first place.... I hope not... I hope he can do it...God willing...
I don't think he wants anything to do with being President of the United States. Fortunately the GOP has some anti Swamp young politicians who are Trump supporters and may make good candidates. Some are governors and some are in congress. I have my eyes on Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida. He is only 41 years old and has a very impressive resume. When he was in congress he was one of the strongest supporters of Trump.

I don't know what will happen by 2024 but he is one to keep an eye on. I do know Trump will support him.
I don't think he wants anything to do with being President of the United States. Fortunately the GOP has some anti Swamp young politicians who are Trump supporters and may make good candidates. Some are governors and some are in congress. I have my eyes on Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida. He is only 41 years old and has a very impressive resume. When he was in congress he was one of the strongest supporters of Trump.

I don't know what will happen by 2024 but he is one to keep an eye on. I do know Trump will support him.

We need 16 straight years of what President Trump is doing to dent the swamp.
There's gonna be a civil war IMO. The deep state won't give up its
grip and its just going to make people angrier.

It’s inevitable. Watching this group from the coasts weaponize the constitution to overturn an election ought to make it clear that the country we’ve known is over.
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The question is who takes the baton from Trump, and will the swamp do to that person the same thing they've been doing the past few years?

Not sure it will be Pence. As much as I like what the admin has been trying to accomplish, and believe Pence is truly a good solid dude, the last VP to P was one termed. The last VP to run, who served under a popular president during relatively good times, folks said no thanks to him. The current former VP running has ultimately worn out his welcome with his own party and most definitely will lose in the general.

The great thing about America is the people get tired of the same people in power, even if those people do relatively well. Change of scenery is ultimately a good thing.

Pubs will have to be very careful about who they start to prop up over the next couple of years.

Older entrenched lifers are out of style right now. I would look for candidates in their 40-50s, who have had some sort of life and success outside of the DC swamp at least.
If Mark Cuban would tweak a few of his positions, he checks a lot of the same boxes as Trump.

1.Arrogant and obnoxious
2.Highly successful businessman
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haha, this is pretty good... scott adams articulates the same reaction I had this morning, nsfw language

his new book LoserThink is pretty good too. i'm about halfway through it; he basically defines a new term for the type of thought people like FUzz and levi engage in which is different than what/how Plat/Dion think which is more indoctrination, Lenin's useful idiots
haha, this is pretty good... scott adams articulates the same reaction I had this morning, nsfw language

his new book LoserThink is pretty good too. i'm about halfway through it; he basically defines a new term for the type of thought people like FUzz and levi engage in which is different than what/how Plat/Dion think which is more indoctrination, Lenin's useful idiots

Half of that's correct.
what half? the idiot but not useful, or the type of thought those people engage in?

it's my opinion, but yeah it's just an opinion in the end though I can demonstrate it's validity and have on numerous occasions, that people like Fuzz/Levi aren't really capable of serious thinking, but Plat/Dion are they are just too brainwashed into believing things which aren't true.

to that end they are useful in that they serve to achieve an end to benefit other people who use them, not themselves

Just the idiots part. I will give it to Diondufus444 and Platidumas...they think highly of themselves... I guess that's something...
Just need some clarification:
The charge against Trump is he solicited an investigation of a political rival from a foreign nation.
I fail to see how it matters that biden was/is a rival. What difference does it make? If he did something that was not in the interests of the US, why does it matter who gets the info or where the info comes from? The objective should be to find the truth, regardless of the source of the info.
Same as when Trump said, "If Russia has info on hillury, give it to us". Nothing wrong with that.

Help me understand why the issue is not simply "Uncover the truth" or why both parties would not want the truth.
Just need some clarification:
The charge against Trump is he solicited an investigation of a political rival from a foreign nation.
I fail to see how it matters that biden was/is a rival. What difference does it make? If he did something that was not in the interests of the US, why does it matter who gets the info or where the info comes from? The objective should be to find the truth, regardless of the source of the info.
Same as when Trump said, "If Russia has info on hillury, give it to us". Nothing wrong with that.

Help me understand why the issue is not simply "Uncover the truth" or why both parties would not want the truth.

Applying logic to anything Democrats do is an exercise in futility.

They’re running an sham hearing to stop their political rival from winning and election in 2020 and are claiming their sham investigation is investigating their political rival for asking for an investigation of his political rival who won’t even make it out of the Democrat primary.
So I just want to get this right. After all of the "Russia collusion", "treason", "obstruction of justice", "bribery", "impeachable quid pro quo", and "extortion" (all things the media and progressives have been yelling from the roof tops within the last year).

The actual charges of impeachment are Abuse of Power and Obstruction to Congress? Seriously? What the hell does obstruction to congress even mean haha. They couldn't even stick with obstruction to justice?

I mean come on, even the progressives on here have to admit that is a pretty sad charge, compared to all of the crap that has been spewed for the last 3 years.

Its like back in the day before social media, listening to your buddy talk about how hot his girlfriend is for weeks upon weeks, "dude trust me, she is so freaking fine, one of the hottest girls Ive ever seen." Then finally when the day comes when you finally see this girl, she is a 4 at best. Just one giant letdown.
So I just want to get this right. After all of the "Russia collusion", "treason", "obstruction of justice", "bribery", "impeachable quid pro quo", and "extortion" (all things the media and progressives have been yelling from the roof tops within the last year).

The actual charges of impeachment are Abuse of Power and Obstruction to Congress? Seriously? What the hell does obstruction to congress even mean haha. They couldn't even stick with obstruction to justice?

I mean come on, even the progressives on here have to admit that is a pretty sad charge, compared to all of the crap that has been spewed for the last 3 years.

Its like back in the day before social media, listening to your buddy talk about how hot his girlfriend is for weeks upon weeks, "dude trust me, she is so freaking fine, one of the hottest girls Ive ever seen." Then finally when the day comes when you finally see this girl, she is a 4 at best. Just one giant letdown.

The potential impeachment charges:

The actual impeachment charges:

Just need some clarification:
The charge against Trump is he solicited an investigation of a political rival from a foreign nation.
I fail to see how it matters that biden was/is a rival. What difference does it make? If he did something that was not in the interests of the US, why does it matter who gets the info or where the info comes from? The objective should be to find the truth, regardless of the source of the info.
Same as when Trump said, "If Russia has info on hillury, give it to us". Nothing wrong with that.

Help me understand why the issue is not simply "Uncover the truth" or why both parties would not want the truth.
The clarification that you really need is this: say you want to run for a local political office, and then your political rivals engage in a much more deliberate process to find out any and every piece of dirt they can get on you, to include soliciting the help from local govt. of places where you have formerly lived and/or worked. Nobody will give two shits when you try to claim you are the victim of of a witch hunt, abuse of power by other local politicians, regardless of your unflawed background. You will have to deal with it.