How will they rule ??!

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Dear Democrats;

Just a quick question: how many people have to die before you recognize the problem... and, in turn, stop trying to import them to the US? Exactly what is the acceptable body count?

Concerned Citizens of the USA

As of 2015, # of deaths from terrorism in the USA in the previous decade: 24
# of deaths from guns: 280,024
# automobile accidents: ~310,000

I suspect more people die from hyperventilating about terrorism than die from terrorist attacks.
But I could be wrong.

I suspect the number of people saved from the Muslim doctors, nurses, etc in this country far exceeds the deaths from terrorists by x1000. But I don't believe people keep that kind of statistic.

Since this is a UK forum, why don't we ask Nazr Mohammed about it?
Here's part of a post I summed up yesterday that describes it perfectly. Thanks you cat daddy for proving what we already know.

The left hates this btw. They hate it when a conservative plays in the prototypical fashion of the left. Libs like to set the table from their own rulebook. Since conservatives are supposed to be "christain whites' who value spirituality, family, and traditional values, we're not supposed to operate from the gutter and use low lying means for political gain like the left often does. They've been playing this game for years. And up until now, the intimidation of "be perfect or else Mr. white conservative" that media and political machines perpetuate has worked, and has created a weak republican party that until recently had little life. I've always been a strategic principled republican, because that imo is the only defense against the extreme left. I want as far from it as possible. I'm loving libs having this thrown back into their face. The gloves come off.

But yea The left is terrified right now. I watch all news channels and am a regular of left leaning blogs and sites. They know they are in trouble. Hillary doesn't have a silent vote. She needs to poll 5-7 points above trump to feel any sort of safety, and a tie probably means Trump is up by the Margin of error. There are very few people left undecided.

Get on the train, or get run over.[/QUOTE]
to mealy mouth little liberal trigglypuffs like you any opinion that isnt extreme far left is hate speech. we arent playing that game here, and hopefully soon this game will cease nationwide. the political cleansing that is being attempted to silence as well as punish any and all conservative opinions is worst than anything that occurred under the fabled 'red scare' of the 50's that is so romanticized.
As of 2015, # of deaths from terrorism in the USA in the previous decade: 24
# of deaths from guns: 280,024
# automobile accidents: ~310,000

I suspect more people die from hyperventilating about terrorism than die from terrorist attacks.
But I could be wrong.

I suspect the number of people saved from the Muslim doctors, nurses, etc in this country far exceeds the deaths from terrorists by x1000. But I don't believe people keep that kind of statistic.

Since this is a UK forum, why don't we ask Nazr Mohammed about it?
This is exactly why we can't have a safe. well run country. There's simply too many stupid people voting.

This is so ignorant I'm not even going to bother trying.
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So I should compromise and just keep sticking with the Evangelical led Republican party that is killing true gov't reform. Nope, I'll stick with the Libertarian party. Will vote Trump only for the SCOTUS.

I don't agree with you, but thank you for seeing the strategic reality that no party is perfect, but the democrats are absolutely pitiful. Not many people are able to look past beliefs they don't want and vote on issues like the SC.

Hats off to willy.
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I don't agree with you, but thank you for seeing the strategic reality that no party is perfect, but the democrats are absolutely pitiful. Not many people are able to look past beliefs they don't want and vote on issues like the SC.

Hats off to willy.

Thanks. At least with Trump, he'll get influenced by other conservatives in his ear. Republican advisers will guide him when it comes time to choose candidates.
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As of 2015, # of deaths from terrorism in the USA in the previous decade: 24
# of deaths from criminals who have guns: 280,024
# automobile accidents: ~310,000

I suspect more people die from hyperventilating about terrorism than die from terrorist attacks.
But I could be wrong.

I suspect the number of people saved from the Muslim doctors, nurses, etc in this country far exceeds the deaths from terrorists by x1000. But I don't believe people keep that kind of statistic.

Since this is a UK forum, why don't we ask Nazr Mohammed about it?

Fixed if for you in bold. Not sure you know it but, guns don't shoot without someone pulling the trigger. Also, I will bet many of those guns were bought illegally. But I am glad we have people like you to tell us there is nothing to worry about with terrorism.
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Fixed if for you in bold. Not sure you know it but, guns don't shoot without someone pulling the trigger. Also, I will bet many of those guns were bought illegally. But I am glad we have people like you to tell us there is nothing to worry about with terrorism.

If you had to pay me $1 or point out the place in my post where I said there was "nothing to worry about with terrorism", which would you do?
Thanks. At least with Trump, he'll get influenced by other conservatives in his ear. Republican advisers will guide him when it comes time to choose candidates.
I've always saw this as a big positive with Trump. He is a business man who has had to rely on surrounding himself with persons who are experts in their own fields. I feel like in a Trump presidency that is exactly what he will do as well. Trump may look like a fool on occasion with some of the brash things he says, but truthfully the guy does not want to fail at anything he does. His presidency will be the same fashion of surrounding himself with the best and brightest in order to "get sh*t right" as Eric Bledsoe once said lol.
So you likely think the amount of AAs killed by cops is nbd since the % of population is so small, right?

No big deal? Why would that be no big deal? Yet, this is the kicker. The 100 AAs kill by cops this year is still 4 times bigger than the number of deaths in this country by terrorist attack in the decade 2006-2015.

And this should console you: despite the claim that Democrats ignore terrorism and the Islamist threat, the armed forces still attack ISIS. The CIA still searches out foreign terrorists. The FBI still tracks down domestic terrorists. The NSA still ferrets out their communications. The TSA still frisks or scans everyone boarding an airplane. The Foreign Service still tries to build alliances to help track them down. All with a black Democrat in the White House. The Alex Joneses of the world are wrong. The ranters are just out there trying to sell gullible eyes and ears to advertisers.
France PM says that France has to learn to live with terrorism.

wow. If I were French I'd be moving.
About six months ago I posted exactly what it would take to defeat radical Islamic terrorism.

Unfortunately you have to hit them where it hurts. Their homes. Their villages. Their loved ones. Where they worship. What they care about.

What would have happened to the United States if we would have said the Japanese people are not the enemy and that most Japanese citizens do not support the war being waged? If we tried to win WWII by only fighting the entrenched Japanese soldiers that were all too happy to die for their country? That willingly sacrificed themselves without hesitation in combat?

In order to save American lives we had to do something so unthinkable that today it would not even be possible to propose. But it had to be done and it saved hundreds of thousands of American lives and an entire generation of fathers and sons that were able to come back home to their families.

Until you are willing to take the battle to their homes and their families, to make them understand that everything they love is in the kitty when the are planning their attacks. To make them understand that when they strap on an explosive vest or climb into a truck filled with dynamite... that their own families and villages will pay the price for their actions, then you will not stop them. Ever.

Take the battle to them. Unfortunately, in war, in the hell war unleashes... that means their families. Everything they care about.
Anti-Trump delegates fail in their attempt to allow delegates to vote for who they want on the first ballot.
All of these elected officials who desire to go against what the people have voted for need to be shown the door. Watch when their elections come up if a majority are not ousted after their opponents show their constituents how they wanted to go against their wishes.
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If you had to pay me $1 or point out the place in my post where I said there was "nothing to worry about with terrorism", which would you do?
Tell you that that was the intent or you are just trying to downplay the relevance of recent attacks and you are just being disingenuous. Anyone with a little intelligence could see this.
As of 2015, # of deaths from terrorism in the USA in the previous decade: 24
# of deaths from guns: 280,024
# automobile accidents: ~310,000

I suspect more people die from hyperventilating about terrorism than die from terrorist attacks.
But I could be wrong.

I suspect the number of people saved from the Muslim doctors, nurses, etc in this country far exceeds the deaths from terrorists by x1000. But I don't believe people keep that kind of statistic.

Since this is a UK forum, why don't we ask Nazr Mohammed about it?

And do you apply this logic to law enforcement?
No big deal? Why would that be no big deal? Yet, this is the kicker. The 100 AAs kill by cops this year is still 4 times bigger than the number of deaths in this country by terrorist attack in the decade 2006-2015.

And this should console you: despite the claim that Democrats ignore terrorism and the Islamist threat, the armed forces still attack ISIS. The CIA still searches out foreign terrorists. The FBI still tracks down domestic terrorists. The NSA still ferrets out their communications. The TSA still frisks or scans everyone boarding an airplane. The Foreign Service still tries to build alliances to help track them down. All with a black Democrat in the White House. The Alex Joneses of the world are wrong. The ranters are just out there trying to sell gullible eyes and ears to advertisers.
The second paragraph is rambling nonsense. The first ignores your basic premise that terrorist deaths should not be seen as such a big deal due to the low % of made the argument not me. And you then say, very misleading, 4x or whatever, but the % of AAs killed by cops using the the same rationale is minuscule, basically identical statistically to terror deaths as % of population....and it is a huge deal. Be careful with stats dude when you have such flimsy agendas.
Tell you that that was the intent or you are just trying to downplay the relevance of recent attacks and you are just being disingenuous. Anyone with a little intelligence could see this.

No. You keep evading the point. The point was absolutely not to downplay the relevance of recent attacks. It was to downplay the histrionics by offering perspective on what terrorism in this country actually amounts to. Perspective. If you don't want to accept it, I can't make you, but terrorism is a smaller worry in this country than snake bite or bee stings.
BTW Moe, I would add the Americans abroad, including military, killed by terrorists in that numbers....probably not a big deal to you.
The second paragraph is rambling nonsense. The first ignores your basic premise that terrorist deaths should not be seen as such a big deal due to the low % of made the argument not me. And you then say, very misleading, 4x or whatever, but the % of AAs killed by cops using the the same rationale is minuscule, basically identical statistically to terror deaths as % of population....and it is a huge deal. Be careful with stats dude when you have such flimsy agendas.
I wonder how many were killed committing a crime and were also shooting at the police. I guess those killed by terrorist were committing crimes against Islam and had it coming too. Liberal logic.
The second paragraph is rambling nonsense. The first ignores your basic premise that terrorist deaths should not be seen as such a big deal due to the low % of made the argument not me. And you then say, very misleading, 4x or whatever, but the % of AAs killed by cops using the the same rationale is minuscule, basically identical statistically to terror deaths as % of population....and it is a huge deal. Be careful with stats dude when you have such flimsy agendas.

If you had to pay me $1 or show me where I said that, which would/could you do?
I wonder how many were killed committing a crime and were also shooting at the police. I guess those killed by terrorist were committing crimes against Islam and had it coming too. Liberal logic.
We do know they count the death perpetuated by terrorists flooding into Iraq from Iran, Syria, etc on Bush's fault tally.
The second paragraph is rambling nonsense. The first ignores your basic premise that terrorist deaths should not be seen as such a big deal due to the low % of made the argument not me. And you then say, very misleading, 4x or whatever, but the % of AAs killed by cops using the the same rationale is minuscule, basically identical statistically to terror deaths as % of population....and it is a huge deal. Be careful with stats dude when you have such flimsy agendas.

This is why the left gets routinely rocked in debates and their hypocrisy gets exposed. When you value ideology over facts/common sense, it twists you in circles because you're committed to this stance no matter what and it exposes your contradictions.
What would have happened to the United States if we would have said the Japanese people are not the enemy and that most Japanese citizens do not support the war being waged? If we tried to win WWII by only fighting the entrenched Japanese soldiers that were all too happy to die for their country? That willingly sacrificed themselves without hesitation in combat?

Well, war against Japan is much different than war against terrorism. Japan was a sovereign nation with it's central government seated in a capital. One entity had the power to decide to surrender. This battle would be "simpler" if it were against a nation with defined boundaries.

Terrorism, on the other hand, is decentralized. There are a multitude of cells working independently of each other. Killing one is like cutting off the head of the hydra.
No, there are many similarities with the WWII Japanese and modern terrorism. The most important is that you can kill all the Japanese or all the terrorists you want to and that will not stop them as they are more than willing to die for their causes.

The answer to both is the same, they must understand that their sacrifices will not be honorable and that they will be causing death and harm to those that they love if they continue. That is the only way to stop them both. It's the only thing that ultimately brought the Japanese to the table to surrender.

Yes, Japan obviously is a sovereign nation while terrorism is fought and waged under an umbrella of different nations. That's why Trump is correct in wanting to ban all muslims from entering the United States from the middle east. That is one way to place an incentive on these host nations to stop terrorism. Every nation must understand that if they allow terrorist safe haven within their borders there will be a stiff price to pay and we will attack targets inside their borders with impunity until they themselves are willing to stop it.

Finally, the religion itself is the problem. We are going to have to be willing to kill a sizable portion of their population in order to get them to stop. That or endure hundreds of years more of their senseless violence in the name of their senseless religion.
The 31 killed exceed your number of deaths.

It is 13 killed. 33 wounded. I assume your numbers have Hood as workplace violence.

The number I cited was 25 over a decade. 13 were killed at Ft. Hood. 13 < 25.

The numbers I found were someone else's compilation. If you have other numbers, just cite them rather than put words in my mouth.
All these petty 'symbols' like lighting up buildings with the color of France and all the idiotic "the religion of Islam is peaceful" and all the other idiocy that we are doing will solve nothing. Indeed we are emboldening the enemy and the proof is in the increasing tempo of their attacks which is a direct reflection of the fact they do not respect our power.

Similarly it is fools gold, potentially bankrupting entire nations, to think we can continue to sit back in a defensive position trying to stop all these attacks. That is too expensive to sustain.

Recognize the tough choices that must be made. Recognize that we did not start this fight. Recognize that war is a savage animal to unleash but once it has been you must be willing to do what is necessary to win, and often times the brunt of that will fall on the innocent, the defenseless, the women, and the children.

Look back at history as the lesson is clear. Either be willing to be attacked randomly for hundreds of years (they've been at each others throats in the middle east for thousands) or be willing to do what is necessary to permanently, decisively stop this shit. And that means a lot of people need to die.

What I don't want is to listen to any more of these weak speeches talking about we all are one and we all stand with xxxxxx today. Enough of that shit.
The number I cited was 25 over a decade. 13 were killed at Ft. Hood. 13 < 25.

The numbers I found were someone else's compilation. If you have other numbers, just cite them rather than put words in my mouth.

I'm glad you agree the BLM movement is misleading and m
lying when talking about black men being gunned down in America by police.

Never thought we'd find common ground.