How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Platinum really does hate everything about this country doesn't he? Makes one wonder why he stays. Isn't he the one who inherited millions? Seems he could move just about anywhere.
He wants our military members to die because he wants an uneven playing field. Liberals idiots like him got many Americans killed in Vietnam.
When and where did you serve?
Very well could be one of those that enlisted in the Air Force, late 80s to mid 90s, but after a couple of weeks, sweltering in 80 degree heat, Lackland, early March, he fell out of too many 0800 hrs. "at your own pace" PT runs . . . got put into the TDP program. The trainees that stuck it through picked on him for the next few weeks while he was being cycled out. He's been a bitter little punk ever since. Came home to an embarrassed pair of parents who forced themselves to say they still loved him no matter what happened. He blames his failures on others. Wants to see others fail. For chronic losers, this is a primary means of self-validation.
Hey Levi, still asking why Ukraine got no military aid from Obama and did in fact get military aid from Trump? Aside from the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal that Obama desperately wanted with Russia, (yes I know it’s all about “good intentions” with liberals), you never responded?

Sorry Political Board, I know I shouldn’t engage this false intellectual.
Political Board Poll: Should Pompeo run for Pat Robert’s Senate seat or stay on as SOS?See pros and cons of both, heard rumblings among many Kansas Republicans that think Kris Kobach can’t win.
Hey Levi, still asking why Ukraine got no military aid from Obama and did in fact get military aid from Trump? Aside from the disastrous Iranian nuclear deal that Obama desperately wanted with Russia, (yes I know it’s all about “good intentions” with liberals), you never responded?

Sorry Political Board, I know I shouldn’t engage this false intellectual.

With him, it's not Gospel, it's google....but he states it like it's Gospel.

Real life tyranny.

Veteran was “red flagged” by someone for having a 30 round mag. Cops went to his house while he was at work, told his wife to let them in or they would call CPS, they took his guns, then later came back and made a huge scene.

another New York success story

Standoff over.

See how much attention this gets going forward. He’s f’d unless a bunch of rich people want to stand up for our constitutional rights and fight government tyranny on his behalf.

Trump should do/say something. Red flag laws are an egregious violation of due process, and this situation looks like a textbook example of that.

This is nuts, and it’s not unique. What makes this situation unique is the guy is a veteran who damn sure knows his rights, and he had friends that showed up to protest for him.
Slightly OT: Will Ferrell was on SNL tonight, and they covered the DNC debates the other nights.. it was hysterical. Lot of past cast members came out and they basically made the debate into a circus.. well more of a circus than it already was.

Should be up on youtube in a few hours.
All dems want Buttface. I’m not sure why really, but I guess it doesn’t matter either. Biden is a pawn to keep this impeachment crap in the news. Warren is a joke and Bernie was undercut and back stabbed for Hillary........the rest is all filler to see what platform “their guy” needs to run on.

Should be fun debates once he is on stage with Trump.

I don’t get how these news outlets get away with running so many debunked testimonies. CNN has ran the Sondland “as far as quid pro quo, yes it was” only to later be completely opposite of that. Aren’t they sworn in? Isn’t that illegal?