How will they rule ??!

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The bottomless pit that is the Ukraine scandal continues to grow. According to a report from ABC News on Sunday, the House Intelligence Committee is now in possession of audio and video recordings as well as photographs that include both President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani. The materials were handed over as part of a congressional subpoena by Giuliani associate Lev Parnas.

hahaha please don't ever stop.
Or they will vote against a racist sexist president.
Obviously you concede then just exactly how much of the Democrats future success rides upon their preferred perception among blacks. When it is proven that black perception is not what liberals prefer, what then? Liberals shall chastise blacks for being wrong? I can't wait for that. Coming sooner rather than later. Your ilk will soon pay for demanding that black America grant equal posture to the sexually/gender confused, and to the newly arrived. Wait and see. Wait. And. See.
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because unlike TRump they understand that he is a POS that doesn't deserve the honor of being a SEAL. their job is to protect America not commit war crimes like savages.
This is how wrong you always are. Who's the pos in this scenario? Looks like the person you were blindly defending because you thought it was a possible negative for Trump.

plat has lowered himself to citing "Rolling Stone"

Wait until you see the next source.


Trump is like, such a meanie. And he’s sooo orange! It’s gross. Plus his hair is just the worst! He needs to be in peaches!
Yeah media spin is definitely worse than slavery, great point!
Your reading comprehension is tragic. But don't change. In 12 months, you are going to be 3 weeks into fetal position rigor. And the only thing that you will have to comfort yourself with is a raging insistence that the voters who did this to you, including many millions of black ones, were just wrong.

I just love all those YouTube videos that focus on black support for Trump, or are produced by major media to challenge why blacks, often black elites, support Trump.

The content means nothing. But like this thread there is always something interesting down in the comments. Dozens upon dozens of not hundreds of entries, and you can tell which are legitimately written by African Americans. If you can't, then you have no personal experience interacting with blacks. Working with them regularly, going to school with them, growing up with them . . . the support for Trump is enormous. The anger directed at Democrats is MASSIVE. They are sick of the many decades of failed pandering. The are WOKE to the lowest post war unemployment. They are delighted by REAL messages of equality. Not ones that say it must be fixed by us for you. But by the message that says it is there for you. Have it.
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We already know Trump is going to win and it doesn't matter who they put up against him. I hope Joe Biden is the candidate just for the entertainment value of seeing him get picked apart by Trump. Probably would only have one debate.
The mall one was classic. My personal favorite.
There was another one right after the mall one that for the life of me I can’t remember. It was better than the one today but not quite as good as the mall story. Maybe Sawnee teaches creative writing at the local community college?
Lol at the replies. Socialists are only about control, not actually helping the poor. They are pissed about this

Ya I saw this too and couldn't believe some of their replies. The amount of people that think them giving $10 to homeless is a greater sacrifice or makes them a better person compared to Bezos giving away 98 mil is crazy to me.

It's clear as day that for some people, no matter what you do , it will never be enough to make them happy. Some people just want to be offended.
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Check this shit out...

Nov. 18-20, 2016, Sen. John McCain and his longtime adviser, David Kramer–an ex-U.S. State Dept. official–attended a security conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia where the former UK ambassador to Russia Sir Andrew Wood tells them about the Fusion GPS anti-Trump dossier. (Kramer is affiliated with the anti-Russia “Ukraine Today” media organization). They discuss taking steps to confirm that the info has reached top levels of FBI for action.

On Nov. 28, 2016, Sen. McCain associate Kramer flew to London to meet Christopher Steele of Fusion GPS for a briefing on the anti-Trump research. Afterward, Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson reportedly gave McCain a copy of the “dossier.” Steele also passed the anti-Trump info a to top UK government official in charge of national security. McCain soon arranged a meeting with FBI Director James Comey.

That piece of shit! He wasn't a patriot and he certainly was not a war hero. He was always a piece of shit. Thank you cancer, it needed to be done.
Slightly OT: Will Ferrell was on SNL tonight, and they covered the DNC debates the other nights.. it was hysterical. Lot of past cast members came out and they basically made the debate into a circus.. well more of a circus than it already was.

Should be up on youtube in a few hours.

Even in the skit, Yang doesn't rate.

He doesn't get a closing remark.

Lol at the replies. Socialists are only about control, not actually helping the poor. They are pissed about this

Ya I saw this too and couldn't believe some of their replies. The amount of people that think them giving $10 to homeless is a greater sacrifice or makes them a better person compared to Bezos giving away 98 mil is crazy to me.

It's clear as day that for some people, no matter what you do , it will never be enough to make them happy. Some people just want to be offended.

If what I read is true, they have a right to be pissed. The gift was in the form of stock which has sell limitations for a five year period

I mean it's still millions. But not quite the liquid gift it sounds
CNN/The Left really hope like hell they can re-enact the Nixon impeachment.

I watched the special show tonight and see no other reason why they are even trying this.
Check this shit out...

Nov. 18-20, 2016, Sen. John McCain and his longtime adviser, David Kramer–an ex-U.S. State Dept. official–attended a security conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia where the former UK ambassador to Russia Sir Andrew Wood tells them about the Fusion GPS anti-Trump dossier. (Kramer is affiliated with the anti-Russia “Ukraine Today” media organization). They discuss taking steps to confirm that the info has reached top levels of FBI for action.

On Nov. 28, 2016, Sen. McCain associate Kramer flew to London to meet Christopher Steele of Fusion GPS for a briefing on the anti-Trump research. Afterward, Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson reportedly gave McCain a copy of the “dossier.” Steele also passed the anti-Trump info a to top UK government official in charge of national security. McCain soon arranged a meeting with FBI Director James Comey.

That piece of shit! He wasn't a patriot and he certainly was not a war hero. He was always a piece of shit. Thank you cancer, it needed to be done.
You couldn't carry his jock with a wheelbarrow.