How will they rule ??!

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I found out how serious the black voting block was about their approval of President Trump this week. I have a black woman pharmacist and when I picked up a prescription Friday she was in rare form. She was livid with what is going on in this impeachment thing and let everybody around her know it. An old lady had a Trump cap on and when the pharmacist saw it she started telling her and everyone around her how much she loved Trump. She said she had two teenage sons and President Trump had made a future for them and now they had a chance in life. Not only did they both work for the first time in their life but both would be going to college just as she had. In spite of the fact her husband had run out on them when they were very young. Then she went off on illegal immigration and you could tell that was her main concern. Illegals taking jobs that normally would go to teenage blacks or whites for that matter. But she said blacks.

She then said Trump will get more black votes by far than any Republican in history. And that includes Abe Lincoln since they couldn't vote in America then. Trump in a landslide
Never happened.
Every once in awhile I click show ignored content so I can get the background on a convo. And every time I do, Sawnee is making up another story. What a lying sack of shit.
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I cannot wait for the collective lefty head explosion when the house decides not to even vote on impeachment.

They'll have enough time to spin a story over the holiday break. It's not hard to see that impeachment is frowned upon by the people and the Senate. They will blame the withdrawal of charges on the Republicans.
I found out how serious the black voting block was about their approval of President Trump this week. I have a black woman pharmacist and when I picked up a prescription Friday she was in rare form. She was livid with what is going on in this impeachment thing and let everybody around her know it. An old lady had a Trump cap on and when the pharmacist saw it she started telling her and everyone around her how much she loved Trump. She said she had two teenage sons and President Trump had made a future for them and now they had a chance in life. Not only did they both work for the first time in their life but both would be going to college just as she had. In spite of the fact her husband had run out on them when they were very young. Then she went off on illegal immigration and you could tell that was her main concern. Illegals taking jobs that normally would go to teenage blacks or whites for that matter. But she said blacks.

She then said Trump will get more black votes by far than any Republican in history. And that includes Abe Lincoln since they couldn't vote in America then. Trump in a landslide

Sawnee man I hope you never claim BS when a Dem tells some story on Twitter about some crazy anti Trump thing happening to them.

Not calling this a BS story or not, just saying this is like the 3rd or 4th time this year you've told some crazy pro Trump story from some strangers you saw.

So if crazy pro Trump situations can happen around you, I hope you aren't calling BS when Dems tell crazy anti pro Trump stories that happened to them.
34 percent is a joke. Try less than 10
That's what liberals pray for each and every day. That greater than 90% of blacks in America will continue to embrace the message of dependency over being self empowered. That regardless of decades of deliberate actions to improve their abilities to do for themselves they will continue to value more what can be done for them instead. That they will remain permanently offended by the message offered by conservatives, where a belief in their ability to eek out a quality of life on their own no different than poor white counterparts will result in far greater rewards through family, ownership, dignity, and time. Such a sinister message, that. And that they will forever remain ignorant, of how deceptive tactics to keep blacks oppressed voluntarily are far more evil than the ones that for multiple centuries kept them enslaved directly.
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I cannot wait for the collective lefty head explosion when the house decides not to even vote on impeachment.

Was thinking the same. Polling suggest support is in free fall. It was all but out of the news by Friday, and out of what little conversation there was, a decent portion centered around on if it was even going to make it to the Senate.
Sawnee man I hope you never claim BS when a Dem tells some story on Twitter about some crazy anti Trump thing happening to them.

Not calling this a BS story or not, just saying this is like the 3rd or 4th time this year you've told some crazy pro Trump story from some strangers you saw.

So if crazy pro Trump situations can happen around you, I hope you aren't calling BS when Dems tell crazy anti pro Trump stories that happened to them.
Hey I don't care what you believe. I happen to live in an area where people talk and we discuss things like this. What about this interaction causes you to believe it is BS. The fact a black woman was anxious to talk about how she supports Trump? Again believe what you want to believe. I guess where you live people can't talk positive in public about Trump but down here in Florida we do not have that problem.
Not to mention, Senate Rs seem to be signaling to Ds that they're going to use impeachment to go on the attack and play offense.

Between their supposed witness list and announced investigations into Biden/Ukraine, they're sending a clear message to the Ds.

Regardless of if the investigations go anywhere or not, either way, Senate (and House) Rs all seem to be united and standing strong like during the Kavanaugh confirmation.
Once they withdraw the charges they will be admitting that they didn't really have anything to begin with. They knew well in advance what was going to be said. Why shouldn't Schiff and Pelosi face an investigation for spearheading a malicious and purely political attempt to overthrow the President? Doesn't seem like something you should just walk away from.
Sawnee man I hope you never claim BS when a Dem tells some story on Twitter about some crazy anti Trump thing happening to them.

Not calling this a BS story or not, just saying this is like the 3rd or 4th time this year you've told some crazy pro Trump story from some strangers you saw.

So if crazy pro Trump situations can happen around you, I hope you aren't calling BS when Dems tell crazy anti pro Trump stories that happened to them.

I actually disagree. All liberals are liars. Scum liars.
I found out how serious the black voting block was about their approval of President Trump this week. I have a black woman pharmacist and when I picked up a prescription Friday she was in rare form. She was livid with what is going on in this impeachment thing and let everybody around her know it. An old lady had a Trump cap on and when the pharmacist saw it she started telling her and everyone around her how much she loved Trump. She said she had two teenage sons and President Trump had made a future for them and now they had a chance in life. Not only did they both work for the first time in their life but both would be going to college just as she had. In spite of the fact her husband had run out on them when they were very young. Then she went off on illegal immigration and you could tell that was her main concern. Illegals taking jobs that normally would go to teenage blacks or whites for that matter. But she said blacks.

She then said Trump will get more black votes by far than any Republican in history. And that includes Abe Lincoln since they couldn't vote in America then. Trump in a landslide

not as far fetched as the old lady at the mall story but 100% fabricated. Never happened
I found out how serious the black voting block was about their approval of President Trump this week. I have a black woman pharmacist and when I picked up a prescription Friday she was in rare form. She was livid with what is going on in this impeachment thing and let everybody around her know it. An old lady had a Trump cap on and when the pharmacist saw it she started telling her and everyone around her how much she loved Trump. She said she had two teenage sons and President Trump had made a future for them and now they had a chance in life. Not only did they both work for the first time in their life but both would be going to college just as she had. In spite of the fact her husband had run out on them when they were very young. Then she went off on illegal immigration and you could tell that was her main concern. Illegals taking jobs that normally would go to teenage blacks or whites for that matter. But she said blacks.

She then said Trump will get more black votes by far than any Republican in history. And that includes Abe Lincoln since they couldn't vote in America then. Trump in a landslide
Did you miss/forget the part about her being anti LBCTFG & whatever?
Sawnee man I hope you never claim BS when a Dem tells some story on Twitter about some crazy anti Trump thing happening to them..
Is that you, Jussie? Validating yourself through the image of a self-empowered, yet unsilenced, black professional ??

Many years ago a white woman in South Carolina lied about her "missing" children. She had actually driven them off in a river. Who would have thought, her best defense would have been to expose mothers who claim they would never commit such a heinous, evil crime?
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Not to mention, Senate Rs seem to be signaling to Ds that they're going to use impeachment to go on the attack and play offense.

Between their supposed witness list and announced investigations into Biden/Ukraine, they're sending a clear message to the Ds.

Regardless of if the investigations go anywhere or not, either way, Senate (and House) Rs all seem to be united and standing strong like during the Kavanaugh confirmation.
Dems won't let it get that far. All they ever wanted was to make noise. Give CNN and MSNBC something to run with. And with the most baseless parts disproven, they did.
Once they withdraw the charges they will be admitting that they didn't really have anything to begin with. They knew well in advance what was going to be said. Why shouldn't Schiff and Pelosi face an investigation for spearheading a malicious and purely political attempt to overthrow the President? Doesn't seem like something you should just walk away from.
They will withdraw. It will never get voted on in the House. Dems do not want to go through the hugely damning and embarrassing process of being forced to vote unilaterally NO. It would not be confusing at all to Trump supporters why House Republicans would vote YES on impeachment simply for the purpose of holding hearings in the Senate. The REPUBLICAN Senate. The only way for Dems to stop it and minimize damage is to withdraw. Anything else would be enormously humiliating . . . and beautiful.
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Sawnee man I hope you never claim BS when a Dem tells some story on Twitter about some crazy anti Trump thing happening to them.

Not calling this a BS story or not, just saying this is like the 3rd or 4th time this year you've told some crazy pro Trump story from some strangers you saw.

So if crazy pro Trump situations can happen around you, I hope you aren't calling BS when Dems tell crazy anti pro Trump stories that happened to them.
At least this time he didn't insert himself as a tough guy. Lol. That rascal.
That's what liberals pray for each and every day. That greater than 90% of blacks in America will continue to embrace the message of dependency over being self empowered. That regardless of decades of deliberate actions to improve their abilities to do for themselves they will continue to value more what can be done for them instead. That they will remain permanently offended by the message offered by conservatives, where a belief in their ability to eek out a quality of life on their own no different than poor white counterparts will result in far greater rewards through family, ownership, dignity, and time. Such a sinister message, that. And that they will forever remain ignorant, of how deceptive tactics to keep blacks oppressed voluntarily are far more evil than the ones that for multiple centuries kept them enslaved directly.
Or they will vote against a racist sexist president.
Ed Henry reported this Friday after the hearings. I posted a video. His sources were Durbin and Graham. Odd no one brought this up during the hearings to counter Schiff's false narrative .

Democrats and their allies in the media contend Trump freed up the aid only after the White House learned that a whistleblower had filed a complaint against the president. "The reason the aid was produced was that the whistleblower had come forward at that point," CNN's Jeffrey Toobin said Tuesday. "Basically, the Trump administration was busted. They got caught and that's the reason they released the money."

"They got caught," the Democratic impeachment leader, Rep. Adam Schiff, said Thursday. "That's the reason aid was finally lifted."

But the evidence suggests a much simpler reason for Trump's decision to release the aid. On the day he okayed the aid, Trump learned that Congress was going to force his hand and spend the money anyway. He could either go along or get run over.

On September 11, the White House received a draft of a continuing resolution, produced by House Democrats, that would extend funding for the federal government. Among other provisions, the bill would push the Ukraine money out the door, whether in the final days of fiscal year 2019 or in 2020, regardless of what the president did.

"The draft continuing resolution...would on September 30 immediately free up the remainder of the $250 million appropriated for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative in the fiscal 2019 Defense spending law and extend its availability for another year," Roll Call reported a little after noon on September 11.

According to knowledgeable sources, the Office of Management and Budget received the draft on the morning of September 11. OMB chief Russell Vought informed the president around mid-day. There was no doubt the Democratic-controlled House would pass the measure, which was needed to avoid a government shutdown. Later that afternoon, Trump -- who must have already known that the Republican-controlled Senate would also support the bill -- had the point emphasized to him when he received a call from Republican Sen. Rob Portman.

Portman, along with Democratic Sen. Richard Durbin, co-chairs the Senate Ukraine Caucus. Along with several other senators, Portman wrote to the White House on September 3 imploring the president to release the aid. On September 11, Portman felt the need to talk again, with the same message -- only this time with the backdrop of the House preparing to pass a bill that would force Trump's hand.

At that point, the president knew he could not maintain the hold on aid in the face of bipartisan congressional action. So he gave in. By early evening on September 11, the hold was lifted.

It was an entirely unremarkable end to the story: President tries to do something. Congress opposes. President sees he has no support and backs down. It has happened many, many times with many, many presidents.

In the end, the release of the aid is not dramatic proof of anything in the Trump-Ukraine matter. The facts do not support the Democratic notion that the president "got caught," knew he was guilty, and gave in. It is not a smoking gun. It is a story of a president and Congress bumping up against each other on spending, and, as often happens, Congress won.
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