How will they rule ??!

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Identifying with the Christian faith is something that is universal on the national stage, and as a Christian, im happy about that. Not going to deny it obviously. I think most of the time it's worked out ok for most agnostics, with lots of moderate rulings across the board. Of course not always, which is usually corrected at the supreme court level, but what other religious nation goes so far to seperate "church and state" as a secular or agnostic would see it? I'm not sure agnostic / atheistic leaders would bend that much. Look how angry willy gets at the mention of Christianity:mad: Lots of hostility and anger toward the Devine Santa, as he would probably call it.

Just my opinion.
Blue Man- you're right. We do see eye to eye on most stuff. I will admit when I am wrong. I was wrong getting harsh with you.

Ted Cruz isn't electable. I hate to say it, Mitt Romney would eat Ted Cruz up and shit out his bones. But Mitt's too public image friendly nice to eat Ted Cruz's flesh.

Why I hate Ted Cruz. Oh boy. Where do I start?
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Blue Man- you're right. We do see eye to eye on most stuff. I will admit when I am wrong. I was wrong getting harsh with you.

Ted Cruz isn't electable. I hate to say it, Mitt Romney would eat Ted Cruz up and shit out his bones. But Mitt's too public image friendly nice to eat Ted Cruz's flesh.

Why I hate Ted Cruz. Oh boy. Where do I start?

Is it because his last name is Cruz?

Or does one have to be a member of blue team for that to be valid?

I'm trying. I said before no offense taken. Though not necessary, your apology is accepted and appreciated.

I will agree that Cruz would have a very difficult time getting elected, and that Romney would probably fare better electorally. However, I would respectfully disagree with your assessment if your Romney vs, Cruz assessment is based upon head-to-head substance criteria.

Also to clarify, I didn't mean to imply that Reagan was the origin of the evangelical influence within the Republican party. Apologies if that's how it came across. Just cited Reagan as the last President who was a strong conservative who also didn't shy away from his faith. Bush (W) didn't shy away from his faith, but he certainly didn't govern conservatively (expansion of healthcare, spending, etc.).
Last edited: I said before no offense taken. Apology accepted and appreciated.

Also to clarify, I didn't mean to imply that Reagan was the origin of the evangelical influence within the Republican party. Apologies if that's how it came across. Just cited Reagan as the last President who was a strong conservative who also didn't shy away from his faith. Bush (W) didn't shy away from his faith, but he certainly didn't govern conservatively (expansion of healthcare, spending, etc.). I would argue that the evangelical influence on conservatism has been present since the earliest founding of our nation but that's a whole other topic.

Blue Man, somewhere Cruz sold you. I'm not about to try to change your mind. Not that I could anyway hahaha

Treaty of Tripoli separated and nixed the notion that this country was Evangelical. Bill Derrington on here, who is an awesome guy, (hey Bill) thinks that the treaty was for pirates. Regardless. This country and planet will thrive better without a religious God and a state God. Once people can learn to separate morals from religion and from gov't, you'll see this country conquer it. America baby. America. So happy to be here despite my anger
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Happy you're here despite the anger as well.

Before I trigger a "white Goodman" type, I'm not talking about a black guy.
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I giggle every time I see the posts about being a Christian after reading months of hate filled speech by these very same people. I'm sure your god gets a real kick out of it too.
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Yessir, Willy! With regard to your joke about changing my opinion, that's the hilarious thing about message boards! We could look back through 500+ pages of this thread and probably not find one example of anyone changing their opinion, LOL! Makes me wonder why I do it --- I guess it's therapy to vent, or to get my sword sharpened by defending my POV.

Nevertheless, I echo your sentiments! Glad to be an American as well despite the BS we currently find ourselves wading during this political season. I've enjoyed the discourse and will try to find Toobin's book you referenced.
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I giggle every time I see the posts about being a Christian after reading months of hate filled speech by these very same people. I'm sure your god gets a real kick out of it too.

Not sure what your post is even about here? Are you of the thought that Christians are supposed to be like Jesus and all perfect?
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Not sure what your post is even about here? Are you of the thought that Christians are supposed to be like Jesus and all perfect?

His post is making fun of Christians for being outraged that Muslims are killing hundreds if not thousands of innocent people and want everyone dead but themselves. He is more than likely of the belief that if you are a Christian you must be passive and take whatever comes at you lying down. In closing he is probably a Muslim or at least a Muslim sympathizer.
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I giggle every time I see the posts about being a Christian after reading months of hate filled speech by these very same people. I'm sure your god gets a real kick out of it too.
to mealy mouth little liberal trigglypuffs like you any opinion that isnt extreme far left is hate speech. we arent playing that game here, and hopefully soon this game will cease nationwide. the political cleansing that is being attempted to silence as well as punish any and all conservative opinions is worst than anything that occurred under the fabled 'red scare' of the 50's that is so romanticized.
I'm tired of the "There's x amount of Muslims on the planet." Yeah, and have you seen what occurs in these Muslim majority countries? I'm not talking about suicide vests. I'm talking about Sharia Law, mutilating female genitalia, justified rape, stoning of women, honor killings, slavery, child brides, executing or imprisoning gays, taxing and oppressing non Muslims.

That's mainstream Islam right there. Eff anyone who claims otherwise.
Maybe we have this "radical" thing all wrong. Perhaps it's those muslims that DON'T seek to kill the infidels that are the real radical muslims.
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He claims to be black, and thinks that opposing blacklivesmatter is hate speech.

Truth is, he's probably either a pale white fatass lesbian or a Muslim himself. Either way he's got learning issues and I'm sure is/was special ed.
Not sure what your post is even about here? Are you of the thought that Christians are supposed to be like Jesus and all perfect?

In fact, holding the title "Christian" should mean aspiring to be like Jesus. It also means you are forgiven when you don't act as Jesus taught. Yes, He was perfect. He showed how life is to be lived. As for being perfect, neither Christians nor anyone else will meet that standard.
I giggle every time I see the posts about being a Christian after reading months of hate filled speech by these very same people. I'm sure your god gets a real kick out of it too.
You do not understand anything about what you are posting about here. You can hate the sin and not necessarily the sinner. On the other hand, you can hate evil people and fight against it as a Christian. You have no real clue of what it is to be a Christian. It is not all kumbaya and roses. You strive to do right but fall well short of the mark but being A Christian does not mean you have to remain silent and take things lying down.
Trump needs to run with a complete cabinet set up and behind him. Carson, Christie, Flynn, Cruz, Gingrich etc, all on stage, saying if you vote for me these are the men you will get.

Gingrich-Speaker of the House
Carson-Surgeon General
Christie-Attorney General
Flynn-Secretary of Defense

That's a team right there.
The driver in the attack in France identified as Mohamad Lahouaiej Bouhel.
His entire extended family should be rounded up and shot dead in the street. Same with every other terrorist that decides to murder in the name of their cause. My plan will come to a logical conclusion one way or another. Either they stop, or we run out of Muslims. I'm fine with either.
His entire extended family should be rounded up and shot dead in the street. Same with every other terrorist that decides to murder in the name of their cause. My plan will come to a logical conclusion one way or another. Either they stop, or we run out of Muslims. I'm fine with either.

Probably a politically palatable solution if you just use a drone. Wouldn't even have to include the bodies in your estimates of collateral damage if you define the terms correctly.
His entire extended family should be rounded up and shot dead in the street. Same with every other terrorist that decides to murder in the name of their cause. My plan will come to a logical conclusion one way or another. Either they stop, or we run out of Muslims. I'm fine with either.
Pretty much what Trump said awhile back and got crucified for it.

What you are seeing is what happens when the US does not take the lead. We are witnessing why we have to do everyone else dirty work because we are the only ones with the toughness, resources, and willingness to police this world. The rest of the world (most) are weak and foolish.

Obama/Clinton foreign policy has been an abysmal failure.
Trump saying he hasn't made a VP pick yet. Wouldn't it be just like Trump to put Pence's name out there just to see the reaction before deciding for sure who he's going with.
Trump saying he hasn't made a VP pick yet. Wouldn't it be just like Trump to put Pence's name out there just to see the reaction before deciding for sure who he's going with.
He just announced on twitter Pence is the pick and a formal announcement will be made tomorrow.
France PM says that France has to learn to live with terrorism.

wow. If I were French I'd be moving.

If you read the thread from last night where I am now considered to be a moronic Nazi, you will see that over half the people in our country believe the same thing. The important thing is decency when people are killed rather than addressing the situation.
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Trump - P
Pence - VP
Chief of staff - Gingrich
Sec HHH - Carson
Sec Def - Gen Flynn
Sec State - Gen Mattis
Atty Gen - Christie

Christie should be head of transportation. That way he could hold up bridges while he greases his own pocket.

Sebastian Gorka needs to be brought to the White House.
If you read the thread from last night where I am now considered to be a moronic Nazi, you will see that over half the people in our country believe the same thing. The important thing is decency when people are killed rather than addressing the situation.

Well, I'm not backing down. Islam is garbage. Let people call me a religious bigot, I couldn't give two shits less.

Ymmot@ [laughing]
Probably a politically palatable solution if you just use a drone. Wouldn't even have to include the bodies in your estimates of collateral damage if you define the terms correctly.

Or have the correct letter next to your name. Otherwise, hell to pay via the media.
Dear Democrats;

Just a quick question: how many people have to die before you recognize the problem... and, in turn, stop trying to import them to the US? Exactly what is the acceptable body count?

Concerned Citizens of the USA