How will they rule ??!

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[QUITE="dezyDeco, post: 4839547, member: 12586"]Right now, Prez obuma is having a town hall meeting on ABC-- just said something like "it's easier to get your hands on a gun, than a computer or a book."

He's a real stickler for stats, he is.[/QUOTE]
It is easier to drive a truck than read.
Turkey should be the first call we make. They have a very powerful military and ISIS strong hold is only 35 miles from their boarder. Send these ****ers to the after life.

Their leader is back handling gifts to ISIS. That guy is shit
Cant believe you're not on the trump train yet willie.

Oh ill prolly end up voting for him. Johnson isnt representing the Libertarian party. Whoever is running the marketing position for them needs to be water boarded with fetid diarrhea.

Just so disappointed in Libertarian leadership. Soo ripe for the picking
Europe is paying the price for unlimited Muslim immigrants, and Obama and Hilary wants us to be MORE like Europe. And yet, Dems will blindly support her even if it means this happens in the US.

Man, even Europe doesn't want to be like Europe.

So at what point did Europe become the world model? Last I GD heard, America rules this mf'ing planet and shit goes through us. By God its about time America pulls out its dick and puts a GD end to these global shenanigans.
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Man, even Europe doesn't want to be like Europe.

So at what point did Europe become the world model? Last I GD heard, America rules this mf'ing planet and shit goes through us. By god its about time America pulls out its dick and puts a GD end to these global shenanigans.
Willy-France and Europe in general have tucked their collective tales under their butts and submitted in hopes that mercy will be shown. Not unlike Obama and the left have done in our country. Thank God that we still have enough people in this country who will fight them at every turn. But, those numbers are dwindling. To add to that, we are also submitting to the PC crowd here so much that when these attacks pick up here (and they will) I hope it happens to those that have allowed this to happen and not to those who have tried to at least prevent this.
Willy-France and Europe in general have tucked their collective tales under their butts and submitted in hopes that mercy will be shown. Not unlike Obama and the left have done in our country. Thank God that we still have enough people in this country who will fight them at every turn. But, those numbers are dwindling. To add to that, we are also submitting to the PC crowd here so much that when these attacks pick up here (and they will) I hope it happens to those that have allowed this to happen and not to those who have tried to at least prevent this.

Agreed. Ask the French now and I bet they would love to be voting for a Francexit.
I am tired of hearing terrorist. These ae not terrorist. The idea that this is not supported in the highest parts of the governments in the ME is pure BS.

I'm tired of the "There's x amount of Muslims on the planet." Yeah, and have you seen what occurs in these Muslim majority countries? I'm not talking about suicide vests. I'm talking about Sharia Law, mutilating female genitalia, justified rape, stoning of women, honor killings, slavery, child brides, executing or imprisoning gays, taxing and oppressing non Muslims.

That's mainstream Islam right there. Eff anyone who claims otherwise.
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I'm tired of the "There's x amount of Muslims on the planet." Yeah, and have you seen what occurs in these Muslim majority countries? I'm not talking about suicide vests. I'm talking about Sharia Law, mutilating female genitalia, justified rape, stoning of women, honor killings, slavery, child brides, executing or imprisoning gays, taxing and oppressing non Muslims.

That's mainstream Islam right there. Eff anyone who claims otherwise.
Hopefully, when it hits here, those pushing for bringing more in are the ones hit.
Oh ill prolly end up voting for him. Johnson isnt representing the Libertarian party. Whoever is running the marketing position for them needs to be water boarded with fetid diarrhea.

Just so disappointed in Libertarian leadership. Soo ripe for the picking
Honest question...why would you throw our vote away toward a libertarian candidate? You know they have 0% chance to win, but yet cast your vote.
Honest question...why would you throw our vote away toward a libertarian candidate? You know they have 0% chance to win, but yet cast your vote.

The Democrats and Republicans have failed us. If you can't get to that acceptance without using a "yeah, but" then it's gonna be hard for you to understand why I would vote for the Libertarian party.

No one is gonna "yeah, but" me when the evidence shows that both parties have cause our demise.

Now, if the Repubs want to ease up on the religious matter and allow true conservative gov't reform to happen. Then we can talk.
The truth of open borders is coming home to roost in Europe. It proves, without a shadow of a doubt, there is only one Solution and it must be Final.
The Democrats and Republicans have failed us. If you can't get to that acceptance without using a "yeah, but" then it's gonna be hard for you to understand why I would vote for the Libertarian party.

No one is gonna "yeah, but" me when the evidence shows that both parties have cause our demise.

Now, if the Repubs want to ease up on the religious matter and allow true conservative gov't reform to happen. Then we can talk.
God did not do it, evil politicians did.
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God did not do it, evil politicians did.

No one said it was God, Warrior. But self righteous Evangelicals sure use gov't to judge how they think their God would want it.

Here's a novice idea. Let God beyond death make the judgement. What you fail to realize Warrior, no one gives a shit about what a religious person's opinion on societal matters anymore. The GOP needs to quit playing God. Period. Rand Paul doesn't do it. Why can't Republicans leave their beliefs at home and quit trying to politicizing them?
What you fail to realize Warrior, no one gives a shit about what a religious person's opinion on societal matters anymore.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This could really be a reason for so many problems.
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Not picking Newt may have been a stroke of genius. He can now shred Hussein and Hillary without restriction.

Genius. Except maybe for all those anti-Trump tweets from Pence.

And I wasn't really thinking that Trump has been holding back. What would removing restrictions involve? Actually baring his ass like a mandrill?
The Hussein Administration, bolstered by an electorate enamored by the thought of completing a social experiment, has sold western civilization down the river. Hillary and a completely uninformed electorate will seal the deal.
What you fail to realize Warrior, no one gives a shit about what a religious person's opinion on societal matters anymore.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This could really be a reason for so many problems.

Not really. That's just you're anxiety acting up.
We have an entire generation that has been trained on what to think. They are indoctrinated. They have no idea how to think. They have no critical thinking skills. Their response to everything is an Ad Hominem attack with you are whatever. F^&k them!
Why do intolerant people not see the difference in a belief and a reality? Can people not see good in what the bible teaches? Is it so damn bad to have a belief system that challenges you to be a better person in some way?

Getting away from that is exactly what sent these democrats down their idiotic path, believe that!

Nobody gives a damn how you live or what you believe.......but I will say if you let someone else's belief system effect your votes politically your sheep divided no different than race, ethnicity, financial or anything common divide these politicians have you divided by.

Congrats tho, not believing is a great accomplishment.
The nomination of Trump proves liberals are winning the battle of ideas. Everything is moving towards what I believe in, not away from it.
Trump is a business man. Politics are but a waste of time here. America is a business. Realistically has he even spoken a single political belief his whole campaign? I haven't heard a thing that was not in some sort of way business.
I really wish there were a way to separate all these Beyotch ass left idiots who want my kids to grow up around terrorists and the more sensible Americans into different areas. Give them the area that allows these pieces of garbage who will being NOTHING but bloodshed to our country and the rest of us can live elsewhere surrounded by a big ass wall with all our guns patrolling the border.

They can live with the terrorists in their gun free safe place.

We can then see which society does better and at the end one of us will get to laugh and say told ya so.. but the terrorist lovers will probably all be dead so it won't matter.
The nomination of Trump proves liberals are winning the battle of ideas. Everything is moving towards what I believe in, not away from it.

Do explain..

..I think the only reason trump was nominated is because people are sick of the PC bullshit. Period. I don't believe it goes much further than people are sick and tired of being called a racist for not posing the black girl in the clothing ad the correct way. Or a bigot for not wanting their daughter peeing next to a 40 year old man. Etc etc
Video of the truck mowing down the all welcoming French is f^^kin crazy. France opened the hen house to a chicken fox.
The nomination of Trump proves liberals are winning the battle of ideas. Everything is moving towards what I believe in, not away from it.

What? Ive got news for you Z, Trump isn't a liberal.
He's a hybrid of both parties, he's got a lot of what Democrats used to be, and he's got a lot of what republicans are today as far as tough on borders, and terrorism.
Social issues aren't even on his radar, and neither is religion. I'm sure they're both important to him, but not the main issue.
All the evidence? Right now he is beating her in swing states without having spent so much as a penny in them on advertisements. Trump will beat Hillary IF the Republicans get off their asses in every state and vote. He will draw in enough independents and democrats who despise Clinton to win this thing if he gets the support from his own base.
Sorry to disagree, but I'm not part of Trump's 'base' and I'm a registered Republican. Trump is not a Republican, and he's certainly not Conservative. Trump's campaign has been despicable, and for anyone who has been paying attention, he's pretty much walked back everything he touted during the primaries. Trump has made it clear he doesn't want or need the Never Trump camp's support to win.....we'll see if that's true come November. I've held my nose in the past to vote for the likes of Dole, Romney, McCain, et. al. because they at least had some redeeming qualities. Trump doesn't even have that going for him. Trump is a political neophyte who struggles to string together a coherent sentence, let alone a coherent policy on, well, anything. Unfortunately, the current uneducated electorate is now reaping what it has sown by having a terrible candidate and a worse candidate to choose from: neither option bodes well for America's future.
The Democrats and Republicans have failed us. If you can't get to that acceptance without using a "yeah, but" then it's gonna be hard for you to understand why I would vote for the Libertarian party.

No one is gonna "yeah, but" me when the evidence shows that both parties have cause our demise.

Now, if the Repubs want to ease up on the religious matter and allow true conservative gov't reform to happen. Then we can talk.
Never "yeah but"'d you. Just simply asking why a person would throw away their vote. Do you honestly see/have though in recent past that a Libertarian has had even the slightest glimmer of hope to win the nomination? I agree that most times Dems and Repubs suck and it comes down to the lesser of two evils, but that is the horrible reality we live in. Both sides are too stuck in their views to ever go for someone with common sense from both sides. Trump is the closest thing that I believe we have had in a long time that can be an across the aisle type even with his far-right immigration speak. I do think he will change his tune of actually elected and will be a more modern republican and I think that is what will eventually right the American ship.
Why do intolerant people not see the difference in a belief and a reality? Can people not see good in what the bible teaches? Is it so damn bad to have a belief system that challenges you to be a better person in some way?

Getting away from that is exactly what sent these democrats down their idiotic path, believe that!

Nobody gives a damn how you live or what you believe.......

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Never "yeah but"'d you. Just simply asking why a person would throw away their vote. Do you honestly see/have though in recent past that a Libertarian has had even the slightest glimmer of hope to win the nomination? I agree that most times Dems and Repubs suck and it comes down to the lesser of two evils, but that is the horrible reality we live in. Both sides are too stuck in their views to ever go for someone with common sense from both sides. Trump is the closest thing that I believe we have had in a long time that can be an across the aisle type even with his far-right immigration speak. I do think he will change his tune of actually elected and will be a more modern republican and I think that is what will eventually right the American ship.

So I should compromise and just keep sticking with the Evangelical led Republican party that is killing true gov't reform. Nope, I'll stick with the Libertarian party. Will vote Trump only for the SCOTUS.
So I should compromise and just keep sticking with the Evangelical led Republican party that is killing true gov't reform. Nope, I'll stick with the Libertarian party. Will vote Trump only for the SCOTUS.
The Republican party hasn't been led by evangelicals in quite a while, which IMHO, is precisely why the party has been basically rudderless since Reagan. As of now, our 2 party system consists of the Dems who boo'd God at the DNC in 2012, and which stands firmly opposed to every Judeo-Christian value this nation was founded upon, and the current iteration of the Republican party which is now trying to run as far away from those same Judeo-Christian principles as it can get in an effort to embrace the same secular Godless platform the Libs have used over the past 100 years to drive this once great nation to the precipice of collapse.

With the exception of a handful of elected officials, we now choose between Dems and Dem Lites (ie: RINOS, etc.). Libs have said that Ronald Reagan would not be a viable candidate in today's Republican party, and I didn't believe them until I saw the Republican primary voters thumb their nose at Ted Cruz and choose Trump. I'm not saying Cruz is Reagan, but he's the closest thing to Reagan I've ever had the opportunity to vote for, and he couldn't get the support of the party. Conventional wisdom now says that a principled conservative Christian candidate is too far from the mainstream to win an election and have the opportunity fix our nation's woes --- and this might be correct. However, given the recent decline of our nation both economically and morally over the past 20-25 years, I'd sure love to give it a try --- can't get much worse!
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The Republican party hasn't been led by evangelicals in quite a while, which IMHO, is precisely why the party has been basically rudderless since Reagan. Libs have said that Ronald Reagan would not be a viable candidate in today's Republican party, and I didn't believe them until I saw the Republican primary voters thumb their nose at Ted Cruz and choose Trump. I'm not saying Cruz is Reagan, but he's the closest thing to Reagan I've had the opportunity to vote for,

Do what? There isn't a Republican candidate who isn't vetted unless they suck God's dick. Until Trump.

You're second point is absolutely bullshit. Ted Cruz is Ronald Reagan lite? GTFO here with that bullshit. Ronald would roll over in the grave over that comparison.

If you have ever read Jeremy Toobin's the Nine. You'd see how exactly how the Evangelicals got mixed in with conservative politics and it had nothing to do with Reagan.
Willy...Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers -- I didn't say Cruz was Reagan. What I said is that he's the closest thing to Reagan I've ever had the opportunity to vote for. He articulated Conservative principles and he pushed back consistently against the current crop of RINO leadership.

As to the evangelical vetting, the current party powers pay the Christian aspect lip service (no pun intended in reference to your remark), but it's disingenuous -- it's become pretty evident that they just do it to save face in hopes of not alienating the Christian vote. Based upon recent party trends, the current Republican party leadership wants God and social issues as far out of the equation as possible when it comes 'nut cuttin' time'.
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Willy...Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers -- I didn't say Cruz was Reagan...just saying he's the closest thing to Reagan I've ever had the opportunity to vote for. He articulated Conservative principles and he pushed back consistently against the current crop of RINO leadership. As to the evanangelical vetting, the current party powers pay the Christian aspect lip service (no pun intended in reference to your remark), but it's disingenuous -- it's become pretty evident that they just do it to save face in hopes of not alienating the Christian vote. Based upon recent party trends, the current Republican party leadership wants God and social issues as far out of the equation as possible when it comes 'nut cuttin' time'.

I apologize for the harshness. But what you are saying just isn't right. The Republican party is definitely trying to keep its roots into the Evangelicals. Ronald wasn't your typical Christian. The guy believed in aliens too. He was not the root. The Federalists (as they called themselves- young group of renounced upper professional Republicans) merged the Evangelicals into Reagan's group.

Cruz is one of the worst candidates I have ever seen. He ranks with Kerry and Hilldawg. Awful. Matter of fact. I'll be honest. If I saw Ted Cruz in emergency care, I might let him die. That's how much I hate him. I don't think he represents true conservative gov't.
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I apologize for the harshness. But what you are saying just isn't right. The Republican party is definitely trying to keep its roots into the Evangelicals. Ronald wasn't your typical Christian. The guy believed in aliens too. He was not the root. The Federalists (as they called themselves- young group of renounced upper professional Republicans) merged the Evangelicals into Reagan's group.

Cruz is one of the worst candidates I have ever seen. He ranks with Kerry and Hilldawg. Awful. Matter of fact. I'll be honest. If I saw Ted Cruz in emergency care, I might let him die. That's how much I hate him. I don't think he represents true conservative gov't.
No offense taken...I think we're generally on the same page on most things -- or at least same area code :) Just curious as to why you dislike Cruz so may have outlined it in other posts, but there's now 500+ pages in this thread and I'm lazy. Cliff's Notes -- or Willy's Notes --- version will suffice :)
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