How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Red flag laws are unnecessary. If existing laws were just enforced there would be no issue. In almost every situation, the shooter committed an act that would result in a conviction or epo. Could've never gotten a gun.

Although I'm not sure that would have stopped them
Red flag laws use the same tactic the left has used against Trump with false accusations and hearsay. Problem is, most Americans don't have teams of lawyers to help combat it. The left has been doing their job very well for so long now that real Americans (the right) have lost a lot of our freedoms.

KY uses Soros machines, and MIT just released a study about how stupid easy it would be for even a third party to monitor and change electronic votes using these machines as an example.

We know for a fact that head of our elections stole and gifted all voter registration info to a private tech company who donated to her campaign.

That second part should have been enough to halt any election that lady ran until you could ensure nothing was compromised. It barely made the news.
Any talk of censure should be taken off the table NOW. Let them impeach.

I think the American public need to see laid bare the idiot witness congaline so this pseudo-media-coup is never attempted again:

Joe Biden
Lt Col Vinndman
Dr Fiona Hill

these disgusting morons should twist for their roles in trying to illegally disenfranchise half of this nations voting power.
Check this out. Rasmussen finds out that their % numbers on black voters in their recent poll nearly match exactly the findings re % of registered black voters in the recent Emerson poll. Rasmussen asks if they can retweet info... 34% Trump approval

<-- this is me laughing.


says no way
Hard to say if this is for extra votes, to fake citizenship, or both.

If you go to a passport office, it's at least 50% Latinos there getting American passports. Are that many suddenly getting citizenship? Or is it something like this? I honestly don't know. But it is suspicious

Probably not... average American doesn't ever leave the country, average naturalized latino probably does to go visit family. If we kept letting everyone who wants in in, it'd probably be 90% before you knew it.
Red flag laws are an egregious violation of due process, and this situation looks like a textbook example of that.
So you can't admit anyone to a hospital for mental issues without due process either? You can't take guns away from anyone until they have a mental evaluation & a court ruling? I think there's a place between having people admitted & having the right to weapons.
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Probably not... average American doesn't ever leave the country, average naturalized latino probably does to go visit family. If we kept letting everyone who wants in in, it'd probably be 90% before you knew it.
Once they get a passport, as long as they keep it current they (16 year old or older) can use it for ID up to 15 years after expiration and they can can continue to get one. However, for the first one they would have to show American citizenship through natural birth certificate here or, Birth Abroad certificate with American parent/s or Consular Report or, Naturalization Certificate through official means. Children under 16 must use one of these for every renewal.
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How can a rational person look at all the FACTS we've seen so far, going back to before the election, and still not realize that the MSM IS THE DNC?

How many times do they have to flood us with a story only to have it rebuked by evidence, sometimes hours later?

How can you watch the talking heads all use the same buzzword on the same day and not perceive that the entirety of their information is coming from a centralized location?

If we could figure the "how", then maybe, just maybe, we can immunize against it. I don't know how the infection spreads, I just hope I never catch it. Must be brutal.

Liberalism is a disease. It's not your fault. There are people who will help you help yourself.
So you can't admit anyone to a hospital for mental issues without due process either? You can't take guns away from anyone until they have a mental evaluation & a court ruling? I think there's a place between having people admitted & having the right to weapons.
Edit: "& having the right to weapons either during a calming down period, say a month, or until they get a court ruling saying they're Ok to have them.". I mean some people go wacko & are dangerous immediately. I respect police to make that judgment for temporary removal, but if they pull that repeatedly, often, those cops are themselves dangerous & need to be dealt with as other problem cops do.

My friend sent me this link. It’s a 17:00 clip of 4 guys arguing over Myles Garett’s racial slur accusation.

The fact that people are more focused on a potentially used racial slur (which he didn’t bring up for a week) than a guy cracking another guy over the head with a helmet shows me all we need to know about how pathetic society is today.
How can a rational person look at all the FACTS we've seen so far, going back to before the election, and still not realize that the MSM IS THE DNC?

How many times do they have to flood us with a story only to have it rebuked by evidence, sometimes hours later?

How can you watch the talking heads all use the same buzzword on the same day and not perceive that the entirety of their information is coming from a centralized location?

If we could figure the "how", then maybe, just maybe, we can immunize against it. I don't know how the infection spreads, I just hope I never catch it. Must be brutal.

Liberalism is a disease. It's not your fault. There are people who will help you help yourself.

The people you speak of have this utopia vision in their head, which will never exist anywhere on earth ever. Actual racists, actual bigots and actual greed will not allow it. But this doesn’t stop them from dreaming about it.

They’ve been told Trump is why it can’t happen. Trump is their dose of reality. And they can’t take it. So they’ll cling to anything that says otherwise. Fabricated or not. And when it’s proven untrue, they’ll move on like it never happened or continue to pretend the original story is true.
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May have found some correlation between the rise in school shootings talking placed over the last decade.

What is not surprising is that the study found that most students who committed these deadly shootings had a history of disciplinary trouble--their behavior disturbed others but was never reported. It also determined school shootings “are not sudden, impulsive acts where a student gets disgruntled,” and “the majority of these incidents are preventable.” In other words, the system was blinking red, and little was done about it. The report’s conclusion says that schools may need to think differently about school discipline and intervention.

Why does this matter? Remember in 2011, when Barack Obama and his Department of Education were on a socially engineered crusade to artificially manufacture public school safety through race politics? Recall they launched their Supportive School Discipline Initiative that was championed as a national model for discipline reform. Yet, this misguided intervention into local school policy is why the Department of Education should be shut down. Through forced compliance to receive federal funding, this junk science kept many miscreants in the school instead of finding an alternative placement somewhere else and an effective tracking system.

Obama and his Department of Education ignored the real-life experiences of teachers and school administrators who knew that keeping a student who should be expelled or at least suspended from school for extremely outrageous behavior was not a novel concept, but a dangerous one. Take for example a teacher in a North Carolina school who said that the daily fights, concealed weapons, and assaults on faculty were ignored simply to reduce the number of incidents reported. Or the father of a student killed in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas School in Parkland, Florida who called these polices cancerous and that these lenient, P.C. policies led to the non-reporting of potential school killers. Maybe like the Stoneman Douglas shooter Nikolas Cruz.


The people you speak of have this utopia vision in their head, which will never exist anywhere on earth ever. Actual racists, actual bigots and actual greed will not allow it. But this doesn’t stop them from dreaming about it.

All that's very true, and then it's deeper than that like Sowell notes frequently; they aren't checking their own racism, bigotry and greed while they deflect their own flaws onto other people only. LOts of group think and mob rule mentality, pitch fork squads etc. Their kind of racism and greed is acceptable, but not others and they need to be severely punished and totally ostracized for their sins... no, no kind of actual racism is acceptable and some people are greedy, others not and only thing we can do about it really is prevent illicit greed through law, the kind of greed Warren/Sanders hate that Bezos, Gates et al have helps society far more than it hurts.

And then there's absultely the case they (some) are trying to normalize degenerate behavior and even grotesque insidious stuff like pedophilia. There was that LGTBQ RSTLNE DNC town hall meeting on CNN a few a weeks back has to be one of the most surreal things I have ever seen, those people are mentally ill and need help not encouragment to pass on gender dysphoria to child victims. We would've all agreed on that as a society a decade ago the same way we would've all agreed if you are going to judge someone you judge them by their character or actions, not by their skin color or whatever group they belong to.

strange times really
The poll should have read that it is only directed at adults on the board, not little beta children. You do not apply.

Ha! not what that pathetic POS was posting on here in that past. Now that black americans are showing support for Trump/

*poof* all of sudden he doesn't care.

I hate ed323232. If I had 3 wishes from a genie. I'd use all 3 on figuring out how to make his life a living hell.
Ha! not what that pathetic POS was posting on here in that past. Now that black americans are showing support for Trump/

*poof* all of sudden he doesn't care.

I hate ed323232. If I had 3 wishes from a genie. I'd use all 3 on figuring out how to make his life a living hell.
Not to rain on your parade dear friend... but the "Ignore" button is a lot easier... and more effective in the long run.
Lmao, damn dems are f****d with Trumps black support at 34%. No wonder they want him impeached before the election.
I found out how serious the black voting block was about their approval of President Trump this week. I have a black woman pharmacist and when I picked up a prescription Friday she was in rare form. She was livid with what is going on in this impeachment thing and let everybody around her know it. An old lady had a Trump cap on and when the pharmacist saw it she started telling her and everyone around her how much she loved Trump. She said she had two teenage sons and President Trump had made a future for them and now they had a chance in life. Not only did they both work for the first time in their life but both would be going to college just as she had. In spite of the fact her husband had run out on them when they were very young. Then she went off on illegal immigration and you could tell that was her main concern. Illegals taking jobs that normally would go to teenage blacks or whites for that matter. But she said blacks.

She then said Trump will get more black votes by far than any Republican in history. And that includes Abe Lincoln since they couldn't vote in America then. Trump in a landslide

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