How will they rule ??!

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Trump and him are both the POS. the two made a deal to put on a fake hearing with a guaranteed outcome so they could both come out looking good on TV.

Get ready to laugh.

You are going to laugh.

Here goes.

On Sunday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said former neurosurgeon Ben Carson did not have the “intelligence” for his current position as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Carson had said Waters lacks basic manners after she had written President Donald Trump a letter demanding answers on reports that the administration was considering moving homeless people off the streets in California.
Get ready to laugh.

You are going to laugh.

Here goes.

On Sunday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said former neurosurgeon Ben Carson did not have the “intelligence” for his current position as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Carson had said Waters lacks basic manners after she had written President Donald Trump a letter demanding answers on reports that the administration was considering moving homeless people off the streets in California.

She also said on that show when asked if Trump should be impeached too for tweeting during the female ambassador’s testimony “ Absolutely he should be!” [roll] .
epublicans are on fire lately! They are planning to compel Eric Ciaramella to testify whether or not he is outed as the whistleblower.
Pubs need to question EC on his discussions with Schiff & his aides about what he told them of Trumps' actions wrt to Ukraine without ever asking if he's the wb. A) His answers will cause him to out himself & B) will show Schiff to be the liar he is. Will be juicy.
Get ready to laugh.

You are going to laugh.

Here goes.

On Sunday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said former neurosurgeon Ben Carson did not have the “intelligence” for his current position as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Carson had said Waters lacks basic manners after she had written President Donald Trump a letter demanding answers on reports that the administration was considering moving homeless people off the streets in California.


@FusterCluck looks like you were right. But sadly it looks like Trump just added another impeachable offense to the list. A sitting president can’t be going around pulling off crazy people’s wigs.
Ya I saw this too and couldn't believe some of their replies. The amount of people that think them giving $10 to homeless is a greater sacrifice or makes them a better person compared to Bezos giving away 98 mil is crazy to me.

It's clear as day that for some people, no matter what you do , it will never be enough to make them happy. Some people just want to be offended.
$98M is probably a lot lower % of his wealth than $10 is for a lot of people & even if not, he still has a $100B or so more than them. I wouldn't protest, but I don't see it as a big deal by him other than for the publicity.
Get ready to laugh.

You are going to laugh.

Here goes.

On Sunday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said former neurosurgeon Ben Carson did not have the “intelligence” for his current position as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Carson had said Waters lacks basic manners after she had written President Donald Trump a letter demanding answers on reports that the administration was considering moving homeless people off the streets in California.
Waters wants homeless on the CA streets? WTF?
That little amount by his standards is all about the publicity. And if it was really about charity, no one would know about.

That’s on top of the $97.5 million he gave away last year. I’m not really up to date on SEC rules, but I don’t think the largest shareholder of a publicly traded company can transfer around $100 million worth of shares in secret. Better to control the message.
That little amount by his standards is all about the publicity. And if it was really about charity, no one would know about.

Especially considering all the pr conveniently leaves out the fact it was in restricted stock.

It's still a sh!t ton of money. But all the facts should be included in the reports.
Hadn’t put two and two together, but $1.25 million each went to Bethany House in Cincinnati, and the Welcome House in Covington, KY.

Judging by the quotes on WCPO, those charities are happy with the $1.25 million. Maybe I’ll give them a call to see if they’re disappointed it’s a small percentage of Bezos net worth, or if the restrictions on the stock are too cumbersome.
Maybe I’ll give them a call to see if they’re disappointed it’s a small percentage of Bezos net worth, or if the restrictions on the stock are too cumbersome.

I'm sure they are as they should be. Generous gift. But what's wrong with FULLY reporting the nature of the gift?
I'm sure they are as they should be. Generous gift. But what's wrong with FULLY reporting the nature of the gift?

He gave $100 million to charity. That is fully reporting the nature of the gift.

Apparently his gifts also come with less strings attached than you generally see with large grants to charities. No specific restrictions on the spending. Far less cumbersome reporting requirements for the charity.
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The Courts: 3 Years of Trump vs. 8 Years of Obama
  • 2 Supreme Court Justices confirmed each
  • 48 Circuit Court Justices confirmed each (excluding the federal circuit which hears mostly patent cases)
  • 5 Obama Circuit Judges have retired and been replaced by Trump. So remaining Obama circuit judges only number 43.
  • Roughly 100 vacancies remain (including district and specialty courts) for Trump/Mitch to fill over the next year or so.
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$98M is probably a lot lower % of his wealth than $10 is for a lot of people & even if not, he still has a $100B or so more than them. I wouldn't protest, but I don't see it as a big deal by him other than for the publicity.

I don't care how much of a % it is from his net worth. The fact that anyone can sit there and bitch about someone giving 100 million dollars to charity is flat out ridiculous.

I also don't care if it's through stock or up front with cash. I also don't care if it was 100% a PR move. Again people are bitching because someone gave 100 million dollars to charity. That's where we're at right now. I think that's pretty sad and pathetic. This is also coming from someone who doesn't like Bezos at all.
That’s on top of the $97.5 million he gave away last year. I’m not really up to date on SEC rules, but I don’t think the largest shareholder of a publicly traded company can transfer around $100 million worth of shares in secret. Better to control the message.
He can do that every year the rest of his life & it won't dent his NW.
Hadn’t put two and two together, but $1.25 million each went to Bethany House in Cincinnati, and the Welcome House in Covington, KY.

Judging by the quotes on WCPO, those charities are happy with the $1.25 million. Maybe I’ll give them a call to see if they’re disappointed it’s a small percentage of Bezos net worth, or if the restrictions on the stock are too cumbersome.
It's great those orgs got that money. What does it say about what kind of person Bezos is? Not much imo. Let me know when he's down below $1B NW. Someone who gives their last $10 is bigger to me.