How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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When are you sore losers going to take down these yard signs? I've had to look at these since 2016. I can guarantee you don't give a damn about the immigrants but would rather bitch about backing a poor candidate.

When are you sore losers going to take down these yard signs? I've had to look at these since 2016. I can guarantee you don't give a damn about the immigrants but would rather bitch about backing a poor candidate.

All of these signs are in neighborhoods where the only immigrant is *maybe* one Indian or Japanese doctor. Odd that
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The job of the United States Military is to kill people and break things. Real hard to be nice while doing it...

Don't want to be on the wrong side of that.........

And, by the way, when it comes to killing ISIS scum, savagely should be the only acceptable way.

But you keep being you. Moaning because some American badass kills terrorists too hard.
Yes the way to show scum who is boss is to yourself become scum. You would have fit in well in the Reich.
Dumb ass students have stopped the Harvard - Yale football game. They are having a sit in on the 50 yard line over climate. I am not sure what they have against climate but so it goes.

This is what you get with an Ivy League education.
That's what their admins sow. I'm happy they are thus reaping their crop. Do it at every Ivy League game & get them off TV.
If you think white supremacy is bad, check out the transphobes who think they are superior to women like me. I started identifying as a woman 3 weeks ago, but I'm not here to talk about my transition! OOOOOH YEAH!!! And ever since I have people have been telling me I'm crazy and that I have an unfair advantage against other females like myself. Well I say cry harder transphobes! OOOH YEAH!!! Heather Swanson is twice the woman you transphobes would ever hope to be! And I'll take on any man as well! Even though I am 100% woman, I have a feeling I could hold my own against you, even if you have advantages being male. OHHHH YEAH!!!
Ya I know the commercial you're talking about. My favorite part of that commercial is the part that says something along the lines of,

"my doctor tells me that Im at a higher risk of contracting the HIV virus."

I just laugh to myself every time I hear that. Now really why is that? Why has my doctor never told me that Im at a high risk of contracting HIV? Is it maybe because I dont have promiscuous unprotected gay sex?

I have a way for the gay community to not be at such a high risk of contracting HIV. Dont go around having unprotected sex with random people that you meet.
You actually watch commercials? Holy Sh!t !!
Yes the way to show scum who is boss is to yourself become scum. You would have fit in well in the Reich.
And you would fit well in the grave. Putting constraints on people who are doing a job your coward ass would not do. Where and when did you serve? If you did not, shut the hell up! You have no right to complain about methods.
because unlike TRump they understand that he is a POS that doesn't deserve the honor of being a SEAL. their job is to protect America not commit war crimes like savages.
You've obviously never served in the military, and you do not understand the maniacal ego-jealousy among the officer corps towards the bad-ass, hero-worshipped enlisted. It is a real thing. Let these senior field grades quit. If having their way over an enlisted man's qualifications (something they never intended through the UCMJ process, and I don't even know if the article 15 process has means to do it), is more important to them than continuing to lead the Navy, the country does not need them. If the leaders of the Navy are incapable of performing their duties because of emotional trauma centered around a single enlistee (albeit an outstanding non-com), they need to be put out to pasture instead of waiting for them to decide to leave the herd on their own. Also, your comments confirm it . . . you are a complete pussy.
When RBG dies in October, and Trump and Cocaine Mitch push through a justice, it’s going to be my favorite time ever.

I’m at the point where I think most of the SCOTUS agenda isn’t all that different. I think outliers like Thomas and RBG are dangerous but most of them are pretty committed to the constitution.

That being said, I’d take 9 Kavanaughs if it was an option.
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Platinum really does hate everything about this country doesn't he? Makes one wonder why he stays. Isn't he the one who inherited millions? Seems he could move just about anywhere.
Sure . . . he inherited millions . . . exactly why he spends his Saturday nights slumming on the paddock. All multi-millionaires do that shit.
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