How will they rule ??!

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Along this line of thinking (TDS)... here are a few market facts:

The market (S&P 500) is up approx. 24% this year.

However, investors have pulled $190 billion (net) from equity mutual funds/ETFs this year, mostly in the first six months, thereby largely missing out on most of that +24% YTD return. Some of that is... NO DOUBT... TDS.

The asset class that has experienced more net inflows than any other asset YTD is the money market fund. Over half a trillion dollars has poured in.

Betting against this POTUS is a LOSING proposition... but liberals, by all means, continue being you. While the rest of us enjoy the benefits of greater wealth, maybe we'll hire you libs to do our menial work.
Sounds like a good thing that Libs disproportionately missed out on the gains.

Well he has not Made America Great Again alone that is for sure. But with the help of the people, he has. Mitch has pushed through conservative judges so that helps, conservative congress men and women have supported Trump's agenda so that also helps.

Now you are right about your party. Your side has tried everything in their power to keep America from being a success under Trump. So since they have failed at stopping Trump they are now trying to slow him down by refusing to legislate in the House and spend all of their time and energy on impeachment. Meanwhile Trump's popularity increases. Trump is 15% from reaching 50% approval from Blacks. This is a death blow to liberals because it means a landslide election in November. Keep rooting for that recession and high unemployment for Blacks.

Blacks have come to the realization that Democrats want one thing from them. Votes. Unemployment and poverty has never been a concern of liberals. You can't control people if they are free and able to feed their family.
Watch the Doug Wead video. It's great.
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P - Ray Lewis was exonerated of those two deaths. If you feel justice was not served you can feel free to express and debate that on here if you like.

I have a job to do here and we simple don't want people expressing death threats against public officials. As you can see by the various responses it was not only upsetting to other members, but is desensitizes violence. That's what my note was about. I hope you understand the reasoning for that and I'm sure you don't want to see that type of thing as well. Thanks.

BTW I'm an Independent [winking]
Well. Did you read that post from Ed?

Adam Schiff, you blithering idiot. Don't you realize that rational people also see and hear your statements?

Are you not able to see the changes that have occurred under Trump, along with his campaign promises of building a wall, giving a tax cut, fixing health care, undoing NAFTA, making NATO allies pay their fair share, and draining the swamp, are all measures to make America BETTER than it was becoming?

You can tell us red is blue but the only ones who will believe you are the color blind and the idiots.
No death wishing on here please and that includes graphics that display dead politicians as well as verbalizing you wish for their death.

If anyone is articulating a death wish on The President, The Speaker or any other public figure please report it rather than responding to it. Thanks.

Ray Lewis?
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P - Ray Lewis was exonerated of those two deaths. If you feel justice was not served you can feel free to express and debate that on here if you like.

I have a job to do here and we simple don't want people expressing death threats against public officials. As you can see by the various responses it was not only upsetting to other members, but is desensitizes violence. That's what my note was about. I hope you understand the reasoning for that and I'm sure you don't want to see that type of thing as well. Thanks.

BTW I'm an Independent [winking]

Understood. many people felt o j was guilty of murder too but actually he was exonerated. congrats on being an independent. :pray:
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My lofty goal in life is to own a plot in Napa, CA where I can grow grapes and live out my retirement years doing tastings for tourists at a winery.

I cannot imagine owning a $25 million estate on Zinfandel Lane and choosing to spend the last remaining years of my life in the Washington machine trying to bring down the President who was duly elected by the American people.

Who knows, I guess maybe the same people who paid for that $25 million winery (along with the millions upon other millions she has) are forcing her to stay in place. Or she’s a sociopath. Or she’s just senile and honestly thinks she’s still young.

It’s greed. she wants more money, more power. there can never be enough for people like her.
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Even their new excuse is bogus.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi argued Thursday that President Donald Trump violated the fundamental principle of the Constitution by saying in an interview that Article II allowed him to “do whatever I want.”

Here is what Pelosi said after announcing the Democrat’s intent to impeach the president:

The president’s actions have seriously violated the Constitution, especially when he says and acts upon the belief ‘Article II says I can do whatever I want.’ No. His wrongdoing strikes at the very heart of our Constitution. A separation of powers, three co-equal branches, each a check and balance on the other.

She repeated the claim in a CNN town hall on Thursday:

In that Constitution, the genius of it all was the system of checks and balances. They did not want a monarch. They did not want a president king. That’s what they fought the war against.

The president said — Article I is the legislative branch. Article II is the executive branch. The president said, Article II says I can do whatever I want.

So for me, this is about honoring our oath of office, making sure that the Constitution is respected. And it’s about that and how he has ignored the subpoenas of Congress, the oversight of Congress. Something very strange there, that there hasn’t been an intervention amongst some of his own people.

Pelosi said Trump was betraying the Founders and the Constitution by acting as a “king” or a “monarch,” using references to the monarchy five times in her impeachment statement and at least six times in the CNN town hall.

But Pelosi is taking the president out of context. The Trump comment about Article II is taken from a June interview with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos.

Trump said:

Look, Article II, I would be allowed to fire Robert Mueller. Assuming I did all of the things, I said I want to fire him. Number one, I didn’t. He wasn’t fired. Number one, very importantly but more importantly, Article II allows me to do whatever I want. Article II would allow me to fire him. I wasn’t going to fire him. You know why — because I watched Richard Nixon firing everybody and that didn’t work out too well.

Pelosi is hanging the case for impeachment on a badly misconstrued quote. As the duly elected president of the United States, Donald Trump has the authority to hire and fire anybody in his administration.

Trump correctly cited his authority given to him by Article II to allow him to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, even though he never did. The president did not cite Article II to make the case that he was above the separation of powers in the Constitution.
House Ds undermining Pelosi, speaking to CNN only on the condition of anonymity and questioning impeachment.

Who didn't see this coming after two defected during the first vote? Only question now is how many more will join them.

Democrat Rep: "I am struggling to see how the evidence supports impeachment"

Source article from CNN.

Some moderate Democrats feel frustrated as party leaders start writing articles of impeachment