How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I think what your trying to say without sounding like a racist redneck. There isn't enough old white people left in Texas.
The Californing I'm referring to to, you worthless, never will amount to jack shit pip-squeek, is ideological among Texans and has nothing to with with racial change. You can go fk yourself, and while doing so remember that you are the racist coward for bringing it up. Have a real shitty life.
If Epstein diddled boys, the radical left would be trying to defend it.

In this era of "Me Too" I have always found it odd that there aren't a lot of homosexuals wrapped up in it.
Interesting, delicate subject you have there. I suppose that you have to be a former football player or boy scout to have cods enough to confront your former abuser these days . . . rank and file Hollywood Mr. Fancies, not so much?
"Thread" before I link a tweet means it's a Twitter thread. Meaning click on it because there's more than one tweet.

You're thinking of /thread. It's not the same. That's something you put at the end of your post, not the beginning. How are you always so wrong when trying to dig at me?

What can I say man, you’ve got my number. I guess I should know my place and not take on an internet legend. How many twitter trophies have you got in your case?
This infuriates me the more I think about it. My wife and I have spent years teaching our daughters to respect themselves and to value and protect their innocence, only to have some ****wit know-it-all liberal shit stain undo OUR work with OUR children just b/c said ****wit can't just rub one out and go to ****ing sleep w/o being a GD sexual deviant.

Again, these people are less-than. They continually break their backs to remind us...

Look, assholes, when sex defines your entire existence, you're as basic a bitch as they come.
Do you talk like that in front of your daughters?
What can I say man, you’ve got my number. I guess I should know my place and not take on an internet legend. How many twitter trophies have you got in your case?
I have whoever you are talking to on ignore but I can guess who it is. The posting equivalent of paint drying. Lol.
White supremacist racism was on it's last leg in this country until the Obama admin resurrected it and his legacy is being continued through social justice warrior's fake and false stories of vandalism and attacks. It seems they need this to keep their people in line. I really believe that if people were actually fed the truth, their would not be another democrat elected in any major political office. Local yes because of friends and associates but not major ones.
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Dumb ass students have stopped the Harvard - Yale football game. They are having a sit in on the 50 yard line over climate. I am not sure what they have against climate but so it goes.

This is what you get with an Ivy League education.

Perhaps they should try that sort of thing on a NASCAR starting line. At least the cars have exhaust fumes.

Education is dead. Indoctrination is all the rage in most colleges these days.
Wouldn’t be surprising. They started adopting gays, then LGBT, now they’re all in on the T of LGBT.

Gays and lesbians are one thing. Have no problem with someone who is gay. But this trans BS is going too far. One could easily see them adding pedophilia to their platform in the future.

Another transphobe!? Are you threatened by women like me!? Girls look up to me from around the world and you're trying to deny them a heroine as macho as myself! OOOOOH YEAH!!!!
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