How will they rule ??!

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Can you spot "her"?

This is the same dude that tried to play in the women's Australian Football League but was turned down. Totally looks natural and fair out on the handball court though...
I recommend watching that clip - pretty funny. The way she posts up those little girls wearing the hijabs, and then one ends up hitting the ground hard...damn, chick is a beast on the court.
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Get ready to laugh.

You are going to laugh.

Here goes.

On Sunday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said former neurosurgeon Ben Carson did not have the “intelligence” for his current position as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Carson had said Waters lacks basic manners after she had written President Donald Trump a letter demanding answers on reports that the administration was considering moving homeless people off the streets in California.

Waters is a nutjob, and her wording was probably wrong, but I can see making the case that being a nerousurgeon (very impressive, yes, but also super specialized) doesn't qualify someone to run HUD. I wouldn't hire Carson to run a McDonald's because he knows nothing about he fast food industry. Doesn't mean he's dumb.
Waters is a nutjob, and her wording was probably wrong, but I can see making the case that being a nerousurgeon (very impressive, yes, but also super specialized) doesn't qualify someone to run HUD. I wouldn't hire Carson to run a McDonald's because he knows nothing about he fast food industry. Doesn't mean he's dumb.

I wonder if a neurosurgeon would be qualified to chair the House Financial Services Committee, in her opinion.
It's great those orgs got that money. What does it say about what kind of person Bezos is? Not much imo. Let me know when he's down below $1B NW. Someone who gives their last $10 is bigger to me.

So whatever action someone does, doesn't matter if their net worth is above 1 billion? That $10 doesn't have a bigger effect than the 100 million.

Again you're crapping on a dude that gave 100 million to charity. Guess what if Bezos wanted to keep every cent he made, he would be 100% in the right, because he has earned that money.

You want to say he gave the 100 mill away for PR, cool. Guess who doesn't care about that? The thousands-millions of people he's going to help by giving that much money up.

I've never understood this notion that if someone's net worth is north of 1 billion, that person is morally wrong or something.
FFS. Is that real?

It looks like something Monty Python would've done.
Ya seriously. It's something you would've seen from SNL or MAD TV from back in the day. I could see SNL using Will Ferrell or MAD TV using Will Saso as these giant men just plowing over women. Then the media acting like we should be cheering. Then you got that one or 2 people in the stands as the only normal people finding it weird.

We are living in a freaking sketch show now haha.
Waters is a nutjob, and her wording was probably wrong, but I can see making the case that being a nerousurgeon (very impressive, yes, but also super specialized) doesn't qualify someone to run HUD. I wouldn't hire Carson to run a McDonald's because he knows nothing about he fast food industry. Doesn't mean he's dumb.

Yeah, well Hillary ran the State Department. I would assume Carson's IQ is 50 to 60 points higher than Maxine Waters.
Ya seriously. It's something you would've seen from SNL or MAD TV from back in the day. I could see SNL using Will Ferrell or MAD TV using Will Saso as these giant men just plowing over women. Then the media acting like we should be cheering. Then you got that one or 2 people in the stands as the only normal people finding it weird.

We are living in a freaking sketch show now haha.

A team of gynecologist defeats a team of Long John Silver's impersonators from Monty Python.
So whatever action someone does, doesn't matter if their net worth is above 1 billion? That $10 doesn't have a bigger effect than the 100 million.

Again you're crapping on a dude that gave 100 million to charity. Guess what if Bezos wanted to keep every cent he made, he would be 100% in the right, because he has earned that money.

You want to say he gave the 100 mill away for PR, cool. Guess who doesn't care about that? The thousands-millions of people he's going to help by giving that much money up.

I've never understood this notion that if someone's net worth is north of 1 billion, that person is morally wrong or something.
You know how to get Billionaires to stop giving millions to charities?

Crap on them for giving millions to charities.

Bevins last act as Govenor is to pardon a man serving life for raping his 6 year old grand daughter. And another charged with murder for driving across the highway killing another driver. Good ole conservative party

Obama pardoned a terrorist as one of his last acts as president.
Both parties do stupid crap. What's new? Plus if you actually read your article, it points out how all evidence basically points to him being wrongfully convicted.

Bevins last act as Govenor is to pardon a man serving life for raping his 6 year old grand daughter. And another charged with murder for driving across the highway killing another driver. Good ole conservative party

Good ole liberal party, wanting people locked up for crimes they may not have committed. How’s the saying go, “better to lock up a thousand innocent men rather than have a guilty guy go free?”
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This needs more play. NYC is paying the qualified homeless to pack up and move on.

One years rent and relocation expenses.

We must think bigger scale. How many illegals would take Trump up on a year's rent south/north/anywhere outside of the US border.

Report: NYC homeless program moves 1,000s of families to other cities, including Metairie


New York’s “Special One-Time Assistance” program offers residents in city shelters who have met certain criteria a year’s rent and relocation assistance, according to the program’s website.

One family was moved to Metairie was first reported by The New York Post. Other places along the Gulf Coast, such as Gulfport and Gautier, Miss., were also destinations for relocated families, according to the Post story, which was generated by a review of New York City Department of Homeless Services data.

Under the program, more than 5,000 families with 12,482 people have been relocated, an effort that has cost the city $89 million. About a third of the recipients moved to permanent apartments within New York City. Slightly more than half -- 56% -- relocated out of state. More than 2,200 recipients moved to New Jersey, for instance.

According to the program website, "The SOTA program provides one year's full rent up front for eligible DHS clients to move within New York City, to other New York State counties, or to another state, Puerto Rico, or Washington, DC."

Officials in the destinations were not notified, however, including Jefferson Parish President Mike Yenni, who told the Post he was “shocked” to learn of the program.

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You know how to get Billionaires to stop giving millions to charities?

Crap on them for giving millions to charities.

Seriously this. Hell I don't care if Bezos through himself a parade to pat himself on the back for giving to charity.

I'm not saying giving 100 mil to the homeless resolves Bezos from all the wrong he does and makes him an angel in my book.

But guess what the dude still gave 100 mil to freaking charity. The fact that anyone can bitch about anyone giving any amount of money to charity is beyond me.
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Read it again, dumbass.

Sheesh, even for Plat's low standards, this was a big swing and miss. It appears there is sufficient reason to believe this probably didn't actually happen, and far more than the minimum reasonable it requires to convict someone. The man has been in jail for almost 20 years. I have no problem with Bevin's decision here.

If he did do it, hopefully karma takes over and he gets hit by a car sometime soon.
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Wrong is wrong and they should not be pardoned if he did it but, democrats don't even put them in jail. Ponder that for a moment.

I read the article warrior and it appears that this guy was probably convicted of something he didn't do. After 20 years, it seems reasonable to release the guy based on that.

Also, Epstein did not kill himself.
This has nothing to do with political party, but more generational differences.

In between interviewees for my startup at the moment. Just the sheer different mental mindset between ages is astonishing to me. It is blowing my mind at the moment.

Interviewed a 33 year old to start the morning. Basically the entire time is him pitching how he's a good enough programmer for the job and what he brings.

Just finished interviewing a 22 year old. It seemed like 75% of the words out of his mouth was questions about what we can do for him.

It was just such a mind numbing difference between the two interviewing them back 2 back.